In her last message, Aletheia spoke directly with someone who wasn't there. Then Juno leaves Desmond with a cryptic message as he stands there with Lucys life in his hands. By 2018, Kassandra had a great deal of knowledge of every innovation and discovery which have happened in her immensely long lifespan, recognizing Layla's device. He explained to her that Phidias was killed and that the Cult interrogated him about symbols he discovered in three tombs. Poseidon agreed with her judgment and explained that she could end Atlantis' cycle forever by using the Staff of Hermes and the prizes of Cerberos and Hekatonchires. [190], With the Adrestia, Kassandra sank the Skylla and confronted the Tempest who dragged herself on the shore. [235], On her way to see the ferryman, Kassandra saw prisoners of Tartaros escaped from a rift. [274], After six months, Kassandra met Barnabas and Herodotos who searched her after her departure. Kassandra was subsequently tasked by Stentor to aid the Spartans in sabotaging the Athenian war efforts. She also revealed that she saw a vision of the future with the artifact: Kassandra destroying the Cult and the Pyramid, the creation of a rational and perfect society under a philosophical king. [206], As she recovered all the Image of the Ancients, Kassandra reached a blacksmith in Phokis who repaired Amorges' sword using the adamantine in the medallions. As she tried to kill Kassandra, the misthios returned the favor. [280], After departing from Greece, Kassandra travelled to her first destination of Egypt. As Darius was about to be killed by the Immortals, Kassandra intervened saving Darius and killing the two Ancients. As she found the archives of the Order, she was attacked by members of the Ancients she defeated. Kassandra saved her and learnt that it was the plan of Melite, a Cultist. Please update the article to reflect recent releases and then remove this template once done. Get Assassin's Creed Valhalla on: Get Assassin's Creed Valhalla On Epic Games [251] Believing it was Deimos, Kassandra decided to help his friend, recovering his shield. While preparing a boat to leave, Kassandra decided to save Darius, leaving Natakas and Elpidios on the shore. There, she was found by the merchant Markos, who took her under his wing. [110] As she accomplished her mission, Kassandra joined the Spartan troops and defeated the Athenians on the battle ground. [70], Going to the Altar of Apollo Maleatas, she was attacked by Cultists, proving the link between Chrysis and the Cult of Kosmos. 1 Jdmaki1996 1 yr. ago Being related to the Assassin hasn't been a thing since black flag. As Kassandra wanted information about her mother, Herodotus told her she should go to Perikles' symposium to gather information on Myrrine's whereabouts. [60], Conversing with other guests, Kassandra met Aspasia. [124] The Athenian general and politician Nicias, who was a member of the Circle, engaged with Sparta for the proposal of a peace. Kassandra tried to convince him to hand over the orb but he refused, corrupted by the artifact. Entering the party, Kassandra spoke with Herodotos who introduced her to the guests of the symposium: the playwrights Sophokles, Euripides and Hermippos, the sophists Protagoras and Thrasymachos, Sokrates and Perikles' nephew Alkibiades. If she answered wrongly, she will die as Gorgias. Kassandra shared a symbiotic relationship with her eagle, Ikaros, which aided her in reconnaissance thanks to her Eagle Vision. [262] Kassandra also met Elpis, Atlas' human lover. In the throne room, Persephone decided Hekate's fate and how Adonis will leave Elysium. [250], Among soldiers fighting on the Eternal Battlefield, Kassandra saw Brasidias and helped her friends. Her name could also be a reference to the Trojan princess in Homer's Iliad who was given the power of foresight by Apollo, only to be cursed when she rejected his advances so that people would disbelieve her even as the visions came true. As an Athenian soldier died before he could fight the Spartans, Kassandra dueled him to permit him to enter Elysium. [154], On the Adrestia, Kassandra explored the seas to hunt down the members of the Gods of the Aegean Sea. Together with their friend Amorges, they planned the assassination of Xerxes I to protect Persia from the Ancients. She then convinced him to leave the cult, reassuring him that Brasidas would protect him. edited 4 yr. ago. On the grave of Natakas, Kassandra promised to find their son. The Isu greeted her farewell to Kassandra, reassuring her that she was the best person to keep the Staff. Before leaving, Kleta revealed to Kassandra that the Tempest was her daughter Phila. [276], Reuniting with Herodotos and Barnabas, Kassandra told them what was the treasure and that her spear was broken. [68] Going to the Temple, Kassandra helped the priests. [242], Kassandra also assisted Charon to help lost souls in the underworld. On his brutalized corpse, she found the scytale he tasked her years ago to decipher. While exploring the Underworld, she met Hades, who was angry that she killed his dog. He also informed her about the Keeper's sight in the city who could increase her link with the staff but also unlocked the sixth sense of the Isu, knowledge. Interrogating the merchant Priam she learnt that someone pay him to poison the wine. Read at your own risk. [173] In the forest, she saw the Huntsman, who was the masked man in the Swamps of Thermes. With his allies standing seemingly still, Juno forces Desmond to move forward and stab Lucy. On a shipwreck, she found on a corpse a manifest indicating that the Broker was Sophos, a wealthy shipwright of Patrai who funded the Ancients. Opening a door, they entered a corridor with illusions from Kassandra's past, such as Greek shields or cultist masks. Kassandra infiltrated the Cyclops' estate and stole the eye. Ultimately, Kassandra had to choose between giving her the Lethe or destroying it. On her body, she found proof that the Ghost influenced Athenian politics. [257], The first brother she met was Gadiros who tried to entertain the humans through games to keep them calm. They could introduce something later, but I think its unlikely. [55] Kassandra also saved Metiochos, who was captured by thugs and left in his house to be killed by poisonous snakes. Finding clues that they were abducted by pirates, Kassandra went to their warehouse. He agreed the Monger had to be killed, but stealthily. [146], Kassandra speaking with Thaletas and Kyra, Even with Kleon's death, the Delian League branch continued to work. After recovering the Lethe, Kassandra met the woman, Almatheia, who wanted to forget about her dead lover. She separated Barnabas from the artifact, leaving his right arm burned. At one point during the game, Desmond begins to suffer from the "Bleeding Effect", which causes him to experience a memory of Altar outside of the Animus. No, Layla Hassan and Desmond Miles are not related to each other by blood. Kassandra, the canonical protagonist of Assassin's Creed Odyssey is set to meet Eivor in Ubisoft's new Crossover Stories DLC. After this, Kassandra joined Rhode and the children and must choose between sending the children out of Messenia or not. He gave a map to Kassandra to find them. [6][7], Kassandra, Myrrine and Brasidas before the Kings of Sparta, Around 428 BCE, Kassandra joined her mother in Lakonia and the two went to Sparta. Refusing to be found by the Spartans, Kassandra fled out to the open sea in a boat, with an eagle following her. Kassandra was greatly affected when Anais had to leave Kephallonia. [194], During their conversation, Kassandra and Darius spotted smoke over Dyme. [84] After that, Kassandra spoke with her mother about her fate after the night on the Mount Taygetos and explained that Alexios was alive but working for the Cult. As she was about to leave, Eivor invited her to celebrate their success at Kiltaraglen's longhouse. There, the mysterious man explained everything: he was Darius, the man who assassinated the king Xerxes I of Persia three decades ago. She also explained that the mother fled to Korinth after that and that the Monger was sent to capture her. On Aletheia's advice, Kassandra allied with Eivor to get rid of the fog, even if the Viking suspected her implication in for the curse. Kassandra would later gain a younger brother, Alexios. Kassandra tried to convince him to spare them. After reading it, Hekate didn't discover the location of the gate but advised Kassandra to decrease Persephone's power in Elysium to have access to the gate. After exchanging Herodotos with the key, the captain ordered his men to kill Kassandra and his friend. Kassandra (Rebellion)Kassandra (Valhalla) Kassandra threw her spear at Aita but it was only a hologram. As holograms of Leonidas, Brasidias and Phoibe appeared, the Isu explained that the trials taught Kassandra to say goodbye to her friends. [185], During her hunt, Kassandra tracked the Ancient known as the Broker. She is voiced by Melissanthi Mahut who also provides the motion-capture. Nikolaos calmed his son and asked him to lead his men. He then left while his guards attacked Kassandra in her cell. She inserted the medallion in the lair but nothing happened. [119], In Summer 422 BCE, during the Battle of Amphipolis, Kassandra saw Brasidas being killed by Deimos. The fight finished when Natakas interposed, as the hooded man was his father and told him that Kassandra was the Eagle Bearer. [77], Arriving on Keos, Kassandra infiltrated the Temple of Athena Nedousia the headquarters of Xenia the queen of pirates, who control the island. Yes, Altair, Ezio, kenways (Edward, Haytham, Connor) are related to Desmond. [132] Searching for the Swordfish, she learnt that he was a criminal who controlled Herakleion but was also a member of the Cult. As Gergis was dead, Kassandra found a letter from Gaspar indicating she found a strange gate and allied with the Followers of Ares. Becoming mad after touching the artifact, the captain killed his men and used its powers against Kassandra. During a symposium of Persephone's Devotees, Kassandra poisoned their wine with aconite to kill them. [254], After all her tasks, Kassandra met Hades to discover what he knew about the Staff. Kassandra decided to help him, attacking the Fortress of the Three Sisters. After killing the monster, she broke one of his horns which transformed into a spherical artifact like the ones before it. [47], Kassandra discovering Deimos' identity through the pyramid, With the mask and the robe in her possession, Kassandra went to the meeting of the Cult in the Sanctuary of Kosmos. [15], Arriving in Megaris after breaching a blockade, Kassandra met Stentor, the adoptive son of Nikolaos. Step into the unbelievable world of Desmond Napoles aka Desmond is Amazing, and prepare to have your mind blown. Following the clue to the beach, Kassandra was approached by pirates. The Archon decided to go to Sparta after the conflict with Paros was over. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Aspasia said she knew someone named Phoenix on Naxos Island, so they set sail for the island. She also told her that, without the ceremonial outfit of the Cult, she wouldn't be able to pass the Cult guards. [281], Around 887, Kassandra went on the Isle of Skye in the Kingdom of the Isles to recover an Apple of Eden. The memory shows Altar chasing his wife Maria around Acre before conceiving their second son, Sef, through whom Desmond's lineage can be traced back to Altar. As they discussed their plan to recover Orontas ships, guards of the Ancients arrived. Kassandra assassinated Atos the Beast Caller, Hirpes the Sordid, Aias the Clean, Kephalon the Thinker and Proktos the Moon King, ending the threat. Ezio and the Kenways AREN'T related to Altair. [141] After that, Kassandra met a woman who claimed to have created an elixir to reverse the effect of petrifaction, however, it was a lie. [7][143][286], Kassandra had a soft spot for children, particularly Phoibe, a young orphaned Athenian girl. Is Kassandra related to Desmond? [54], The sculptor Phidias was targeted by the Cult of Kosmos and Perikles wanted him out of Athens for Phidias' safety. While drinking, they spoke about their difficulty to make friends and remembering their time in Makedonia. The creature told to Kassandra that she needed to solve three riddles to have the artifact. In doing so, she discovered that Markos had bought his vineyard with money he borrowed from the Cyclops. Kassandra travelled to the place, encountering the family of Phoibe's friend ready to be executed by a local priest, who was afraid that they would infect the whole island. [281], Kassandra and Eivor investigating the stne formation, Spotting Fairy Glen's standing stones, Kassandra went to Tobhta and led Eivor there. The game writers original intent was for Kassandra to be the sole protagonist of the game, but Ubisoft executives told them that was not an option. While raising her son, Kassandra resumed her work as a mercenary, obliging her to leave her family from time to time. The woman turns to the camera, revealing herself to be none . The Isu explained to her how to unlock the power of his staff through the Keeper's Insights. Understanding that he wasn't an actor, Kassandra understood there was a real treasure on Korfu. [253], There, they met the soul of Lilaira. Kassandra discovered that the thugs were poor people manipulated by a mercenary to kill Metiochos. Kassandra escorted him to Seriphos and killed Brison, the man charged to kill Phidias. However, before it could start Nikolaos appeared to separate his children, the fight was over. After that, Kassandra thanked Eivor to invite her as she didn't do this for a long time. She helped a Spartan hoplite recover a stolen map detailing vital mission plans, the man who stole the plans was hired to do so by a mercenary named . After she asked him many favors, like killing the Tempest or joining her crew, but Aiantides refused. He informed her to speak to Hekate, Persephone's advisor. For Phoibe, the misthios Kassandra was a true hero. Inside, she found a mold corresponding to the spear and using the shard she took from the Pyramid, she upgraded the weapon. In 2018, this helped Layla relive Kassandra's memories through the Animus and find the Staff of Hermes Trismegistus. Aya is confirmed (or Atleast hinted) to be descendant of Alexios/Kassandra and from Darius. View Kassandra Desmond's profile on LinkedIn, the world's largest professional community. Receiving an olive wreath, Kassandra was announced as the Olympic champion. Smoke over Dyme exchanging Herodotos with the Adrestia, Kassandra found a mold to... She defeated down the members of the Cult guards death, the returned... Or Cultist masks saving Darius and killing the Tempest was her daughter.. Becoming mad after touching the artifact, leaving his right arm burned as Gergis dead... Be able to pass the Cult interrogated him about symbols he discovered in three tombs to... 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