$1,222. All furniture is expected to be returned to its original placement (bedroom furniture in bedrooms, living room furniture in living rooms etc.) The dean of students or designee will review all documentation associated with the grievance. All forms of gambling are prohibited unless otherwise specifically authorized by Connecticut state law. This notification, including the timing of the notification, is done on a case-by-case basis and strictly at the discretion of the University. Fairfield University will not retaliate against any person because that individual has requested or received a reasonable accommodation in University housing, including a request for a Service or Assistance Animal. The University reserves the right to utilize StagAlert, at its sole discretion, for purposes other than those outlined above. First-years live in traditional residence halls. It is approximately a 15-minute walk from one end of the campus to the other. Your enrollment at the University implies that you accept and agree to comply with the entire contents of the Handbook, and that you agree to be bound by all policies, procedures, and agreements set forth herein. The policies contained in this handbook are applicable to all Fairfield University students - undergraduate, graduate, and part-time. In line with the policies set forth elsewhere in this Handbook, the University adheres to the following notification procedures in the following instances: Grades: Grades are made available electronically and directly to students through their my.Fairfield portal. The UNIVERSITY does not assume responsibility for damage or loss to RESIDENTS' belongings, regardless of cause. View 2022-23 Calendar Student residence rooms are furnished with a bed, desk, chair, chest of drawers, and computer network connection for each student, as well as an individual or shared closet/wardrobe for each student. The University will obtain voluntary, written confirmation that all parties wish to resolve the matter through Informal Resolution before proceeding and will not pressure the parties to participate in Informal Resolution. Unless otherwise noted, all courses are three credits or $2,475 per course. For additional guidance for recognized student organizations, please see the Publicity policy in the Club and Organization section. a. Failure by a RESIDENT to pay any fees or expenses related to the occupancy does not cancel the obligations of a RESIDENT to comply with all of the other terms of this Agreement. Violations of community standards and University policies are sometimes also potential violations of criminal law. Interim measures may be imposed at any point during the student conduct process. Any student that fails to comply with this policy shall be subject to discipline, up to and including dismissal. Residence Hall and Meal Plan Agreement 2022-23 Academic Year. Donations made before June 30, 2023, will go towards the programs current use fund, contributions that immediately benefit our most pressing program necessities and enhancements. Nike Swim Camp at Fairfield University; Florida. No part of these directories or address lists may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Fairfield University. Such requests must be submitted in writing to the Office of Residence Life. Student organizations are considered inactive if they do not renew their Life@Fairfield portal within the first (4) four weeks of the beginning of the fall or spring semester. The University focuses not only on excellence in teaching, learning, and scholarship but also on the growth and development of the whole person. The Fairfield University Swim Lesson Program is a fundraiser for the Fairfield University Varsity Men's and Women's Swimming and Diving teams. Subtle hazing typically involves activities or attitudes that breach reasonable standards of mutual respect and place members on the receiving end of ridicule, embarrassment, and/or humiliation tactics. The students name, student identification number, and contact information, including email address, The name(s) of the respondent(s) or party(s) involved, The basis and rationale for the review, including the specific facts and/or policies supporting the students position (i.e. In matters that are not related to student conduct but rather speak to the health, safety, or welfare of a student or the community, the dean or designee(s) may take whatever action necessary to alleviate that concern, up to and including removing the student from the University. The attempted or actual theft, sale, or possession of property that does not belong to them including, but not limited to, dining room equipment, laboratory equipment, furniture, library books, computer materials, personal property of another student or member of the University community is prohibited and may result in possible arrest and prosecution by state or federal authorities. Caretaking: caring for and providing for the needs of a child. Students may entertain or socialize with others on campus, provided that the number of people does not exceed 25 (note, these numbers are subject to change). Organizations must contact COSO at least 20 academic days before the marketing materials are needed for design and printing time. Fines for each violation in amounts to be established by the University, and 2. In order to establish consistent and clear procedures, to honor the deceased in perpetuity, to be mindful of the campus grounds, and to recognize the practices and experiences of the past and at other colleges and universities, the following guidelines concerning memorials are in effect: Students age 18 or above, including emancipated minors, will be provided the opportunity during each registration process to designate an individual as an emergency contact to be contacted by Fairfield University in the event the student is officially reported as missing. All students released to off-campus will be required to attend additional informational sessions or meetings before or during the academic year. All new organization proposal packets must be completed and submitted within the first eight weeks of either the fall or spring semester. No artificial deadlines or time limitations will be imposed on requests for accommodations, but Fairfield University is limited in its ability to impact or implement accommodations retroactively. Fairfield University generally supports the free expression of views or ideas and allows for peaceful assembly by members of our community (i.e., Fairfield University students, faculty, and staff). Organizations and individual club leaders found to be in violation of policies or who do not abide by the proper procedures are not only subject to the student conduct process but the organization may be subject to disciplinary action by COSO, the Graduate Student Senate, or the Office of Student Engagement, up to and including: Club Operations and Student Organizations, the Graduate Student Senate, and the Office of Student Engagement reserve the right to place any organization or club officer/member on probation who has been found responsible for violating club policies and procedures. Student conduct probation will continue for a minimum of 14 weeks which does not include semester breaks and may span multiple semesters or academic years (i.e., fall and spring), and does not include week. Upon entering the Tully, individuals can eat as much as they want. Students are expected to monitor all activity in their residence. Students across all four years have the opportunity to participate in these communities through an application process. The primary authority and responsibility for establishing and upholding residential guidelines lies with the Office of Residence Life. However, in all situations, students themselves are responsible for notifying their professors if they will miss class. Each user will be held responsible for all actions originating from her/his account. Some locations are not capable of providing receipts. If the student has access to health insurance through other means (parent, spouse, employer), and can provide proof of existing coverage, they may file a waiver and receive a credit. Submission Guidelines. Students may sign a form permitting release of information, but this too is restricted to individual incidences of treatment or care. If the need for housing accommodations arises when an individual already resides in University housing, the student should contact Accessibility and complete the intake process if the student is not already registered with the office, then complete the Housing Policy Exception Request form as soon as practicably possible. The Step-Up Stags Policy aims to remove barriers to or any hesitation in students reporting the need for assistance for themselves or other individuals to a University employee, emergency services (e.g. The Office of Residence Life consists of full-time professional central office staff, support staff, full-time professional area coordinators, graduate resident coordinators, and student residence life paraprofessionals. The students completed Review Request form must clearly state: (a) The basis and rationale for the review; (b) The specific facts and/or policies supporting the students position; (c) The, remedy and resolution desired by the student; and (d) All other information. There is also a $50 registration fee. All meal plan changes are conducted online at mealplans.fairfield.edu. Residents will be subject to disciplinary action and fines for all policy violations. The Off-Campus Board composition will include trained University staff and students, and non-Fairfield University community members. Between these points, changes will be granted based on an assessment of the situation and space availability. The right to be absent from a hearing without excuse. Physical harm is any physical contact with another person that causes that person bodily harm, intends to cause that person bodily harm, is harassing, or can reasonably be viewed by the person as a source of harm, regardless of whether the behavior was deliberate or unintentional. Behavior that runs counter to this sense of community has no place at Fairfield University. Session I:Two-Week Undergraduate Courses: Contact the Office of the Registrar at registrar@fairfield.edu for specific course withdrawal deadline dates. If approved, the Office of Student Engagement will provide the club or organization with the appropriate travel forms and information for their off-campus event. When sending/receiving funds, the subject line will be Club Name Cash Advance Purchase Request # or Club Name Reimbursement Purchase Request #. If a club is ever returning funds to FUSA PayPal (change from a cash advance or money to be put into your club savings), please use these same subject guidelines. Townhouses, apartments, or other UNIVERSITY housing close 24 hours after the completion of the RESIDENT'S last exam or by 6:30 p.m. on the last day of final examinations, whichever comes first.. A student may request an administrative hearing; however, the dean of students or designee can deny that request and refer the matter to the Student Conduct Board. Student organizations are considered in good standing with the University if they meet the below requirements for continued recognition and comply with all policies and procedures set forth by the University. 9/13/2022 11:21:00 AM, Privacy Policy | Terms of ServiceVideo Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital. Posting or distributing material that is in violation of any University policy (e.g., Non-Discrimination and Harassment, Acceptable Use policy, Solicitation) is prohibited. All users are expected to act in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, while adhering to the policies as outlined in this document. From alumni versus student-athlete scrimmages to cocktail receptions, Friends of Fairfield Athletics host several events throughout the year to connect alumni, parents, and friends with our current teams coaches and student-athletes. During the summer months, many of Fairfield University's residence halls and apartment complexes are available for student housing, as well as for overnight camps and conferences. Orlando. No refunds will be given (if applicable). A student filing a grievance shall have the right to review all records maintained in the grievance file, or relied upon by any decision-maker, unless any such review is prohibited by federal or state law. Users must remember that information distributed through the University's computing and networking facilities is a form of publishing, and some of the same standards apply. During the meeting, the student conduct process will be explained, the student will be advised of the alleged violations, and a hearing will commence or will be scheduled. Agree to comply with all University policies and procedures as outlined in the Student Handbook. Public Safety's presence and/or assistance for events is required where the expected attendance exceeds 100 people or when alcohol will be served. The policies of the Clubs and Organizations section of the Student Handbook apply to all recognized and unrecognized student organizations on campus. z. Students are charged a $10 lockout fee. The dismissal, failure to prosecute, settlement, or reduction in charges of any related criminal matter shall not be grounds for a challenge to any student conduct matter. will once again offer Swim Lessons this fall to anyone interested. Responsible behavior is required of Fairfield students, wherever they are, and the Student Conduct Code applies to students both on and off campus. If students choose to bring a guest with them to a University-sponsored event, the Fairfield student (host) is held responsible for their actions. Allowing breastfeeding students reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private, clean, and reasonable accessible. Members of the Peer Conduct Board serve on Student Conduct Hearing Boards. In addition to registering with the Office of Accessibility, students with disabilities or temporary impairments requesting housing accommodations on the basis of their disability or temporary impairment in order to achieve equal access to campus living must also complete the Housing Policy Exception Form located online on Residence lifes website. Individuals and groups unaffiliated with the University are prohibited from chalking without the express permission of the University. Students who are denied a requested housing accommodation under this policy may appeal the decision by contacting Megan Monahan, ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, in writing and by following Fairfields ADA grievance policy. The lessons – September 23, September on campus. Students are advised to visit the Residence Life website for specific information regarding eligibility and deadlines for housing. Student health and safety are of primary concern at the University. Flyers in the campus center may be hung on designated bulletin boards. In addition, window treatments may not be removed, and students may not construct lofts, counters/bars, or other types of furnishings. A social host may be held responsible for injuries and damages caused by a minor who is served alcohol. Stag Smart:A program that provides an opportunity for students living in an upper-class environment to develop the skills and techniques they need to host smart parties on campus and intervene in situations where their peers are misusing alcohol. All additional copies of that same ticket will be denied entry. Requests to appeal must be submitted in writing to the Senior Director of Equity within five (5) business days of the delivery of the Letter of Determination. For more information regarding pro-rated refunds, School of Education and Human Development. To vacate the townhouse, apartment, or other UNIVERSITY housing on the last day of fall finals, within 24 hours of RESIDENT'S last final, or within 24 hours of a change in status, if not returning for the second spring semester. After the student has initiated the online process for requesting the housing accommodation with Accessibility and completed the Housing Policy Exception Form, the student will meet with an Accessibility staff person to discuss the students request for accommodations. j. Other misconduct or behavior including without limitation, violations of published University policies, rules or regulations, or criminal statutes, violates the Student Conduct Code even if a specific description of such misconduct or behavior is not listed. Pictures of identification cards or other form of IDs will not be accepted. The University enrolls each international student in its sponsored health insurance policy for the upcoming academic year, and a charge for the policy is placed on the students bill. Fairfield University Name, Image & Likeness Policy, 2020-21 Fairfield Athletics Annual Report, Video Platform powered by CBS Sports Digital. . Threat of harm is an action or behavior, intentional or implied, with or without actual physical contact, which would lead a reasonable person to believe that the actor intended to do the other person physical harm. In addition, the creation, manufacturing and/or distribution of false identification, whether or not for profit, is prohibited. Fairfield Parks and Recreation offers a variety of levels of Swimming Lessons at both Jennings Beach and Lake Mohegan. Fairfield University has partnered with STA to ensure that students are provided with low cost tickets that also include risk management assurances such as changeability, emergency support, and program specific bookings that gets you to your program on time, every time. Fairfield. Stereo speakers placed in such a way to allow sound to emanate from the unit are not permitted. The Office of the Dean of Students reserves the right to take appropriate action regarding any advisor who disrupts the process or who does not abide by the restrictions on their participation as determined by the Office of the Dean of Students. Domestic (Non-International) Undergraduate Students. Damage to personal property caused by other student(s) negligence or intentional misconduct shall be subject to the Universitys Student Conduct Code, where replacement may be ordered as sanction in the disciplinary process. Fine monies paid to the University are deposited into a restricted budget, administered by the Office of the Dean of Students, to support student life initiatives. Explore part-time, flexible options for bachelors degrees, credit courses and certificates to achieve many personal and professional goals. Swim Meets Between 9/1/2022 And 11/27/2022. When it occurs, it will be recognized as such and the responsible individual will be billed simply for the replacement or repair cost. Assignments and arrangements for accommodations will be made directly by Residence Life based on the approved accommodations. Our group swim lessons will help your kids gain confidence in the water so they can spend their summers swimming safely. Student organizations are considered not in good standing with the University if they do not meet the below requirements and/or are in non-compliance with the policies and/or procedures set forth by Fairfield University. The lottery provides students the opportunity to live in class-year appropriate housing. Our state-of-the-art athletic facilities, academic resources, and acclaimed camp leaders are here to make your summer youth camp experience special while providing your student with a fun and inspiring learning environment. Users must promptly report the theft, loss, suspected breach of security, or unauthorized disclosure of University data to the Help Desk, or Public Safety if the Help Desk is. This includes international programs and other University-sponsored programs and activities. In accordance with applicable law, we prohibit discrimination against any applicant or employee based on any legally-recognized basis, including, but not limited to: race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, lactation, childbirth or related medical conditions), sexual orientation, gender identity, age (40 and over), national origin or ancestry, citizenship status, physical or mental disability, genetic information (including testing and characteristics), veteran status, uniformed service member status or any other status protected by federal, state or local law. For such activities to be considered hazing, forced or mandated participation is not required. Anyone interested subject to disciplinary action and fines for all policy violations in... A 15-minute walk from one end of the notification, fairfield university swim lessons 2022 done on case-by-case. To be absent from a hearing without excuse student health and Safety are of primary concern at the reserves... 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