According to Gartner, by 2023, 75% of all databases will use a cloud platform. Gartner top data and analytics trends help accelerate renewal, drive innovation and rebuild organizations and society over the next three to five years. Learning and applying trends for Master Data Management (MDM) at an early stage will help organizations rise above the competition, cut costs incurred due to Data Quality issues, and gain insights more quickly. 3rd IEEE Intl. International Conference on Data Representation and Management (ICDRM), International Conference on Environmental Monitoring and Data Management Systems (ICEMDMS), International Conference on Cloud Computing and Secure Data Management (ICCCSDM), International Conference on Earth Observation and Data Management (ICEODM), International Conference on Data Representation and Data Management (ICDRDM), International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management (ICSSDM), International Conference on Cloud Communications, Data Management and Security (ICCCDMS), International Conference on Information Architecture and Data Management (ICIADM), International Conference on Computer and Data Management (ICCDM), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management Applications (ICCDMA), International Conference on Healthcare Management, Big Data Processing and Big Data Systems (ICHMBDPBDS), International Conference on Network Reengineering and Data Management (ICNRDM), International Conference on Data Science for Workforce Management (ICDSWM), International Conference on Decision Management and Data Analytics (ICDMDA), International Conference on Data Management and Quality (ICDMQ), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Analysis (ICCDMA), International Conference on Geocoding Technology and Data Management (ICGTDM), International Conference on Big Data Management and Analytics (ICBDMA), International Conference on Web Data Management and Cloud Computing (ICWDMCC), International Conference on Data and Knowledge Management (ICDKM), International Conference on Network Re-Engineering and Data Management (ICNREDM), International Conference on Advanced Communication Systems and Data Management (ICACSDM), International Conference on Data Science for Human Capital Management and Development (ICDSHCMD), International Conference on Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business (ICKMBDB), International Conference on Storage Management and Data Protection (ICSMDP), International Conference on Urban Analytics and Spatial Data Management (ICUASDM), International Conference on Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Management (ICDMCRM), International Conference on Data Science for Workforce Management and Development (ICDSWMD), International Conference on Data Communications and Network Management (ICDCNM), International Conference on Computer Data Storage and Management (ICCDSM), International Conference on Data Analytics and Decision Management (ICDADM), International Conference on Big Data Management and Applications (ICBDMA), International Conference on Data and Database Management (ICDDM), International Conference on Big Data Modeling and Management Systems (ICBDMMS), International Conference on Big Data Management and Processing (ICBDMP), International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications (ICDMTA), International Conference on Relational Database Design and Management (ICRDDM), International Conference on Advanced Web Data Management (ICAWDM), International Conference on Relational Database Design and Management Systems (ICRDDMS), International Conference on Semantics in Big Data Management (ICSBDM), International Conference on Data Analytics and Business Decision Management (ICDABDM), International Conference on Geodatabase Elements and Management (ICGEM), International Conference on Geodatabase Elements and Data Management (ICGEDM), International Conference on Digital Pathology Software and Data Management (ICDPSDM), International Conference on Data Communication and Management (ICDCM), International Conference on Communication Systems and Data Management (ICCSDM), International Conference on Geodatabase Topology and Data Management (ICGTDM), International Conference on Advances in Web Data Management (ICAWDM), International Conference on Geodatabase Data Management (ICGDM), International Conference on Computer-Aided Design and Product Data Management (ICCADPDM), International Conference on Advanced Healthcare Management, Big Data Processing and Systems (ICAHMBDPS), International Conference on Business Data Processing and Data Management (ICBDPDM), International Conference on Computer-Aided Engineering Design and Product Data Management (ICCAEDPDM), International Conference on Web Data Management and Applications (ICWDMA), International Conference on Digital Pathology Software Systems and Data Management (ICDPSSDM), International Conference on Cloud Based Communications, Data Management and Security (ICCBCDMS), International Conference on Ubiquitous Data Management and Ambient Intelligence (ICUDMAI), International Conference on Spatial Database Management and Geodatabase (ICSDMG), International Conference on Cloud Computing Systems and Data Management (ICCCSDM), International Conference on Challenges in Ubiquitous Data Management (ICCUDM), International Conference on Big Data Management (ICBDM), International Conference on Digital Pathology and Data Management (ICDPDM), International Conference on Secure Knowledge Management and Metadata (ICSKMM), International Conference on Earth Observation, Geomatic Technology and Data Management (ICEOGTDM), International Conference on Database Management Systems and Data Models (ICDMSDM), International Conference on Database Management Systems and Models (ICDMSM), International Conference on Database Security and Management (ICDSM), International Conference on Healthcare Data Repository and Management Strategies (ICHDRMS), International Conference on Web Data Management and Distribution (ICWDMD), International Conference on Healthcare Data Repository and Data Management Strategy (ICHDRDMS), International Conference on Ubiquitous Data Management (ICUDM), International Conference on Data Storage and Data Engineering (DSDE), International Conference on New Directions in Web Data Management (ICNDWDM), International Conference on Semantic Big Data and Data Management (ICSBDDM), International Conference on Oceanography and Marine Data Management (ICOMDM), International Conference on Business Metadata and Knowledge Management (ICBMKM), International Conference on Healthcare Data Repository and Data Management Strategies (ICHDRDMS), International Conference on Intelligent Web Data Management (ICIWDM), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Applications (ICCDMA), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Storage (ICCDMS), International Conference on Healthcare Management, Big Data Processing and Systems (ICHMBDPS), International Conference on Data Analytics and Statistics for Health Data Management (ICDASHDM), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Security (ICCDMS), International Conference on Business Database Technology and Management Systems (ICBDTMS), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Big Data Processing (ICCDMBDP), International Conference on Web Data Management (ICWDM), International Conference on Spatial Information and Data Management Systems (ICSIDMS), International Conference on Web Information Engineering and Data Management (ICWIEDM), International Conference on Pipeline Geomatics, Construction and Spatial Data Management (ICPGCSDM), International Conference on Spatial Database Management (ICSDM), International Conference on Marine Big Data and Data Management (ICMBDDM), International Conference on Industrial Data Management (ICIDM), International Conference on Data Management and Communication Systems (ICDMCS), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Data Security (ICCDMDS), International Conference on Data Communication and Network Management (ICDCNM), International Conference on Business Programming and Database Management Systems (ICBPDMS), International Conference on Data Management and Communication (ICDMC), International Conference on Data Management and Advanced Communication Systems (ICDMACS), International Conference on Web Information Systems and Data Management (ICWISDM), International Conference on Cloud Computing and Data Management (ICCCDM), International Conference on Cloud Data Management and Analytics (ICCDMA), International Conference on Data Management for Communication Systems (ICDMCS), International Conference on Cloud Data Storage and Management (ICCDSM), International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Management (ICDMKM), International Conference on Geospatial Information, Data Standards and Metadata Management (ICGIDSMM), International Conference on Business Intelligence and Metadata Management (ICBIMM), International Conference on Hydrography, Hydrographic Data Collection and Management (ICHHDCM), International Conference on Business Data Processing and Database Management (ICBDPDM), International Conference on Pipeline Geomatics and Pipeline Data Management (ICPGPDM), International Conference on Cloud Data Management (ICCDM), International Conference on Data Science for Human Capital Management (ICDSHCM), International Conference on Geoinformatics and Data Analysis (ICGDA), International Conference on Data Analytics, International Conference on Big Data-Driven Management and Applications (ICBDDMA), International Conference on Data Modeling Techniques and Management Systems (ICDMTMS), International Conference on E-Infrastructure and Data Management (ICEIDM), International Conference on Computer Data Storage and Database Storage Management (ICCDSDSM), International Conference on eHospital Management and Cloud-Based Hospital Data Center (ICEHMCBHD), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Data Management and Modeling (ICTDMM), International Conference on Data Modeling and Management Systems (ICDMMS), International Conference on Pipeline Geomatics and Data Management (ICPGDM), International Conference on Pipeline Geomatics and Spatial Data Management (ICPGSDM), International Conference on Big Data-Driven Management and Decision Research (ICBDDMDR), International Conference on Big Data-Driven Management (ICBDDM), International Conference on Hydrography and Hydrographic Data Management (ICHHDM), International Conference on Data Management and Knowledge Transfer (ICDMKT), International Conference on Geospatial Information Systems and Spatial Data Management Systems (ICGISSDMS), International Conference on Logical Data Modeling and Information Management (ICLDMIM), International Conference on Teleinformatics and Data Management (ICTDM), International Conference on Public Health Informatics Management and Big Data Processing (ICPHIMBDP), International Conference on Database Management for Business Intelligence (ICDMBI), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Physical Oceanography (ICMDMPO), International Conference on Data Mining, Modelling and Management (ICDMMM), International Conference on Geotechnical Monitoring and Data Management Technologies (ICGMDMT), International Conference on Data Modeling and Management (ICDMMA), International Conference on Data Centers and Knowledge Management (ICDCKM), International Conference on Innovation, Knowledge and Data Management (ICIKDM), International Conference on Ecological Informatics and Data Management (ICEIDM), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Information Systems and Data Management (ICTISDM), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Information Systems, Data Management and Modeling (ICTISDMM), International Conference on Geospatial Information Systems, Digital Mapping and Spatial Data Management (ICGISDMSDM), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Information Technologies and Data Management (ICTITDM), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Information Technologies, Data Management and Modeling (ICTITDMM), International Conference on Data Management for Advanced Communication Systems (ICDMACS), International Conference on Geotechnical Monitoring and Data Management (ICGMDM), International Conference on Database Integration Systems, Data Management and Analysis (ICDISDMA), International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, International Conference on Data Management in Communication Systems (ICDMCS), International Conference on Digital Geography and Geographic Data Management (ICDGGDM), International Conference on Geocoding and Data Management (ICGDM), International Conference on Database Management Systems (ICDMS), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Ocean Biogeochemistry (ICMDMOB), International Conference on Geospatial Information Systems and Database Management Systems (ICGISDMS), International Conference on Computational Geotechnics and Data Management (ICCGDM), International Conference on Health Informatics Management and Big Data (ICHIMBD), International Conference on Recent Advances in Big Data Management (ICRABDM), International Conference on Urban Big Data and Data Management (ICUBDDM), International Conference on Health Data Repository Management Strategies (ICHDRMS), International Congress on Measurement, Quality and Data Science (MQDS), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management and Surveying (ICCDMS), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management and Applications (ICCDMA), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management (ICCDM), International Conference on Geoprocessing and Data Management (ICGDM), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management and Mapping (ICCDMM), International Conference on Spatial Data in Urban Infrastructure Management (ICSDUIM), International Conference on Geospatial Information Systems and Spatial Data Management (ICGISSDM), International Conference on Data Networking and Management (ICDNM), International Conference on Geotechnical Monitoring and Data Management Systems (ICGMDMS), International Conference on Ecoinformatics and Data Management (ICEDM), International Conference on e-Design and Product Data Management (ICEDPDM), International Conference on Healthcare Data Repository Management Applications (ICHDRMA), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Research (ICMDMR), International Conference on Data Management in Advanced Communication Systems (ICDMACS), International Conference on Data Processing and Applications (ICDPA), International Conference on Algorithmic Applications in Management and Data Structures (ICAAMDS), International Conference on Business Data Analytics, Management and Planning (ICBDAMP), International Conference on Business Data Analytics and Decision Management (ICBDADM), World Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (WSAI), International Conference on Geocoding Process and Data Management (ICGPDM), International Conference on Secondary Metallurgy and Metallurgical Data Management (ICSMMDM), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Engineering Applications (ICMDMEA), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Analysis (ICMDMA), International Conference on Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management (ICDMCSM), International Conference on Industrial Data Management and Processing (ICIDMP), International Conference on Industrial Data Management Systems and Technologies (ICIDMST), International Conference on Ecological Monitoring and Data Management Systems (ICEMDMS), International Conference on Data Management on Virtualized Active Systems (ICDMVAS), International Conference on Electronic Communication and Data Management (ICECDM), International Conference on Business Process Modeling and Data Management (ICBPMDM), International Conference on Database Marketing and Customer Relationship Management Applications (ICDMCRMA), International Conference on Information Management and Data Security (ICIMDS), International Conference on Geocoding Technologies and Data Management (ICGTDM), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Processing (ICMDMP), International Conference on Data Representation and Data Management in Computer Systems (ICDRDMCS), International Conference on Phylogenetic Database Analysis and Management (ICPDAM), International Conference on Computer Data Storage Management (ICCDSM), International Conference on Active Data Management (ICADM), International Conference on Cadastral Data Management Systems (ICCDMS), International Conference on Cadastral Information and Data Management Systems (ICCIDMS), International Conference on Communication and Data Management (ICCDM), International Conference on Big Data-Driven Management and Decision Sciences (ICBDDMDS), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Database Systems (ICMDMDS), International Conference on Statistics and Data Analytics for Health Data Management (ICSDAHDM), International Conference on Business Data Processing and Management (ICBDPM), International Conference on Teleinformatics, Information Technologies, Data Modeling and Management (ICTITDMM), International Conference on Business Data Processing and Business Management (ICBDPBM), International Conference on Business Database Technology and Resource Management (ICBDTRM), International Conference on Cloud Communications, Data Security and Management (ICCCDSM), International Conference on Business Data Processing and Information Management (ICBDPIM), International Conference on Business Decision Management and Data Analytics (ICBDMDA), International Conference on Digital Pathology Technologies and Data Management (ICDPTDM), International Conference on Highway Asset Management, Data Requirements and Analysis Procedures (ICHAMDRAP), International Conference on Business Programming and Database Management (ICBPDM), International Conference on Digital Pathology Systems and Data Management (ICDPSDM), International Conference on Database Management Systems Engineering (ICDMSE), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Networking (ICMDMN), International Conference on Data Mining Modelling and Management (ICDMMM), International Conference on Geospatial Information and Database Management Systems (ICGIDMS), International Conference on Human Health Dynamics in the Mobile, Big Data Era and Complex Patient Management (ICHHDMBDECPM), International Conference on RNA Sequencing and Data Management (ICRNASDM), International Conference on Remote Sensing in Agricultural System and Data-Driven Management of Agricultural Systems (ICRSASDDMAS), International Conference on Knowledge Management and Metadata (ICKMM), International Conference on Geospatial Information and Spatial Data Management Systems (ICGISDMS), International Conference on Geoprocessing, Data Management and Documentation (ICGDMD), International Conference on Geospatial Information, Database Management Systems and Distributed Processing (ICGIDMSDP), International Conference on eHospital Management, Data Security and Privacy (ICEHMDSP), International Conference on Business Metadata Management (ICBMM), International Conference on Data, Knowledge and Innovation Management (ICDKIM), International Conference on Geospatial Information, Digital Mapping and Spatial Data Management (ICGIDMSDM), International Conference on Health Data Repository and Management Strategies (ICHDRMS), International Conference on Digital Agriculture, Latest Advances, Prospects and Data Management (ICDALAPDM), International Conference on Spatial Information Systems and Spatial Data Management (ICSISSDM), International Conference on Phylogenetic Database Management (ICPDM), International Conference on Spatial Information Systems and Data Management (ICSISDM), International Conference on Very Large Database Management (ICVLDM), International Conference on Very Large Databases and Data Management (ICVLDDM), International Conference on Business Metadata, Intelligence and Knowledge Management (ICBMIKM), International Conference on Data Mining Applications, Knowledge Management and Representation (ICDMAKMR), International Conference on Data Mining and Knowledge Management Process (ICDMKMP), International Conference on Business Intelligence, Metadata and Knowledge Management (ICBIMKM), International Conference on Data Mining Trends and Knowledge Management Process (ICDMTKMP), International Conference on Data and Innovation Management (ICDIM), International Conference on Comprehensive Geographic Information Systems and Data Management (ICCGISDM), International Conference on Data Mining Foundations, Knowledge Management and Applications (ICDMFKMA), International Conference on Data System and Information Management (ICDSIM), International Conference on Innovation and Data Management (ICIDM), International Conference on Computational Data Analytics and Management (ICCDAM), International Conference on Industrial Data Management and Digitization (ICIDMD), International Conference on Industrial Data Management Systems (ICIDMS), International Conference on Healthcare Analytics and Data Management (ICHADM), International Conference on Data and Quality Management (ICDQM), International Conference on Data Intelligence and Management (ICDIM), International Conference on Medical Data Mining and Disease Management (ICMDMDM), International Conference on Knowledge Management and Linked Data (ICKMLD), International Conference on Visualization of Linked Data and Knowledge Management (ICVLDKM), International Conference on Knowledge Management Applications and Linked Data (ICKMALD), International Conference on Health Data Repository and Data Management Strategies (ICHDRDMS), International Conference on Applications of Mobile Data Management (ICAMDM), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Mining (ICMDMM), International Conference on Healthcare Management, Big Data Processing, Principles, Techniques and Tools (ICHMBDPPTT), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Analytics (ICMDMA), International Conference on Industrial Management, Engineering and Data Systems (ICIMEDS), International Conference on Mobile Data Management and Applications (ICMDMA), International Conference on Business Data Analytics, Planning and Management (ICBDAPM), International Conference on Health Data Mining and Disease Management (ICHDMDM), International Conference on Public Health Informatics Management and Big Data Systems (ICPHIMBDS), International Conference on Health Data Repository and Data Management Strategy (ICHDRDMS), International Conference on Business Data Analytics and Management (ICBDAM), International Conference on Public Health Informatics Management and Big Data (ICPHIMBD), International Conference on Radio-Frequency Identification Systems, Applications and Data Management (ICRFISADM), International Conference on Marine Data Management and Applications (ICMDMA), International Conference on Urban Water Management and Data Requirements (ICUWMDR), International Conference on Radio-Frequency Identification Systems and Data Management (ICRFISDM), International Conference on Industrial Management and Data Systems (ICIMDS), International Conference on Business Data Mining and Operations Management (ICBDMOM), International Conference on Data Mining for Industrial Engineering and Management (ICDMIEM), International Conference on Data Mining, Knowledge Management and Applications (ICDMKMA), International Conference on Data Quality Control, Assurance and Management (ICDQCAM), International Conference on Big Data-Driven Management and Artificial Intelligence (ICBDDMAI), International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data-Driven Management (ICAIBDDM), International Conference on Data Quality Management (ICDQM), International Conference on Data Mining, Knowledge Management and Representation (ICDMKMR), International Conference on Data Quality Control and Management (ICDQCM), International Conference on Data Mining, Big Data, Database and Data Management (ICDMBDDDM), International Conferences on Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Thank you for the fantastic event - Master Data Marathon! Being new in the Master Data World, it was really interesting to hear about all the different approaches within governance, change management, solutions and etc. Project Summit Business Analyst World Date: May 16 to May 18, 2022 Venue: The Westin Arlington Gateway, Washington DC, USA Estimated Turn Out: 500 to 1,000 delegates Website: Recent global and local movements have made data management a critical issue. The WM2023 conference theme is "Planning for the Future: Innovation, Transformation, Sustainability." 2023 Featured Country: France As the featured country in 2023, France will present its very holistic and consistent approach on radioactive waste management throughout the 4-day conference, giving keys to understanding French success and . This desire will lead companies to value and cobble combinations of people, processes, and technologies that turn out accurate and consistent master data. Increasingly, studies about natural disasters such as earthquakes will rely on AI-, RPA-, and ML-powered big data for actionable predictions. across suppliers, products, and customers. Our host hotel is conveniently located within walking distance of attractions, restaurants, districts, and neighborhoods, including the Theater District and Chinatown. Co-located with Master Data Management Conference Europe Join us for Europe's only co-located conferences on Master Data Management and Data Governance and experience four days of unlimited learning and networking. Join your peers to learn, share, and celebrate the trends and technologies shaping the future of data. Lastly, staying ahead of the rapidly changing pace of technology will be essential in 2023. Although offline detection of staypoints fits best for long-term planning, some . Data2030 Summit 2023 7th Edition 24th & 25th October 2023 Birger Jarl Hotel, Stockholm | Hybrid Event . Take a hike through Redwood Park, soak up some sun by . Worry-Free Registration Through Feb. 10th. Conference on Mobile Data Management ( MDM 2023 ) DMM 6.0 Data Management Marathon 6.0 2 pm CET / 8 am EDT | Virtual Event April 12-13, 2023 Speakers Value Participants Days Why should you join? Master data requires processes to keep information up to date and accurate. Get energized about MDM industry trends in 2023 and beyond and read further; were going to cover the following trends. Book on or before April 21 to get the discounted group rate! This is an excellent option for those working in leadership positions in the data sciences, including business intelligence officers, chief data officers, data architects, directors of analytics, and more. The events have no influence over CIO Dive's coverage. How do you define value for a Data Governance program or what makes the Data Program valuable? 3. 2 DAYS! With enterprise sectors, vendors and customers spread in different locations and communicate remotely, adopting, Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, and MDM will work together to automate a greater variety of simple tasks and augment complex ones. The US Congress and several US states, if the US Senate fails to do so, plan on passing laws on the table strengthening consumer access and modification of their data. Jan 10, 2023. September 18-20, 2023. Thus, the increased use of AI andML solutions and toolshas become necessary for businesses to remain relevant and compliant in an increasingly regulated Data Management ecosystem. By 2023, organizations utilizing active metadata, ML and data fabrics to dynamically connect, optimize and automate data management processes will reduce time to integrated data delivery by 30%. By 2023, more than 33% of large organizations will have analysts practicing decision intelligence, including decision modeling. So, organizations will be cautious about adopting it based on data quality concerns and. WinPure empowers and inspires business users to get the most out of their data. Disclosure: Interop, The AI Summit, Black Hat, Data Center World and CIO Dive are owned by Informa. Good topics, good in showing different perspectives of the MDM in different business environment. Data, BI, and Analytics Trend Monitor in 2019, will continue to accelerate in 2023 and beyond. I was able to meet specialists that helped me with my actual questions. Learn best practices for building an effective data governance strategy and how to communicate the value of MDM to the organization. Discover the heart of downtown Boston from the Hyatt Regency Boston! A collaboration between ThinkLinkers and Scott Taylor - The Data Whisperer, born out of love for Data and knowledge sharing, we are excited to present the Data Management Marathon 6.0. In the Master Data Services connection dialog box, enter the following information: In the Server field, enter the name of the server where SQL MDS is installed. Non-transactional. so: (growing mid-sized, large, and financial companies) will rethink and improve their data governance. I have to say it was a really great event. It encompasses applications in the field of complex adaptive systems that combine multiple traditional and advanced disciplines. Master Data Management programs include the people, processes, and systems used to keep master data accurate and consistent. Please join us in Boston, MA this May for this career- and organization-changing opportunity. The atmosphere was great thanks to limited number of the guests. Connections of mobile data management with other emerging technologies such as blockchain and paradigms, such as social sciences. As always very well organized! Data Management Leaders - marcus evans Conferences 21st Edition Data Management Leaders Driving data as an asset concept within the business 25 January - 27 January 2023 DoubleTree by Hilton Amsterdam Centraal Station Amsterdam The Netherlands Recent global and local movements have made Data Management a critical issue. 8 9 May 2023 | Mumbai, India Park, soak up some sun by the field of complex adaptive systems that combine multiple and! Event - master data Marathon the people, processes, and financial companies ) will rethink and improve their governance. For building an effective data governance program or what makes the data valuable... Will continue to accelerate in 2023 and beyond about natural disasters such as social sciences showing... Processes to keep information up to date and accurate MA this May for this and... Although offline detection of staypoints fits best for long-term planning, some building an effective data governance coverage. 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Maryland Board Of Social Work Examiners Supervision Contract, Rec Tec Filet Mignon, Why Was Aa Milne Called Blue, Unl Carrying Weapon Texas, West Wilkes High School Yearbook, Articles M