if you want beefier you can just build it up and clad it. For interior work you'd usually use steel floor jacks designed to support "buildings". Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Even with your light load, you are pushing at 20' plus the uplift and side shear for the wind. Due to the larger dimension and surface area, its able to withstand such load before bending. or 453 kg. Yes, it was for doug fir. I've looked at larger beams, but there is always a point where increasing beam size gets prohibitive, either because of cost or beam height. 48. From small appliances to large structures like houses and bridges, you can see the prevailing usage of wood. The thing as designed is fine and is not going anywhere. All load capacities are based on axial loads with no moments. In axial compression, wood is typically good for at least 1200 pounds per square inch, so a 6"x6" true dimension post would have an area of 36 square inches, and would be good for about 40,000 pounds in pure axial compression. If you want to test for moisture content before you buy, pick up a moisture meter. A well-cured Cedar has a load resistance of 7,500 PSI and compressive strength of 4560 PSI. Assuming #2 grade, the Fc = 525 psi and E = 1.2. S, 2023 Physics Forums, All Rights Reserved. I just wanted a general opinion based on what you guys have built in the past. That makes approximate sense, as the ratio of the area of a square, with side 2r, to that of a circle w/ radius = r, is 4 to 3.14. Default is 50 psf which you can change. MDF is a lightweight composite material in the world of carpentry. For that reason, most large timber frame operations carry their own in-house grading and engineering and then of course the liability coverage to protect themselves. I am going to place wooden shelves and supplies on top. It's not area, as strength was given as proportional to r^3 for either circular or square (with different scaling constants) and w x h^2 for rectangular in a horizontal configuration. While a nail gun is an ideal tool for the job, there are ways to install baseboards without one. Jim - Feb 2018 to present - Chevy Bolt EV- 37,000+ miles, Orlan EKO 40, Forced Air Furnace HX - Sold to a good home.
This means that our 4-ply 2 X 12 will be 4 X 1-1/2 inches wide or 6 inches. What are the Max Watts on a 15/20 Amp Circuit? It then determines the total load from each tributary area based on the design load of your deck. I hope you'll enjoy all those and find them useful in your daily life. However, it is highly advisable not to push the 2x4 material up to its limit. Therefore, a deck of 120 square feet multiplied by 50 shows that your deck can hold 6000 pounds, including the structure. I'm concerned that a 4x4" would not provide enough load-bearing capacity, but I have no engineering background. The standard 8 feet 24 stud for framing work should withstand around 1000 lbs. Eventually, you will find the appropriate weight capacity of your structure. imagelinks2[2]="https://www.youtube.com/c/TheForestryForum?sub_confirmation=1"
You probably found this (douglas fir-larch), not aspen.
So, I think I'll just go down 3' on the new "deck", though if I hire my neighbor's Bobcat w/ a hole driller, then 4' won't hurt so much. I want to have a 10' clear height for a room, so I'll be walking around some naked (unsupported) posts. For example, a lumber piece of Fir Douglas tested parallel to the grain will have 12,400 PSI of weight capacity. There are a couple of types of hurricane ties that will work for the rafters with all of the Simpsons being adequate, nailing them on is also fine, no need for screws, as long as you use the nails specified on the simpson web site, fill every hole, and don't leave any just bent over. Question The choices on the list are kiln dried pine, green oak, pressure treated above ground, and pressure treated below ground. Tension loads have been increased for wind or seismic loading with no further increase allowed; reduce where other loads govern. The flat-faced 24 wood can withstand 20-30 pounds of weight without deforming. Capacities are per post/column and allow for a safety factor of 5. Industrial Quality Abrasives Manufactured by Leading US and Foreign Companies TradeSoft Seamless Management Software to Improve Estimating, Job Costing, Scheduling, Purchasing, Shipping, and Shop Floor Data Collection Old Wood International seller of fine wood floors including very wide planks, end grain wood blocks, and architectural elements. A piece of wood can carry so much weight per square inch of footprint. Standard treated wood has about 0.06 lbs/cubic foot chemical retention while wood treated for ground contact has about 0.15 lbs/cubic foot. var ry=Math.floor(Math.random()*myimages2.length)
Elastic ratios for various wood species at approximately 12% moisture content - see bottom of webpage. However, an 8-foot 44 supports 6468-pounds and 2339-pounds at 14-feet, while a 66 is 18032 and 10550-pounds respectively - or 64% and 78% more load capacity. imagelinks[1]="http://www.ezboardwalk.com/"
But you need to add up the loads based on values that go with your allowable stress. //specify random images below. A 6610-foot long treated post weighs about 153 pounds immediately after being pressure-treated, but it will only weigh around 87 pounds after it has had time to dry out. We have received your request and will respond promptly. Posts are held to concrete footings with metal brackets, they are further supported 3' up by the floor framing and then again by the roof structure. For a general idea, we have rounded up these table types and their weight capacity. if(typeof fbuilderjQuery=='undefined'&&typeof jQuery!='undefined')fbuilderjQuery=jQuery.noConflict(); First, select whether or not you have treated wood. var imagelinks=new Array()
In addition, a table generally consists of several parts like legs, a frame, and a top panel. But you need to add up the loads based on values that go with your allowable stress. All rights reserved. I don't know where you are located but around here the 8x8 PT posts are located next to the 6x6 PT posts in all three building supply stores. One thing to keep in mind, as the length of the stud increases, the weight capacity will decrease accordingly. 3 Trusses made with 6x6 overall size is 12x12 4.5 pitch, 2x6 T&G decking , 8x8 columns, 8x8 carrying beam to span 12' center to center at columns read more. Always use eye protection and gloves when operating power tools. In addition to aromatic smell and bug-repelling capability, its very advantageous to use in wardrobes and wooden instruments. We'll say the tributary load of your interior deck footing is 3000 pounds. From the above list, we see Cedar falls into the lighter wood category. Login with username, password and session length. Over 200+ free JavaScripts here! We have not been in the house long. How Much Weight Can a 66 Post Support. / 185 KG) Polaris 800 TITAN Adventure 155 (658 lbs. Allowable wood stress in compression parallel to grain is 850 PSI. The most common species of dimensional building lumber (e.g. Then the simpson strong ties that connect the beam to post will be a T shape bracket. 6x6 is perfectly fine. myimages[5]="../../../images/top-banner/cookie-mizer.jpg"
Loads must be concentrically distributed evenly over the top of the column shaft.
However, if the post is a stronger grade, the strength goes up quite dramatically. I hope that clears up the confusion. To fix the weak link, add more strength or change the material. So, I'd figure on using four 55 gallon barrels just to support the weight of the floating pier. I recently looked up the conversion from square to round because I want to build a woodshed from all the dead balsam fir poles on my property. john. The lumber weight calculator below will estimate the weight, specific gravity, and density of any species of wood. Effective post lengths, l e, are the actual wall height minus the thickness of (3) 2x plates (4 1/2"). For maximum design load you should be safe using 400 psi, that's about 12,000 lbs. Stoves: BIS Ultima, Napoleon 1100CP, Woodstock Fireview. The current post is a wooden "I-beam" that has bowed out from the wall, along the axis of the center of the "I" (That is to say it has bowed toward the cap of the I). Now, I have discovered that I enjoy creating various shapes and DIY wood stuff using different types of wood tools and techniques. Our Large Pontoon Floats (22 x 24 x . Let's change that area of 2 square feet into inches. How do I like my Vermont Castings Dauntless? After it comes through the planer it will be 1-1/2" X 11-1/4" (so yes, a 2 X 12 does not measure 2" X 12"). What Size Nail Gun For Fence Pickets - Choose The Right One. This is the moisture meter I use almost on a daily basis. For hemlock/fir beams, this document from the school of architecture at the University of Maryland states that in compressive loads, parallel to the grain, a 6x6 post 10 feet in length, can support 4400 lbs. ry=1
Next time, I'll send in a sketch. You need to place the stud vertically to achieve this particular weight resistance limit. Cedar is a very popular and widely available wood type for carpentry work. A 44 lumber with a length of 8 feet can resist weight from 6000-6500 lbs. JavaScript is disabled. Wood used for furniture and for appearance is often of a hardwood (or Pine) variety. 16. Find out what kind of steel it is, and google mild steel. Why not beef up the beams and eliminate the posts? What's the load capacity of 6 aluminium posts?
Enter the moisture content in the calculator and hit enter. woodworkbykirk journeyman carpenter Joined Sep 25, 2011 3,483 Posts And thats why contractors mostly use Hickory for flooring and other heavy loads. Related Lumber Wood Engineering Data: Structural Wood Lumber Engineering Properties 5" and Larger It does not have the strength of solid wood but it can sustain a small to medium load at a much cheaper cost. kips = 1000 pounds. Greg is very creative and can help you with a . Lag bolts are used when loads are of relatively large magnitude need to be transmitted through a joint and when an excessively long bolt would be required to make a connection or when one side of a through bolted connection may be inaccessible. Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Finally select a type. The cost difference between the 6x6 and the 8x8 are minimal. You can load a 6" x 6" post that is up to about 10 feet tall that is sitting under a spreader beam and on a sill. Installing new baseboards can be tricky, especially if you don't have the right tools. Yeah I was looking for different ways to strengthen the top for winds but not to sure how to go about it. For headers, the maximum span is 11' 2". You can use your mousewheel to scroll though all of the pictures. For example, a brick wall is going to be much stronger and able to hold more weight than a drywall. Use 2x4s sistered together. If it is a complex design, focus on the geometry of the structure. Using a 58 inch (1.6 cm) drill bit in your power drill, drill a hole into the center of 4 of the caps. It is right above the section you referenced). For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Description 8 x 8 timbers are sturdy and heavy-duty. Info for store-bought 8x8's, etc, would be nice, too. The higher your deck is off the ground, however, the less weight per square foot it can take. What method are you using to connect the beams where they meet at each corner? They also can be especially effective when withdrawal loads of large magnitude are anticipated. Reinforced concrete integrated T-beam, girder, and 1-way slab calculator: New and improved! Treated wood has chemicals (usually MCA or micronized copper azole) in it that will slightly increase the weight. It is roughly 4,300 LBS for the entire post. myimages[1]="../../../images/top-banner/ez50-banner.jpg"
Serving North Marin & West Sonoma Counties in the San Francisco North Bay area of Northern California. Multiply the loading per square foot by the area in square feet of the surface which the beams will be supporting. With symmetrical and equal loads the support forces also will be symmetrical and equal. The width, 12', will be spanned w/ 2x10's, 16" O.C.
Toolsmirror is a group of co-fighters led by Engr. This product is green (wet) and is best suited for outdoor applications. Review - Regency Cascades I1500 Hybrid Catalytic Fireplace Insert, The Hearth Room - Wood Stoves and Fireplaces. 900 pounds. Higher values are safer. I could not tell how wide the garage is, perhaps 14 feet or so? Help my basement may not be structurally sound. All that said, I can not guarantee that my deck, on the side 12' from the house, does not float up and down a tad. Such calculations would hold if, for instance, the load is square. To compensate for increases, you'll need to use 210 joists at 12" o.c. Additional information Related products 6" x 6" timbers are suitable for heavy-duty looking fence, pergola, or gate posts. Modulus of elasticity also referred to as Tensile Modulus or Young's Modulus.
your "I-beam" would have been fine if it was screwed instead of nailed I bet, or even just used straighter lumber. Then you show a "2x10x12 double" as the outside beam. Thanks for the input; suggestions/questions are always welcome. I also built my addition, about 25 yrs ago, slab on grade, no foundation wall. The above listed weights are approximates and are intended as a general guideline only. One thing to keep in mind, not all wood types have the same strength level. /*
First, you must consider the amount of weight your deck can hold from the ground up. Wood glue or white adhesives are a fairly strong joiner. 400200. You are using an out of date browser. imagelinks2[1]="https://www.youtube.com/c/TheForestryForum?sub_confirmation=1"
Are you planning to apply your own safety factor or are you really looking for the maximum allowable load capacity? 18', 20', 22', 24'. In both theory and practice, most decks built with traditional wood framing are designed to carry loads of about 50 pounds per square foot (PSF). imagelinks[6]="http://www.ezboardwalk.com/"
You indicate that the four posts support two 24 foot long beams. Ps. For example, 4 x 6 lumber is not on the list, but you can simply choose 2 x 6 and double the value. Is the 30 kip load Dead and Live load? Whether you're a professional or a DIY enthusiast, it's important to choose the right size nail gun for your fence pickets. JavaScript is disabled. link to What Size Nail Gun For Fence Pickets - Choose The Right One, link to How To Install Baseboards Without Nail Gun: DIY Guide, How To Use A Wood Router To Create Beautiful Designs. Wall height is nominal height plus 1 1/8". You can have as many as you wish
For a flat roof with snow loading, this is 25 lbs. spanning the distance. Same goes for a concrete block wall. So if you plan to glue joints that exert more than 3500 PSI, it will probably fail. However, on average, a deck can hold about 100 pounds per square foot. Post heights are based on standard precut stud heights and associated top plate heights. var myimages=new Array()
Therefore a post to support this built-up floor beam will need to be 6" by 6". But using correct properties and conditions, wood can withstand such deformation. 6. To understand how much weight a structure will hold, first, you need to know the weight capacity of each component. Standard treated wood has about 0.06 lbs/cubic foot chemical retention while wood treated for ground contact has about 0.15 lbs/cubic foot. Alloy is the same as 1015 above, but with 0.20% carbon by weight, contributing to a higher overall strength at a slightly lower . myimages[6]="../../../images/top-banner/EZ-junior.jpg"
16,000. random_imglink()
However, that number assumes your deck is to code without the deck's weight taken into account. It may not display this or other websites correctly. How to Install/Lay Shingles Exterior Walls Construction: The Start-to-Finish Guide Cut wood Paneling with a Utility Knife Lap Siding Install Plywood Over Plank Subfloor The Uses of and Challenges in Cutting Formica Joints Miter Scarf and Butt Biscuit Rabbet Clamping Box Joints Protect Corners Cutting Notches Dowel Joints DIY Covering Plastic Edging If you use the right ones in the wrong place, it sure confuses things. From contributor A: A 6 x 8 will span 12' for flooring. To determine the maximum load capacity of your deck, start by calculating its total area and multiply by 50 psf. Just KIloPoundsS? The actual dock will weight by itself 10.5 pounds per square foot. spacing to meet the 50 psf design load. Skip to content CUSTOMER SERVICE:(800) 299-8981 Left Right Currency An 8x8 (even with no load) would sag under its own weight at that distance. (Straight 6x6's are difficult to find), We have reinforced the post. Your local building code will specify the snow load, wind load and dead load you need to design for, ask your building inspector for help interpreting the code if you are not sure what it means. I confess I didn't actually look over the math to see how it was derived. Considerably Higher Load Capacity Than Traditional Posts. I am using 9 - 3" x 6" posts, 3 beams of 2" x 8" (double) beams, 2" x 6" floor joices (16 " inches apart), and the floor is 3/4" plywood. Dunno. I don't know where you are located but around here the 8x8 PT posts are located next to the 6x6 PT posts in all three building supply stores. Insert 1 eyebolt into each hole that you drilled. Specifically I want to compare 4"x8"x8' to 6"x6"x8' douglas fir, or pressure treated pine. I don't see that as particularly odd, but maybe 10' is pushing it???? Is the load centric? That section discusses calc'ing the necessary post diameter with a given load. When you have all the data, take the lowest value and add some safety margin. As for unsupported, yes, if I have my nomenclature correct. imagelinks[4]="http://www.ezboardwalk.com/"
The load capacity of a 3-foot #2 grade 44 is 17,426 pounds, and a similar 66 is 20,834 pounds or 16% better. $75,000. We use cookies on this site to enhance your user experience. */
Required depth is more a function of your frost line than it is how much support you get from going deep. 0 Members and 2 Guests are viewing this topic. on Timber Framing/Log construction. By joining you are opting in to receive e-mail. This number is the footing area - but we need the diameter. Elsewhere you indicate that the beams are 140 inches apart, suggesting that the posts are also space approximately 12 feet apart. That is what has prompted me to create this blog along with other experienced team members to share the new thoughts, tips, and tricks on woodworking, gardening, and outdoor tools with you. We who frequently attempt to create various wooden furniture or crafts as a DIY project, I hope the above knowledge will assist them in building safe and excellent items in the future. Size sqft. S Forums Engineering General Engineering What method are you using to connect the beams where they meet at each corner? The truss design estimates 30,000# on this post. In other words, look at the wood species, post size and load area and you will see the maximum height of post you can safely use. The thicker wood dimensions are less susceptible to bending as the length of the post increases. You will not pay any more than you would going directly to Amazon.com. So a 6x6 post that is really 5.5x5.5 is equivalent to a circular post with a diameter of 6.6". Treated wood has chemicals (usually MCA or micronized copper azole) in it that will slightly increase the weight. For this job, I am sure that 6x6 posts would be very adequate, but for down the road I want to know what 8" and 10" logs will carry. The weight of the lumber is automatically returned in pounds. This is only an average, however. myimages[4]="../../../images/top-banner/ez50-banner.jpg"
Sorry about that. Attach 58 inch (1.6 cm) eyebolts to the caps with nuts and bolts. The ultimate load is the defined by area of the roof carried by each post. Remember, a table will hold the most weight at the center of the plane. It should be noted that those 50 pounds are split unevenly between "dead load" (the static weight of the deck) and "live load" (the added weight of people and amenities on the deck). Beam Weight Calculator / Online Steel Beam Weight Calculator. For example (numbers just to make it easy) - You have an 8x8 and you put in a 2" mortise all the way through. This advertisement will close in seconds. Using the same example 8ft x 16ft x 10.5lbs = 1344 pounds. Is there some reason you are using two different lengths of ledger/beams running parallel to each other? The stand dimensions is : L = 1500mm, W = 1000mm, H = 1000mm ( sorry for metrics.. I'm from SA) I have attached a pic of the stand so you guys can see where it will be braced as well. Wetter wood will be heavier than drier wood. If you buy through them I earn a small commission. Multiply 36 by the total load 50 = 1800 pounds. / 298 KG) As an Amazon Associate I earn small commissions from qualifying purchases through this website. I'm guessing that you'll have close to 600# in the 12'x12' dock with the gangplank resting on it, not including the weight of the hardware and drums. An older calculator that only computes required . Copyright 1998-2023 engineering.com, Inc. All rights reserved.Unauthorized reproduction or linking forbidden without expressed written permission. This calculator determines the size of each tributary area of your deck. A forum community dedicated to Do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts. These numbers were gathered from the internet.>> A piece of yellow pine in an inside dry location can hold 1200 pounds per square inch and a 4" x 4" is really 3 1/2" X 3 1/2" or 12.25 square inches times 1200 is 16150 pounds. myimages[3]="../../../images/top-banner/wm-40-years.jpg"
Safe loads for wood columns. If you chose to use cedar post, its maximum height would be 10 ft. Load Area (sf) per Deck Post. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Glued and screwed) That is stronger than a 4x4. From contributor A: A 6 x 8 will span 12' for flooring. http://books.google.com/books?id=hFk_result&ct=result&resnum=1#v=onepage&q=round.
For this job, I am sure that 6x6 posts would be very adequate, but for down the road I want to know what 8" and 10" logs will carry. Do not get confused with what weight you might think or want to load the deck with. Learn methods and guidelines for using stereolithography (SLA) 3D printed molds in the injection molding process to lower costs and lead time.
How much weight can at post support? So the net weight an 8ft x16ft dock will support is 3,120 - 1344 = 1776 lbs. Reasons such as off-topic, duplicates, flames, illegal, vulgar, or students posting their homework. After 35 yrs it is no longer "perfectly" level, but you have to work at it to notice. Given the acceptable wood grade and moisture content, a 26 lumber beam can carry up to 700lbs. 3. Most building lumber sold at home stores is kiln dried to some extent. Exactly what are the initials for? Safe loads for Wood Columns - No.1 grade Douglas fir-larch: a kip is a non-SI unit of force - it equals 1,000 pounds-force. john, Good God. It will undoubtedly sag over time. So I'm wondering if 6x6 would hold up the roof since they are only $30 each and the simpson strong ties are available. Stone Coverage Calculator for Rock Landscapes, Picture Hanging Calculator with Gallery Spacings, Boulder Wall Calculator for Retaining Walls, Log Weight Calculator for Any Wood Species, Post Hole Calculator for Concrete Embedded Posts, Standard Heights for Light Switches, Outlets & More. To calculate the load, you should use 40lbs per square foot for live loads (these are variable loads that are dynamic such as the weight of people and furniture) and 15 lbs per square foot for dead loads (this is the weight of the materials used for the construction of the deck) for a total load weight of 55 lbs per square foot. What Type Of Wood Can Hold The Most Weight? Typically, a deck can hold a minimum of 50 pounds per square foot. document.write('

As typical post frame construction will have sidewall posts spaced equally, each post carries approximately the same weight. Remarkably, some of it still stands to this date! Structural engineering general discussion Forum, http://www.southernpine.com/designvalues2.htm, https://www.aitc-glulam.org/TechnicalInfo/tables.asp?type=Column, Low-Volume Rapid Injection Molding With 3D Printed Molds, Industry Perspective: Education and Metal 3D Printing. vertically. Post heights are based on standard precut stud heights and associated top plate heights. It is also good to know what factors may affect the span of a 28. Hire an engineer. Cb = Bearing Area Factor per NDS 3.10.4. The vertical load capacity of a "plain" wooden post will depend on its height. In this blog post, we'll help you How To Install Baseboards Without Nail Gun: DIY Guide. Have fun!! During that period, I got first-hand exposure to a wide variety of gardening and cultivation machinery. Depending on various factors, the maximum span for a 28 floor joist is 16' 6". 199. = 9.8 kN Note! Is any of this a roof load? At 6 feet, it's 10,000lbs. imagelinks[2]="https://woodmizer.com/us/Sawmill-Blades?utm_source=forestryforum.com&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=sawmillblades&utm_term=2022-05-01&utm_content=800x160"
If a couple of lags and screws make you feel better, GO FOR IT. They are great little tools and arent too expensive. Green lumber is not recommended for indoor applications. The maximum span for roof rafters is 23' 9". This means that it has to have a moisture content below 19%. ft)= beam spacing x post spacing. Our mission is to provide our readers with the most up-to-date ideas and approaches, as well as reveal the genuine features that will assist them in selecting the best items for their professions and DIY projects. The first thing you should do is check the grade stamp. Shaded values are limited by the perpendicular-to-grain bearing load, P c , when posts bear on wood sill plates. 393.
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Product is green ( wet ) and is best suited for outdoor applications gardening and cultivation machinery 0.06... Modulus or Young & # x27 ;, 22 & # x27 ; 9 & quot.! Of dimensional building lumber ( e.g enough load-bearing capacity, but maybe 10 ' pushing... = 1776 lbs it equals 1,000 pounds-force do n't see that as particularly,... Indicate that the posts are also space approximately 12 feet apart tributary load of your deck can hold 6000,! 2 grade, the maximum load capacity of a 28 through them I earn small commissions from qualifying purchases this! Costs and lead time P c, when posts bear on wood sill plates for wood columns be using... X 12 will be a T shape bracket scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more wall! To 700lbs to glue joints that exert more than you would going directly to Amazon.com this blog post, maximum... Its maximum height would be 10 ft. load area ( sf ) per deck post they meet at each?... Aromatic smell and bug-repelling capability, its able to withstand such load before bending 'll send a! The lighter wood category the less weight per square foot it can take what 's the load the. Total load 50 = 1800 pounds the vertical load capacity of your deck hold! Dimensions are less susceptible to bending as the length of 8 feet can resist weight from 6000-6500 lbs 24! P c, when posts bear on wood sill plates been fine if it was screwed instead of I. And density of any species of wood you do n't see that as particularly,. Do not get confused with what weight you might think or want to test for moisture content below %!: //www.youtube.com/c/TheForestryForum? sub_confirmation=1 '' you indicate that the posts are also space approximately 12 feet apart into. 35 yrs it is, perhaps 14 feet or so tool for the entire post earn small from. # on this post roughly 4,300 lbs for the wind did n't look... So, I got first-hand exposure to a circular post with a given load should withstand around lbs. Such deformation the grade stamp thing as designed is fine and is not anywhere. Dedicated to do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts figure on using four 55 gallon just... So a 6x6 post that is stronger than a drywall 5.5x5.5 is equivalent to a wide variety of and. You using to connect the beams where they meet at each corner tools. Probably fail 20-30 pounds of weight capacity of 6 aluminium posts for interior you!? sub_confirmation=1 '' you probably found this ( Douglas fir-larch ), we have received your request and will promptly! 3 ] = '' https: //www.youtube.com/c/TheForestryForum? sub_confirmation=1 '' you indicate that the posts right one no Engineering.! Them useful in your daily life green oak, pressure treated below ground less susceptible to bending the! 1998-2023 engineering.com, Inc. all Rights Reserved the weight capacity of your interior deck footing is pounds. 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