You missed Bill Maher with Jupiter Conjunct Regulus (29 Leo 42) and Pluto Conjunct Regulus (27 Leo 59). Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence. Mars sextile Uranus, Mercury sextile Neptune, more than a few planets working together to dispell emotional power plays, Rare Prairie EQ November 29, 6pm local time. "Very well, then," the Hat said. The icing on the cake is a fight with the police. But Ive since come down to Earth, and in reality Ive swung back to a balanced gender identity, although I still feel more comfortable presenting female. This aspect is also supposed to make women high-spirited and independent. Ill dance by myself whenever I feel like it. When Regulus Black had walked into the cave with the intention of destroying Salazar Slytherin's's locket, he had known that he was going to die. Side note about Aquarians: Ive always been a little confused about the general description of Aquarius. Thats interesting. This is new and unchartered territory for Virgos since they are so used to serving quietly in the background. Another fixed star that has mixed messages, is it honor? Thank you. The symbolism associated with Regulus can give an individual an edge on life and gives them a trump card to play. Governs highway robbery, bridges, fords, piracy, kidnapping, textile dying, clothing and pigments. Mercury is Rowlingschart ruler and of course also rules children and writing. From what we know, Regulus did display the traits of Slytherin. Ricky Gervais; Played the proud and ever-so-slightly arrogant boss in The Office to Regulus perfection. So it is worth considering the influence of transiting Neptune opposite natal Mars. Thats just my opinion, but I think its Regulus talking. Notice how we calculate the duration of the sub age? Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. Incredible time-lapse photo captures the sun during an 8-year sunspot peak, Powerful linear accelerator begins smashing atoms 2 scientists on the team explain how it could reveal rare forms of matter, Spectacular Butterfly Nebula offers a glimpse of our sun's final fate, NASA needs your help finding alien worlds, Your monthly guide to stargazing & space science, Subscribe today and get your first 3 issues for just 3, Issues delivered straight to your door or device, Right ascension: 10 hours 8 minutes 22.3 seconds, Declination: +11 degrees 58 minutes 2 seconds. If at the same time the Sun is with the Dragons Head in Gemini, or Jupiter is in the 10th house in trine to Mars and the Sun is with the Dragons Head, great preferment even from the lowest sphere to high rank. Chart is dedicated to Art Basel Miami, artist Agnes Martin, her painting #14, sold for 7 million. Mikail Gorbachev has Mercury Conjunct Regulus. Regulus regulus, Goldcrest's vision, original art on canvas, bird, ornithology painting, wildlife, . (Natally, I have Uranus at 22 Leo.) If not, this could potentially be a missing part of your horoscope. Vestas and Mercury cazimi. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. He had it rising also. But its a long and very complicated story.). Fight! Very Unfortunate or problematic in natal charts when connected to personal points Saturn/ Jupiter. You replied when the time was right or sometimes I like to say when the time was ripe. And Ann Coulter with Uranus Conjunct Regulus (00 Virgo 32). My son's fianc has her Sun on Regulus - 29.59 Leo, in her first house too. Aubyanne Moderator . Mercury Quincunx Mars January 17 and 20, 2023, Full Moon January 6, 2023 New Direction,,,_Mikhail. Char, I see a heavenly screed coming with Regulus. Surprised about the position of Mars Ophiuchus 13th Zodiac Sign? 276K 9.2K 25. We're Talking About Planets In The 5th House Jupiter Placements His Regulus Venusalso connects to his late Grandmother Diana with her Mars on Regulus. Sexual impulses. Fight for my master, defender of house-elves! The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. None of the roll-models offered up to me were any that appealed to me except maybe Ripley (from Aliens) or Xena, Warrior Princess. Spectral class: B7. Everything else comes from fanfics. I never got very far because I started describing the title sequence, which involved stars and constellations which became my passion and eclipsed all my other interests and hobbies. Mary Shelley; Creator of Frankenstein which reflects the beastly side of Regulus. Regulus, also known as Alpha Leonis, is the brightest star in the constellation Leo and the 21st brightest star in the night sky. Regulus - Fixed Star. Having Regulus in a tight conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 1st house might mean stepping into my own power in some way. The difference is that the 9s service is more on a universal level, more about going out into the world and helping humanity. for the first 588 years Virgo in the 12 house, before contacting (precessing to) the Ascendant. Degree* 27 34 27 54 29 50 00 29 07 27 Fixed Star Adhafera Al Jabhah Regulus Phecda Your email address will not be published. Regulus officially entered tropical Virgo on November 28th 2011.*. # 1. Also, Regulus Black is the name of a character in the "Harry Potter" series by J.K. Rowling. (Previously, it was at 29 Cancer the millionaires degree. The commanding personality extends even to their love life, since everyone is merely a stepping stone for their pleasures and ego. Bereavement; loss; sorrow. The symbolism of 8 reminds me of 8th house stuff, Scorpio, Pluto all strongly represented in my chart. The archangel Michael, the Watcher of the East. They like to be in government positions in order to control masses of people. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. So theres a big theme of service represented not only in our natal charts, but for everyone in the constantly shifting energy of the planets and stars. Thank you. Besides, the Venus in the 9th House is a replica of new learning. (Heliocentric node of Saturn, depression possible.). Greenwich UK, Asc 8Vir11 Completed. Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. It might be your greatest attribute, and at times, can be like a good luck charm. Pagan Calendar: It includes astrological and celestial events. She can be very thirsty of obtaining wealth, while also objects that stick in her mind. These individuals are simply out of touch with everything except for the acknowledgment of their authority. It portends glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence. I think its both a blessing and a curse to have Regulus at such a lucky position in the natal chart. I have Sun 136, Mercury 346, Venus 057 and Ascendant 1054 in Virgo. In many ways I had to fully embrace my inner feminine to regain my masculinity if that makes sense. Water signs are the most connected to their emotions and can feel the spirit world around them, making it easy for them to access it. And yet, I am a Virgo. Vertex Conjunct Moon A woman or women in your life may be the catalyst for finding the emotional life you want. ), Contemplative speculation, audacity, ruin, disgrace, death, calamity. Part . Many astrologers speculate that Virgo will teach Leo to put aside ego, dispense personal glory, become more humanitarian and have respect for mother Earth itself. She is powerful in protecting you against those that have bad intentions towards you. I didnt know this until now Look up the meaning for code 588. Being in charge of others and coming before the public are areas in which you are comfortable. Chart set for 10% orb Required fields are marked *. Riches and power could fall to these natives easily. Michael Jackson; King of Pop but also brought down by accusations of pedophilia. It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall. Community content is available under. Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury, Professional astrologer for personal reading. There are deaths and separations for those who bury on this day. Luck in politics, artistic talent, fleeting fame, double dealing, generosity, practicality. [3]. Venus Quincunx Jupiter you may not have enough energy to pursue your ambitions Generally Grace has a statuesque and very regal feline image. Jim Carrey 028, Jordan Peterson 214, Johnny Depp 215. Ive heard it said about them, that they love humanity, but that sometimes individual human beings leave them cold. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. 0 Gemini 13: Alcyone: Ambition, honor and glory. I cant wait to see what happens! No need to apologize. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The house-elves of Hogwarts swarmed into the Entrance Hall, screaming and waving carving knives and cleavers, and at their head, the locket of Regulus Black bouncing on his chest, was Kreacher, his bullfrog's voice audible even above this din: 'Fight! When I get angry, I have no fear. There is speculation as to wether she was literally brought down by some other power..(Mars rules accidents, murder and carnage.) Violence, honors and riches, sadness sorrow, legal problems, accidents. When he . My greatest downfall has been my pride. would 29 degrees vertex in leo be vertex conjuct regulus? As I subscribe to the theory that I made quite a detailed sort of plan for myself before coming into incarnation, I dont even have the comfort of blaming anyone but myself! Im well now (although quite caring of my health), and hopefully you as well. 5 out of 5 stars (2,106) . Current 2023 declination: 1151 '. regulus in the houses 6 februarie 2021 . Thank you, Gerald. Sort by: Hot. So, you can change for a better living and find good fortunes. Omicron Hercules is here but software deactivated. The most common fixed stars used in astrology chart interpretation. My thoughts came from developing a deeper understanding of astrology and from my intuition. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim,symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagleand Human. The CANAL-system radiators get warm quickly and effectively, surpassing in this respect . Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury, 14 Cancer18: Sirius- Ambition, pride, emotionality, fame, leadership, wealth, fires, drought, danger through impetuosity. His name means The Star of Kings. Nobility, ambition, alertness, great power, status, leadership, sudden downfall, accidents, violence. Unfortunate Mars/ Mercury/ Venus. It's possible that Voldemort assumed him to have died by other means. The following are from standard interpretation of the fixed stars from Vivian Robson and/or added observation from my practice. Dont forget to check the declinations! Do you have a side you have trouble explaining, like theres a piece missing from the puzzle? Recently moved into Gemini, perhaps it will be a bit different than when it was at the late degrees of Taurus. An old saying goes that Regulus in the 10th house makes astrologers to kings. Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. [4]. Regulus recently moved from 29 degrees of Leo into Virgo and Alcoyne which is the brightest star in the Pleides, the 7 weeping sisters shifted from 29 degrees of Taurus to 0 degrees of Gemini. Fortunate Venus/ Mercury, 23 Pisces 42: Markab This one is a roller coaster. [2] Extraordinary energy. If you have Algol on your Venus, for example, then you could be prone to lose your head when it comes to love affairs. [1]. Henry Ford;Founder of the Ford Motor company wasliterallydriven by Mars on Regulus with it at exactly 00! Categories . Your own self-esteem attracts prominent people to you, and the risks you take are usually sound. Regulus is one of the four key stars in the heavens, also called archangel stars, assigning: Tasoheter - Michael ( Aldebaran) watcher of the East; Satevis - Oriel ( Antares) Watcher of the West; Hastorang - Gabriel ( Fomalhaut) watcher of the South; Venant - Raphael The Healing Archangel ( Regulus) Watcher of the North. Being on the ecliptic, Regulus is often eclipsed by the Moon. In the charts of all sorts of powerful and/or honoured figures. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. Hi Jaime, I too have Rahu conjunct Mars & Jupiter. You have now witnessed an amazing feat. Cheiro; Shows the ability of Regulus to prophecy and the occult interests of this placement. Regulus Black was indeed referenced in two of the Harry Potter movies. Degree placements are found in many places. A horoscope has 12 houses and it is divided into 360. Pink is a favorite. You can think of me as a Pleiadian type of energy, or at least like your kind think of Pleiadians, though I am not actually from the Pleiades, he/she said. Regulus is an ISO 9001-2009 certified company and holds the Q-Label . Basically an all around good luck charm. You can see these Archangels on the corners of the Rider-Waite tarot deck on the Wheel of Fortune and The World. Regulus was established in 1992 and staff now includes over 120 specialist engineers. His name means "The Star of Kings". Because Regulus can stray within the ecliptic, or the path upon which the sun and planets travel, it is very occasionally eclipsed by one of the planets or an asteroid. In Arabic it is (Qalb al-Asad, the heart of the lion), the same as the Latin Cor Lenis and Greek Kardia Leontos. My significant other has his Sun on Regulus. [1]. Part of Fortune conjunct Regulus: Liza Minnelli 006, Nicholas Culpeper 105, Steven Spielberg 118, Priyanka Chopra 153, Sun conjunct Regulus: Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. Only a few make it past sixty years of age. No, it doesn't. Perhaps you are already familiar with Regulus and do not need further information. Page 2: Discuss Indicators Of Fame In A Natal Chart In The Astrology Forum. Use Rightmove online house price checker tool to find out exactly how much properties sold for in St Regulus Road, Monifieth, Dundee, DD5 since 2000 (based on official Registers of Scotland data). ~ Nov 22 to Dec 21. Brave, bloodthirsty, gutsy, ambitious, driven, unstoppable, proud, pompous, majestic, magical, vain, arrogant, egotistical, regal, owning ones sovereignty, loyal, poised, famous, flamboyant, fabulous, dashing, flash, outrageous, chivalrous, courteous, conquering, entrepreneurial, outr, controversial, glorious, bold, hot, brutish, sexy, passionate, diva-esque, haughty, naughty, playful, flirty, childlike, extremist, romantic, generous, fanatical, bossy, unhinged, stalker, predatory, man-eater, mentorship, ability to prophecy, seer, benevolent leader, assuming responsibility, parental, protector of the people, in service for the greater good, connection to ones pride, a statesman/woman, alchemical transition to the Red King (Rubedo), the path to individuation. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. To lose has been to die a little. Interesting. Well, a month or two ago I was raging at myself, asking what I was THINKING when I made my current life plan, when I received feed-back!! Regulushas its negative side. [2]. Transformations dont usually make us consistent because life is in such upheaval and our flow is interrupted, which seems to be what is happening for you right now. Neptune Sun Venus. We were to be allowed to monitor you and learn about human reactions to many different situations. Hi Char, Strangulation, beheading, danger to throat and neck, murder, violence, mass catastrophe; the Demon Star; passionate; intense; hysterical. Fortunate Venus/ Mercury, 2 Aquarius 00: Altair Sudden but ephemeral fortune, impulsiveness, courage, accidents, astrology, writing. In Persian it was Miyan, the Centre and Venant, one of the four royal stars of the Persian monarchy, where in 3,000 BC, as the Watcher of the North, it marked the summer solstice. Or Mussolinis. some consider this as Fortunate = Jupiter, however it can be falling into a black hole and not that pleasant if not conscious of your patterns. Angelica Raven 003, Margaret Thatcher 009, Joyce Wieland 014, Nagasaki Atomic Blast 018, Ian Thorpe 019, Enrique Pea Nieto 022, Alexei Navalny 035, Kurt Tucholsky 043, Benjamin Disraeli 047, Angela Rippon 049, Martha Raye 102, Willy Brandt 106, Winston Churchill 131, Star Wars 132, Noel Tyl 134, 2016 Dallas Police Massacre 140, Venus Williams 153, Dolly Parton 153, Dawn Fraser 158, Xiao Qian 205, K. D. Lang 230, Richard Branson 228, L. Ron Hubbard 230, Klaus Barbie 230. Involving Lilith the Virgo ingress Lilith is opposite my natal Lilith. A path near the house leads down to the spectacular river banks only a few minutes' walk away, perfect for dog walking. Yeah, I had a wild few years from 2011-2013 as Neptune opposed my Jupiter and Mars in Virgo. Although Jamie doesnt particularly mention it, Regulus is sometimes considered to be the most royal of the four royal stars or Watchers, even though it is not the brightest of them. The Archangel Oriel, the Watcher of the West. Do you have a birth time for Ann Coulter? His belongs to a group called The Royal Stars, in the sign of Leo and is considered the foremost. This honorable act mustve fueled his huge wealth and success. [2]. Mountain and Lush Greenery & Pool side with huge balconies,along with a swimming pool & in house restaurant, 16 of Our rooms . But it also coincided with transiting Neptune opposite my Mars. It's the brightest star in the constellation and among the brightest in Earth's night sky. * I used Solar Fire for the minute Regulus crossed over from 29 59 Leo to 0 Virgo. Ive also read that if Regulus good luck doesnt last, that only happens if you dont behave with absolute integrity and avoid being vengeful. ~ Daily Telegraph. He was a multi-talented genius with a scientific mind like Leonardo di Vinci. The Aquarians Ive known were well-liked and easy to talk to, but Ive never known any that were unconventional. Henry Ford 000, Imelda Marcos 020 (and Neptune), James VI and I 040, Antonio Salieri 137, Caitlyn Jenner 140, David Cameron 151, Ronaldinho 200 (and North Node), Donald Trump 218, Princess Diana of Wales 221, Ariana Grande 225. [1], These persons strive to be leaders and almost make it to the top of their objective. If you extrapolate, this is a peculiar calculation. She inspired two films about her life, one of which alluded to the fact that she got away with a mere 4 month prison sentence because a few of the judiciary had been entertained by her ladies at some point. Sometimes this occurs within the family. Hi Char555Thanks for your kind words. Ascendant conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. Fortunate Jupiter/ Mars, 20 Cancer 27: Castor- Sudden fame or loss, distinction, keen mind, violence, mischief. Sean Connery; The ultimate alpha-male in his portrayal of 1960s James Bond. Ive been called often worshipped as unusual all my life; but my life certainly has been unusual in that fate has somehow deprived me not only of what should have been mine, but even of the most common experiences. Violence, honors and riches, sadness sorrow, legal problems, accidents. I've had some success in this area, not higher education no, but publishing. Home Articole regulus in the houses. Regulus Black Potter Sweater Marauders Sweatshirt Noble House of Black Bellatrix Lestrange Subtle HP Shirts TheJuneKind. (Also Venus.) 11 is strongly represented in all of my life. Honorable, just, popular, generosity, abused by opponents, fame, gain through high position [4]. Is it still conjunction?? It made no sense. Ive never managed to earn enough money to be independent and have always struggled to make ends meet. Regulus - Fixed StarAlpha () Leo. Spica was known as the gatherer, a star prominent at harvest time. 10 years old. In 7th house. Regulus is convinced that he can save the noble and most ancient house of Black by being in Slytherin instead of his brother until a certain raven-haired boy makes him question everything he's ever been told. Midheaven conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. Regulus is a fixed star located at 29 degrees Leo, and Saturn is currently sitting right at that point. Those born on the lunar day will be wealthy, fond of hills, merchants, valiant, and women haters. If angular and especially if rising or culminating, public honor and credit. Home / Fixed Stars / Leo Constellation / Regulus Star. Helena Bonham Carter; British actress famous for her many roles in costume dramas, usually as a member of the aristocracy wearing posh frocks and huge elaborate hairdos. The fixed star Fomalhaut is positioned at 3 52 Pisces in the southern fish. Regulus first received its name from the 16th-century astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, the encyclopedia added, "marking the fact that it had been regarded as one of the leading stars in the sky for some 2,000 years.". Posts: 2873 From: Tinseltown, Hollyweird, The Multiverse Registered: Sep 2014: posted March 24, 2015 12:32 PM As far as I know, AK -- yes! The primary component has more recently been given the stellar classification B8 IVn, indicating a subgiant star, one almost out of its supply of hydrogen. Since regulus is in my 7th house, what would this mean? You have both given me much food for thought, and I thank you for that! They could increase their lifespan if they learn to be humble, but they would have to start early in life. Ron L Hubbard; Founder of the cult religion Scientology which one could say has an occult hold on many Hollywood celebrities. Diana Princess of Wales;Certainly had world prominence, but was sadly brought down by a car accident. What if anything would that portend? It is found, naturally, in the brave heart of the constellation Leo the Lion. If Mars be with the Pleiades, violent death in a tumult. Sirius does run away from home the summer before 4th year and Regulus 3rd year . So, does a person's influences affect which Hogwarts house they go to? You can be open to anyone and everyone, and want others to be free to be themselves like you are. When Lilith is located in the second house of a natal chart, she desires material possessions. Unfortunate Saturn/ Venus, 28 Gemini 58: Betelgeuse Gotta love the name. Moon conjunct Antares, MC conjunct Fomalhaut, Venus conjunct Sirius, Mars conjunct Spica and Saturn conjunct Alkaid. Ascendant conjunct Aldebaran: Wealth, power, courage, generosity, ingenuity, rise to authority, martial success, subject to cuts, wounds, accidents, sores and injuries to the face, pains in the head and fevers. All seven billion people currently alive on this planet has Regulus in ONE of the twelve houses Bunraku said: Does it conjunct your DC line, or any other planets? [1], On the Ascendant, it will give a courageous and frank character, especially if in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury. In Babylonian it was Sharru, the King and LUGAL, the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.. This happens abruptly and with surprise, and of course, affects the ego tremendously. Future US, Inc. Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, I think transformation is meant to interrupt the flow of life and keep us in a state of constantly being awake and aware of everything going on around us so we can wake up to the next level of ourselves. Regulus is about 70 light-years away from Earth, making it the closest star of this type to our planet, according to astronomer David Darling. [1]. Regulus. Nancy. Reference posts May 29 and 31, 2021. World News. Im 42, single, poor, isolated, in bad health and seriously questioning any of these so called royal or the behenian fixed stars having any beneficence or power to override a crap chart at all. in Space Studies from the University of North Dakota, a Bachelor of Journalism from Canada's Carleton University and (soon) a Bachelor of History from Athabasca University. This is huge so I wondered what this means personally for those with planets in Virgo. And Ill rock hard. With Moon transiting here: sow, plant, release prisoners but take no purgatives. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal.[4]. Both are numbers of service in numerology. Rules grain boxes and the lips and upper mouth. Unfortunate Mars, 28 Gemini 47: Polaris- Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. Its effect is in the best sense that of Jupiter and Mars. Originally this star was part of the constellation Aquarius as Greek Astronomer Aratus mentions in 270 bc. Managed by KB Your Real Estate Experience Oscar Beltran. Sickness, trouble, loss, affliction, spiritual powers. I strongly believe in the spirit world and believe that when we experience something that cannot be fully explained we should pay attention to it. Regulus tried to will it to stop. Among the odd effects on the star: Regulus is much hotter at its poles (27,212 F, or 15,100 C) than its equator (18,032 F or 10,000 C). Open up the orbs to see it trine with Pluto, a little easier to talk about with Mercury transit Pisces. It will play out in one's life as they live and embody this royal theme. This degree does not change. Its formal designation is Leonis "alpha of Leo.". So, since 29 November 2011, all four of the Watchers are now in mutable signs. Venus In Ninth House Meaning: Independent And Inquisitive. Imprisonment, murder, suicide, drowning, extreme misfortune. Do you see how we use symmetry in calculating several Interregnums, past, present and future? Note Precession to the Ascendant, and compare with Precession to the Ascendant in the November 29, 2011 chart, the second chart of the trinity. Huge growth is happening on a spiritual, mental and emotional level. Raphael, the Healing Archangel, the Watcher of the North. 5834 Regulus Dr, El Paso, TX 79924. Accidents, blindness, violence, feminine power. Great fortune and fame, especially military success, but associated with calamities, danger, and violence. When your Jupiter is in the 11th house, you can find it easy to be the wild child. Yes, my temper as been a problem. Not sure what to make of it since it went into Virgo a couple of years ago, was in Leo for centuries which is the sign that is traditionally connected to kings, queens and the noble. H.P Lovecraft; 19th century fantasy writer whose created a genre all of its own, mixing Sci-Fi and horror into something called cosmic horror. I suppose the fact that its right on the ecliptic, or perhaps its due to Proclus, that this was said. When I adopted 555 as part of my calling card, I was working on a movie script. Dealing with difficult people is a drag, choose your best friends carefully. He was proud to be pureblood and even joined the Death Eaters. Regulus is the archangel Raphael, one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. I had never looked at that question in exactly the same way as you did, before now. WHO ARE REGULUS. Mae West; Relished being disgraceful. On the fixed cross, Regulus is one of four cherubim, symbolised by the Bull, Lion, Eagle and Human. Symbolically the Crushing Foot, Regulus is associated with the healing Archangel Raphael, one of the four Archangel stars, characterized as the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse (Revelations 6) and Chariot Horses in the Book of Zechariah (The White went North). assassinations, coup dtats, revolutions, revolts, demonstrations, overthrow of heads of state and similar events. pureblood. Other ancient cultures also saw it as a herald of kingly power. J.K Rowling; Probably the most famous childrens author of all time from writing the Harry Potter books which led to even more fame via the series of block buster filmadaptations. Isolation, depression, accidents, emigration, shipwrecks. Bill Clinton; disgraced by the notorious Monica Lewinsky affair. I have Sun conjunct Regulus. Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse Super Moon Hidden Agendas May 26. Also David Cameron, Eckhart Tolle, Benjamin Netanyahu, Emperor Hirohoto, Edith Piaf, Frank Sinatra, Lyndon B Johnson, Ben Affleck, Claudia Shiffer, Jayne Mansfield. theres Lilith again. This sky map shows the location of brilliant planet Venus and the bright star Regulus in the pre-dawn sky on Oct. 3, 2012, as viewed from mid-northern latitudes. Looking at the Regulus chart with March 18 transiits. Regulus ingress Virgo, 2nd chart of the Trinity. It seems the Regulus downfall is experienced through the women in his life. The Quarry. When found in a person's natal chart and a planetary. While Regulus, like the sun, fuses hydrogen to helium in its center, it is more massive than the sun and therefore hotter and brighter. Elizabeth is also a post-secondary instructor in communications and science since 2015.
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