Shouldnt the Judge of all the earth do right?(v. 25). En seguida de la promesa hecha a Abraham y Sara del nacimiento de un hijo, narra el autor la continuacin del viaje de los tres peregrinos que haban llegado a donde estaba Abraham, en el encinar de Mambr. Y dijo: No la destruir, si hallare all cuarenta y cinco. What if there are thirty found there? He said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there., 31He said, See now, I have taken it on myself to speak to the Lord. Dios no especifica la naturaleza del pecado que han cometido, pero s dice que es grave. No la destruir, respondi, por amor a los diez. He has boldly challenged God on ethical grounds, but realizes that he may have gone too far. With a wonderful mixed metaphor, our passage captures the dynamics of Christian discipleship. Prdications Protestantes dans les Alpes du sud. 25Be it far from you to do things like that, to kill the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be like the wicked. 24Quiz hay cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad: destruirs tambin y no perdonars al lugar por cincuenta justos que estn dentro de l? Cuando Eva llega, Adn se llena de alegra. The World English Bible is based on the American Standard Version (ASV) of the Bible, the Biblia Hebraica Stutgartensa Old Testament, and the Greek Majority Text New Testament. Although Abraham does not mention Lots name here, Lot and his family settled in the vicinity of Sodom and Gomorrah, and Abrahams concern surely stems in significant measure from his concern for Lots family. b. What if ten are found there? (v. 32a). Then he respectfully submits another possibility this time lowering the number by another ten. The gospel lectionary this week from Luke includes Lukes introduction of the Lords Prayer, when the disciples ask Jesus to teach them how to pray. Abraham could as easily ask, Suppose there is only one righteous person? The ethical question whether God will punish the innocent along with the guilty is the same whether there is one righteous person or fifty. The people smeared her with honey from top to toe, and exposed her to where bees would be attracted to her. Si encuentro en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, la perdonar en atencin a ellos. Brueggemann, Walter, Interpretation Commentary: Genesis (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982). Se elabor una entrevista semiestructurada que se aplic a todos los sujetos siguiendo el mtodo clnico piagetiano. In this fascinating back-and-forth between Abraham and the Lord, Abraham urges the Lord toward mercy, fulfilling the purpose of the covenant.4. 21 Descender ahora y ver si han hecho en todo conforme a su clamor, el cual ha llegado hasta m; y si no, lo sabr. Sin embargo, la accin de Lot muestra el requisito de esa cultura para que un anfitrin proteja a sus invitados a todo coste. 29 Haba por all un vaso lleno de vinagre. In chapter 18, Abraham showed effusive hospitality to three men (Yahweh and two angels see 18:22; 19:1). Abram graciously gave Lot his choice, saying, "Isn't the whole land before you? Amos 4:11; 2 Pedro 2:8). Preaching and teaching from the prophets is already difficult. Reflexiones Cristianas para Pensar y Meditar. We are reminded of an earlier occasion when Yahweh saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually (6:5). Ainsi il est au commencement de toute l'histoire d'Isral et de l'instauration de la nation et religion juive, dont notre religion chrtienne tient ses racines. If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sake. How can Abraham counter that? Traduccin por ngeles Aller. desaparecido (Keil); no para evitar ms splicas por parte de Abraham (Delitzsch), sino por la razn especificada en las siguientes palabras, tan pronto como dej de comunicarse con Abraham (porque las splicas de Abraham terminaron): y Abraham regres a su lugar (viz; Maduro cerca de Hebrn). Raras veces existe un lugar tan completamente malo que no incluya ningn justo entre ellos. The text does not specify whether God is talking to himself or Abraham, but Gods decision not to keep Abraham in the dark (v. 19) suggests that God is addressing these words to Abraham. He decides to tone down his rhetoric. Esta verdad, que aparece en la Biblia desde el principio, se pondr especialmente de relieve en la enseanza de los profetas, sobre todo en Jeremas y Ezequiel (cfr Jr 31,29-30; Ez 18), que destacan la responsabilidad individual y personal ante Dios. 27 Despus le dice al discpulo: Aqu tienes a tu madre. Now he takes the next step, reminding God who God is the Judge of all the earth the one who loves righteousness and hates wickedness (Psalm 45:7). With perhaps the pinnacle of Sodoms depravity is mercilessness.6 (Far too often in a lexically ingrained way! He has won the argument or has he? I will not do it for the fortys sake (v. 29b). SCRIPTURE QUOTATIONS are from the World English Bible (WEB), a public domain (no copyright) modern English translation of the Holy Bible. 24-25). We draw on the witness of scripture. Pero Dios le sorprende al concordar con l. Ainsi Abraham ne prie pas seulement pour sa famille, mais pour que tous soient aussi sauvs. La Palabra le dio vida a todo lo creado, y su vida trajo luz a todos" - Juan 1:1-4 (NTV) RECURSOS PARA PREDICAR TEXTO CITADO DE LAS SAGRADAS ESCRITURAS procede de Spanish Reina Valera, situada en No la destruir, respondi, por amor de los veinte. Moreover, we have those life experiences of God allowing or causing things to happen that defy our understanding of a good or powerful God. This verse is not included in the reading, but should be. Una seleccin de Mensajes cortos, positivos y prcticos sobre algn aspecto de la vida desde una perspectiva bblica. Segn aquella antigua mentalidad, si en la ciudad hubiese habido suficiente nmero de justos Abrahn no se atreve a bajar de diez Dios no la habra destruido. Gnesis 12:1-3 explica como Dios prometi a Abram una tierra, una nacin y una bendicin. Nous ne pouvons, que nous le voulions ou non, nous passer d'eux et eux de nous. What is it that the people of Sodom have done? 22Y apartronse de all los varones, y fueron hacia Sodoma: mas Abraham estaba an delante de Jehov. No la destruir, respondi, por amor a los veinte. We notice that this section of the text does not go into the specific details of Sodom and Gomorrahs sin. Interestingly, God does not say if regarding the numbers forty, twenty, or ten. He is dust and ashes formed from the dust of the earth and destined to return to dust. On the one hand we know God because we have God's own revelation. Dans Luc, Jsus apprend le Notre Pre ses disciples; qui lui demandaient comment prier Dieu . Fretheim, Terence E., The Book of Genesis, The New Interpreters Bible, Volume 1: General Old Testament Articles, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus (Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. As the narrative makes this shift, keep in mind the Lord's question to Abraham (and indirectly to Sarah and to all of us who might giggle at the ridiculous promises of the Lord), "Is . 30 Jess, cuando prob el vinagre, dijo: Todo est consumado. Ahora Abraham duda que haya treinta justos en Sodoma. When the three men leave, Abraham is still standing before the Lord. La noche es el tiempo favorable para actuar a escondidas, por tanto, para Jacob es el tiempo mejor para entrar en el territorio de su hermano sin ser visto y quizs con el plan de tomar por sorpresa a Esa. Es el Seor que le ha dado vida, y Abraham sigue viviendo por la gracia de Dios. Of course the narrative continues into Genesis 19, wherein it does not turn out so well for Sodom and Gomorrah.5 Gods judgment rains down upon Sodom. Y dijo Jacob cuando los vio: Campamento de Dios es este; y llam el nombre de aquel lugar . Will the one who requires righteousness and justice from others fail to act righteously and justly himself? Please separate yourself from me. "En su angustia [Jacob] or a Dios durante toda la noche. First Reading View Bible Text Commentary on Genesis 18:20-32 Whenever we think about or talk about God, there is a wonderful tension between certainty and mystery. 20Yahweh said, Because the cry (Hebrew: zaaqa) of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous, 21 I will go down now, and see whether their deeds are as bad as the reports (Hebrew: seaqa) which have come to me. En su intercesin por Sodoma y Gomorra, Abrahn argumenta desde una visin de responsabilidad colectiva, tal como era entendida antiguamente en Israel: todo el pueblo participaba de la misma suerte, aunque no todos hubiesen pecado, pues el pecado de unos afectaba a todos. Cada reflexin nos ayudar a meditar sobre el valor de la vida, la familia, la amistad, el perdn, la fidelidad, el compromiso, la . Especficamente, Dios le prometi la gran . Additionally, in verse 24 Abraham uses the particle lay, translated as perhaps. Perhaps there will be a certain number of righteous people in the city. Hre deine Lieblingssongs aus dem Album Votre Rflexion Sur Paysage de Rve von Musique Calme et Relaxation. If God is God, and we are humans, how can we ultimately understand Gods nature and Gods ways? Y una vez ms las Escrituras nos llevan al inicio con Adn y Eva para . At the same time, Abrahams faithful embodiment of the covenant petitions the Lord from justice to mercy. Another example of the tension between certainty and mystery is in Gods own word, if, repeated in verse 26 (if I find fifty), verse 28 (if I find forty-five) and verse 30 (if I find thirty).2Could it be that God genuinely does not know how many righteous people are in the city? We experience God at work in our own world and in our own lives. Ha terminado su conversacin con Abraham. Gense 18, 20-32 En ces jours-l,les trois visiteurs d'Abraham allaient partir pour Sodome. E inclinando la cabeza, entreg el espritu. 3 Genesis 19:1 reports that two angels/messengers arrive at Sodom. 2:23 Dijo entonces Adn: Esto es ahora hueso de mis huesos y carne de mi carne; sta ser llamada Varona, porque del varn fue tomada. C'est le premier homme qui Dieu se fera connatre. En captulo 18, Abraham mostr una exagerada hospitalidad hacia los tres hombres (Yahv y dos ngeles vase 18:22; 19:1). However, at some point, even God cannot turn the situation around and still be just; judgment must fall. Y Abraham replic y dijo: He aqu ahora que he comenzado hablar mi Seor, aunque soy polvo y ceniza (v. 27). But on the other hand, at some level, God remains mysterious. Versculo 19:1 especifica que estos varones son ngeles. Algo ha de andar mal. En Gnesis 18:1 se indica que el Seor se le apareci a Abraham. He has introduced the ethical dilemma and now makes it specific. Si hallare en Sodoma cincuenta justos dentro de la ciudad, perdonar todo este lugar por amor de ellos. Cmo puede Abraham contestar esto? Chapter 13 reports that Abram and Lot became sufficiently affluent that the land was not able to bear them, that they might live together (13:6), so they agreed to separate. In verse 24, Abraham repeats that, and then in verse 25 he uses another exclamation, halilah, often translated as far be it, or never. These minor words of Abraham point to the way that Abraham understands God to operate within a certain framework, that God would surely not destroy righteous or refuse to forgive. debis orar sino vivir como Abraham. Brueggemann, Walter, Interpretation Commentary: Genesis (Atlanta: John Knox Press, 1982). Si nous prions sans nous cacher les laideurs de ce monde, Abraham prie mme pour les mchants de Sodome et dans sa prire, ce sont aussi des visages qui dfilent, de gens quil a croiss, cest dune intercession personnalise quil sagit. When God tries to reassure Abraham that he will conduct a thorough investigation, Abraham is not reassured. Sujetaron una esponja empapada en el vinagre a una caa de hisopo y se la acercaron a la boca. Jehov ha odo el clamor contra Sodoma y Gomorra supuestamente de los que han sufrido bajo los residentes de las dos ciudades quiz tambin de aqullos que, aunque no hayan sido vctimas, se sienten ofendidos por su inmoralidad. The tension ought not be erased, lest God's justice be undermined. 18:9-15 Dnde est Sara tu mujer? Completo lo que falta a los padecimientos de Crist Abrahn recibe a tres peregrinos (Gn 18,1-10a), Es asequible cumplir con la ley de Dios (Dt 30,10-14). Afirm que estaba profundamente arrepentido de sus pecados El patriarca luch</p> He senses that he has won too easily. Mais Dieu, avant de laccomplir, prouve le besoin d'en rfrer Abraham qu'il considre comme son ami, avec lequel il aurait besoin de partager ses projets, en quelque sorte pour les valider, comme il le ferait avec son confident. 02 Abraham leva les yeux, et il vit trois hommes qui se tenaient debout prs de lui. Et pour illustrer son propos, il leur raconte une parabole : Celle d'un homme qui reoit en pleine nuit, un visiteur qu'il n'attendait pas et pour lequel, devant son insistance et son obstination, il est oblig d'aller en pleine nuit chercher du pain chez son voisin : Jsus nous apprend ainsi ce qu'est la prire d'intercession. What if there are fifty righteous within the city? Oh dont let the Lord be angry, and I will speak just once more. El juez de toda la tierra, no ha de hacer lo que es justo? (v. 25). In fact, Genesis 19 is not included in the Revised Common Lectionary, nor is Ezekiel 16, where verse 49 details Sodoms sin as arrogance, an abundance of food and ease without care of the poor and needy. 18 Car Abraham doit devenir une nation grande et puissante, et toutes les nations de la terre doivent tre bnies en lui. San Martn, UNSAM Edita. If there are righteous people living in Sodom and Gomorrah, can God justify inflicting the same punishment on them that he inflicts on the guilty? Gnesis 18. C'tait l'heure la plus chaude du jour. Lectura del libro del Gnesis 18, 20-32. 28What if there will lack five of the fifty righteous? 1 El SEOR se le apareci a Abraham al lado de los robles de Mamr mientras estaba sentado en la entrada de su carpa a la hora ms calurosa del da. Perhaps one homiletical possibility with this text is deconstructing this narrow understanding of the sin of Sodom. C'est ici que ce rcit nous concerne et nous interpelle en particulier; et qu'il nous pose quelques questions essentielles relatives notre prochain. What if ten are found there?, He said, I will not destroy it for the tens sake.. Hay en la Biblia captulos especialmente importantes, y ste es uno de ellos porque relata el momento culminante en la vida de Jacob. Captulos: Gnesis 1 Gnesis 2 Genesis 3 Gnesis 4 Gnesis 5 Gnesis 6 Gnesis 7 Gnesis 8 Gnesis 9 Deception. Abram lived in the land of Canaan, and Lot lived in the cities of the plain, and moved his tent as far as Sodom (13:12). When the people of Admah heard of this infraction of the law of the land, they seized the girl and arraigned her before the judge, who condemned her to death. Al sacar el tema de los cincuenta justos, dibuja una lnea en la arena. 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