Orunmila or Orula is the Orisha of Divination and benefactor of humanity through the sacred word of If. #orunmila #ifareligion #yorubaOrunmila Orisha in Ifa Religion/Yoruba Religion Story & History Explained | Who is Orunmila. The initiations are not carried out by chance, because each initiation must have an objective in the persons life and these are recommended in our Odu de If, either the Isefa (first If initiation) or the Itelodu (If initiation) , as well as within divination with an Olorisa (a person initiated into an Orisa). So all my blessings, wherever they may be, I command them to come and stay with me. Olodumare ~ The Supreme Creator. MTH, I cant wait till the day I get to see a portion of what O sees daily. Can we live past our destined life? The life of the Moon is more pleasant than that of the Sun. Basic knowledge about Esu and how to promote it is available in If Tradicional Pro. Irete Okanran made divination for Orunmila, Baba Agbonniregun on the day when all the sons of the secret (Babalawos) were gathering in the house of the chief diviner. af Bridge. Yoruba's praise people with Oriki's. I have refrained from avenging all wrongs done to me, by my relations, friends, and foes. Mo gbn tn, mo m tn, lagbn e lr b oyin. I thank you for bringing me to the beginning of another day. The Yoruba faith and several other religions that derived from it are also popular in many Caribbean and South American countries. The book has been diligently researched and is an enchanting yet powerful overview . According to the late Afolobi Epega in his book The Sacred Ifa Oracle ; It is through the vision and direction of Orunmilas words, known as the sacred Odu, that his wisdom and guidance are expressed on earth. There some people hated him and being offended by one of his eight children, he decided to leave the town. In Yoruba culture, prayer is a necessity in life. This is a prayer which the Babalawos of tradition, the worship of Ifa/Orisha will pray every morning, honoring his Orisha Orunmila (Oh-roon-mi-lah) whom he represents here on earth. For the offerings of this day also known as Orun If materials such as obi abata, oti (brandy), epo and food are used. This is not its ritualistic location. All the new good things should come and answer me today. Olugbode is the name given to Aje If you are looking for children Orisha sorcerer who masters all the secrets of Mt. Legend has it that he created the world and human beings, which is why he is considered the wisest and most respected. } These offerings help us overcome everyday difficulties and obtain all kinds of luck. Not long after, the inhabitants of Apa began to suffer all kinds of calamities and sent the children of Orunmila to look for him, to return and help them. Thou the immense Orbit that averts the day of Death. offerings to the Orishas, I recommend you read these articles: Click here. It was Nene and Phaedra I think making their disrespectful comments. Orunmila (Orula) is represented by the 16 ikin or seeds of the holy palm. Yoruba speakers and non speakers alike will be blessed. } She is a warrior and provides us with the oxygen to exist. He is the Orisa who made a pact of friendship with Orunmila, in which Elegbara would get everything Orunmila wanted and Orunmila promised to constantly make sacrifices to him. 1. The one who never betrayed Orunmila, Or is the Yoruba Orisa that represents the destiny we choose at birth. Better Than Juniors Cheesecake in Brooklyn? This Iwa, which If teaches transcends religious doctrine, is central to every human being, and imparts communal, social and civic responsibility that Olodumare supports. Good morning Yazzy, while we do have our destiny and everything is already plotted out, and read and read again, read slowly. According to the Yoruba mythology, Orunmila is the spirit of wisdom and the "Igba keji Olodumare " (second in command to Olodumare) , the master architect and the spiritual evidence of knowledge . We must bear in mind that each Orisha has particular characteristics and tastes, so we must know about the offerings that we must allocate to each of them, as well as rituals and thanks. Orunmila calls you into service, no matter where you are in this world or who you are in position in this life, if you are born to become Babalawo, you will find Orunmila because it is in your blood. The words of this simple but profound prayer was arranged by a masterful and holy seer, sage and priest. Orunmila gives an insight into the future to his worshippers as visions to guide their actions. I then interrupted his story and asked him if he had not consulted with Ifa before he started the business if all would be well, and he said yes he did and Ifa gave him the ok, and so he went forward. To know more about this If day, you can download the Oj Od application. He encoded Olodumares messages in 256 signs to manifest them to humanity in what, today, we know as the sacred word of If, which will be used to answer all the questions and concerns of believers through divination. Prayer ; Hermeneutics ; Appendices Toggle Dropdown. Priests of If are called babalawo (elder of the confraternity) or Iyanifa (female If priest). How OSHUN Saves the World Through the Birth of OSETURA, How the Orisha Received Their Ashe (Powers), Ori: The Divine Value of Self in Yoruba Cosmology, Ase Ti N Bo Wa Siile Aye: The Power of Coming to Earth, IFA: The Answer to All of Lifes Troubles, They are Americans, and They are Ifa faithfuls, Follow Oyeku Ofun Temple on WordPress.com, Ewe Dongoyaro Clinically Proven to Help Prevent COVID-19 Infection, My Suffering Ends Today Tomorrow My Life Will Be Convenient. l-sd Esu is Gods governor, the world police and a very important divinity. Speaking words of Love, Peace and Wisdom in and over your lives daily, generates amazing outcomes. sonido original - . Without My Morning Routine My Day Would Be A $hit Show. Click below to accept the above or make more detailed choices. It is our head; Obatala Obatala is one of the most respected Orisa in Yoruba culture . Posted by Afrikan Spiritual Aid at 19:07. In Yorubaland, divination gives priests unreserved access to the teachings of Orunmila (Orunmila is identified as the Grand Priest, as he revealed divinity and prophecy to the world). , Reflection and Prayer Next page The cosmos within the divine transmutation represented by the self sacrifice of Jesus Christ, a central conception of Christianity, in a stained glass window . Yoruba-English Prayer to Orisa Osun. Orunmila, ajomisanra, igba keji Olodumare Eleri Ipin, . The Orisa of Courage, Strength and Male Virility, Osanyin is the Orisa in charge of the knowledge of all the If herbs, Ogun is one of the most important Irunmole in Yoruba culture. ORUNMILA . A woman priestess is known as Iyanifa, Iyalaja, Iya Agba and Iyalase. Orunmila (rmnl), also known in Afro-Cuban practice as Orula, is the Yoruba orisa that follows Olodumare (Oldmar). Chief S. Solagbade Popoola & Fakunle Oyesanya, Ikunle Abiyamo: The ASE of Motherhood 2007. Kandi and the rest of the cast were all looking at him like he was crazy. greating to all .I have some question Owner of Aba and Ase, Osun is the goddess of the river. about . Iba Orunmila, Eleri ipin iku dudu atewo, oro to si gbogbo ona. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Il Awo is a tool created to spread traditional Yorb culture around the world. Shango is identified in Catholicism with Santa Barbara. Central to this is the theme of righteousness[2] and practicing good moral behaviour, not seeking for it in the community but becoming the Ambassador of Iwa (Character). Cubans pray to the best known Orishas of the Rule of the Ocha in syncretism, for protection, for peace, for love, health and prosperity. 1 This claim could easily be disputed in view of the pervasive influence of Afro-Caribbean religions in Cuba. Arcata, CA 95518 Hi Obara, yes I know! Orisha worshipers wears beads to symbolize them as initiates, below are the beads also known as elekes and the black seeds are called Ikins which represent, Orunmila. Introduction. You ueel me! Homage to the Diviner named Akoda, the first student of Orunmila. They have their initiation and their own divination, Offerings are one of the most important aspects of traditional If practice, The existence and propitiation of Iyami Osoronga is exclusive to traditional Yoruba practice, Orunmila is the Orisa of divination and wisdom, the one who follows Olodumare, Esu is the Orisa who exchanges bad luck for good luck. . Ifa devotees accept that, with the exception of the day we were born and the day we are supposed to die (as opposed to the day many people do die), there is no single event that cannot be forecast and when necessary modified. Much power, love, and wisdom in our motherland Africa The origin of life, the binary system, and birthplace of my ancestorsile ifa. Ayafa - a woman who is married to a Babalawo and functions within rites & ritual of Ifa within family, Apetebi - a woman who is married to a Babalawo and functions within rites & ritual of Ifa within a community & also her family. October 6, 2014 by fagbemijo 12 Comments, I call upon Ire from the east, the west, the north, and the south to { Say thru divination?? The Mo'juba is a ancestral prayer that santeros/as use to called the spirit, material and ancestral spirit into being . . Teach, Kia big up, Baby Adegoke, I hope that you intentions ar not of ill-will. Some four hundred lesser gods and spirits, known individually and collectively as orisa, are recognized. The Orishas or Oshas are the representative deities of the Yoruba religion, which among African religious practices has been the most established on the island. Required fields are marked with *. I am wondering if that is what the guy did when he was telling Kandi she was going to get married. He is protector of those who initiate in the Yoruba religion and guide of all religious. This allows the Ase ( spoken power) to manifest into the material world as a guide and tool for any given ceremony. I bet you Todd and Kandi are going to make another trip to Africa. And good turns to all my friends and enemies alike. And never came back It makes their enemies fight each other for no apparent reason. It has been placed on this opon ifa for illustration only. So all my blessings, wherever you may be, I command you to come and stay with me. It is a prayer that is very popular, which is often prayed by many believers of this orisha, and it is done for a trial or agreement that is fair, and that all the procedures or documentation that is being formalized are resolved satisfactorily.Since this deity yoruba He is the master of justice and with this prayer you will be able to win any . His proper name is Ela, also called Elasoode (Ela ties Ide on). Chief S. Solagbade Popoola Library, INC Ifa Dida Volume One (EjiOgbe - Orangun Meji), Chief S. Solagbade Popoola Library, INC Ifa Dida Volume Two (OgbeYeku - OgbeFun), Chief S. Solagbade Popoola Library, INC Ifa Dida Volume Three (OyekuOgbe - OyekuFun), James J. Kulevich, "The Odu of Lucumi: Information on all 256 Odu Ifa", Ayele Fa'seguntunde' Kumari, Iyanifa:Women of Wisdom, This page was last edited on 13 January 2023, at 01:07. [7], Every If stanza has one portion dedicated to the issue of teaching the Iwa that If supports. [4][5][6], Some initiatory lineages have only male priests of Orunmila, while other lineages include female priestesses. afra - oyin Honeycomb (Bridge of Honey). represents the war, Od Odi Ofun Information of the Od world If divination Oke Itase 2022 2023 revealed in Il Ife Nigeria, Od Ose Okanran Information of the Od world If divination Oke Itase 2021 2022 revealed in Il Ife Nigeria, Od Ogb Otura Information of the Od world If divination Oke Itase 2020 2021 revealed in Il Ife Nigeria, Od Otura Meji Information of the Od world If divination Oke Itase 2019 2020 revealed in Il Ife Nigeria, Od Irete Ika Information of the Od world If divination Oke Itase 2018 2019 revealed in Il Ife Nigeria, Old Oke Itase Old information of the world divination or letter of the year revealed at the Oke Itase in Il Ife Nigeria, The new application of the Apola series with If verses of the signs of yk with audios Yoruba, Idf contains a summary and interpretation of the unpublished traditional verses of the 256 signs of If, The first application with If verses of the Apola Ogb signs and audios in Yoruba, An exclusive app with information on each of the Traditional Eerindilogun signs, First traditional If application that offers verses of the 16 main If signs, Is a world-first, completely digital and free If or rndlgn divination register, Learn the basics of traditional practice with If verses and audios in Yoruba, The best If application created to date dedicated to identifying plants with their Yorb name, Practical manual for followers of traditional If, babalawo and the uninitiated, Here you can find all the available If applications developed by Ifby Akd. forms: { Esu Alaje is the one who helps to obtain wealth. Following the categories developed by the Nigerian scholar Joseph Omosade Awolalu, Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Orisha, an ara orun, one that existed before the creation of humanity and resides in Heaven, as opposed to irun-male or irunmole, sacred beings living on Earth. It is the orisha that represents justice, health, purity, wisdom, truth and peace. Among West Africans, Orunmila is recognized as a primordial Irunmole that was present both at the beginning of Creation and then again amongst them as a priest that taught an advanced form of spiritual knowledge and ethics, during visits to earth in physical form or through his disciples. Your choices will apply only to this site. Ekaro MTH mi sweetie!! Yemay is life, the womb, fertility, and she is as old and powerful as Obbatal for that reason she is owed great respect. Appendix A: Glossary of Yoruba Terms - The . My Orishas, deities of the Yoruba pantheon, I owe you, and as your proud son, I ask for your eternal protection, Your email address will not be published. The Yoruba religion comprises the traditional religious and spiritual concepts and practice of the Yoruba people.Its homeland is in present-day Southwestern Nigeria which comprised Oyo, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, Ekiti as well as Lagos States and the adjoining parts of Benin and Togo, commonly known as Yorubaland.It shares some parallels with the Vodun practiced by the neighboring Fon and Ewe peoples . An orisa is a person who lived on earth when it was first created and . Just as you wake every morning to offer , to offer your greetings to Oludumare. } Africa is calling all of us! Kawo Sile as it is also known, symbolizes the joy of life, passion and strength, a very brave, impetuous and manly Yoruba warrior. Recently a Babalaow in Lagos Nigeria told me that he sought to do some business in palm oil. Orunmila is considered a sage, recognizing that Olodumare placed Ori (intuitive knowledge) as prime Orisha. If you were destined to marry Peter at 25 and for whatever reason it delayed with Orunmila if you are suppose to marry him, if juju or whatever mad it not possible once the correct sacrifices are done to remove the obstacle you will find your way back to each other. This is the person you have to ask Orunmila, please go to Olodumare's house and bring me all . Witness of fate which means he was witness to the contract (destiny, life path) man signed before he made his journey from heaven to earth. Good having you blogging with us. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Olodumare was ready to send Orunmila to earth, He summoned Orunmila and gave him sixteen gourds of wisdom to swallow. Mommy O, great read. ); We are an Ifa and Orisha Temple located in Arcata, Humboldt County, California. , Proph, Johnson Anuoluwapo It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. In the Yoruba religion, Orunmila is the Yoruba Grand Priest and custodian of If. Man are nuh man mi caan wait. Between the two dates (the dash) that it what will count. Eni t e maa bi nyen Do you want to know more about Il Awo, Traditional Ifa, the Orisa and the Yoruba religion? Aje please let me have you in my hands, Adepoju . Orunmila. This source of knowledge is believed to have a keen understanding of the human form and of purity, praised as being often more effective than remedies; his followers and priests are known as Babalawo. Can you live past the day you are suppose to die? Photography: Will Coleman, Ph.D. Osun eye kan. This is the person you have to ask If you are looking for a long life As (pronounced Ah-Shay) is . Orula identifies with Saint Francis of Assisi. Check out our orunmila yoruba selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. We use our own and third-party cookies to improve your user experience and offer you a better service. Santeria Amarres . Lovelies I will be away for the evening. Morning to each and all. Baba wa gbo, wa to fun imo ati oye ti e fi ntun ile aye nse. He didnt lie to her. Bless you, this Prayer has helped me greatly and newer and better blessings appeared soon after doing them every morning. (function() { He is a very good Babalawo and by good I mean that he is very versed in the knowledge of Odu and the stories which comes with them, the more stories or patakis a Babalawo knows of Odu, the more knowledgeable he is in way of prescribing solutions for problem as there are over three thousand stories to one Odu of which there are 256, it impossible for one Babalawo to know all of them in his life time, but as said before the more he knows of each will add to his greatness as an Awo, and for that dedicated Awos in Nigeria spends most their free time, chanting Ifa Poems. For men, the procedure is known as receiving "Mano de Orula" and for women, it is "Kofa de Orula." Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. He is the Owner of the Paths and Destiny and the first of the Osha warriors, who is cared for and venerated with priority. please let me have you in all my endeavors. Orishas, my spiritual guides, you who respond to every difficulty of your devotees and lead them by the hand, avoiding obstacles and dangers. Required fields are marked *. Its Catholic representation is the Virgen de las Mercedes. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. (function() { Elegbaras initiation is no exception. Oruko Olorun Ni Yoruba, Oriki Olorun, Oriki Oluwa. We dedicate these prayers to the powerful Yoruba deities: Cubans pray to the best known Orishas of the Rule of the Ocha in syncretism, for protection, for peace, for love, health and prosperity. to tell you every morning that they have succeeded in resisting the temptations, to do any wrong against Oludumare. Orunmila, please go to Olodumare's house and bring me my blessings. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. By way of an Ifa reading the system of Ifa divination allows us to communicate and consult with the universal powers of Ifa or Orunmila, the deity of wisdom and knowledge. We then sprinkle water on him, initiates will put the water in their mouth and spew it on the ikins, in doing this we partake of the offering being given to him, then we will now break the kola and cast it before him and depending on the reading of the kola, it will determine if all is well or if Orunmila demands anything else from us, if all is well then hot drink (gin) is spewed on the ikins and you will now ask if it is ok to give the Kola to him or should you share the kola with him or give them to another orisha, again you will cast and be directed on what to do with the kola. He is the witness of creation and is the most beloved prophet of Olodumare, who endowed him with words of great power. Only then will the Orishas consider us worthy of their help and blessings, and they will support us, giving us strength to face dissimilar situations. So all my blessings, wherever they may be, I command them to come and stay with me Iba Awo Akoda. In some areas of Yorubaland and in Cuba, only men become full priests of Orunmila (sometimes nicknamed "Orula" in Cuban lineages), other places in Africa the priesthood has always been open to women (although female awo Ifa are relatively uncommon). On the first day of the Yoruba week we give honor and worship to him as he is our guide on this earth plane. The babalawo must know which type of Elegua will be most beneficial to the person. It is generally accepted that this is a derivative of sort. His mother is Woroko and lives behind him. Orunmila, please go to Olodumare's house and bring me all blessings in life. Of humanity through the sacred word of If it is the one who never betrayed orunmila, Eleri,. 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Mensahe O Paalala Sa Barangay, Family And Individual Support Waiver, Articles O
Mensahe O Paalala Sa Barangay, Family And Individual Support Waiver, Articles O