Contact Us,,,,, The Air Force Villages: This nonprofit retirement community, located in San Antonio, Texas, accepts retired and honorably separated officers of all uniformed services . Plan the timing of your application to be sure you are age-eligible for service. Rob Poe, Retirement Supervisor, HQ ARPC. Prior to retirement ensure DFAS Retired and Annuitant Pay has a registered email address for you in myPay, do not use your .mil account, it expires upon retirement. |
Air Force Retired Lapel Button DD Form 2542, Certificate of Appreciation for Service in the Armed Forces of the United States The Presidential Letter of Appreciation (if Airman has at least 30 years for retired pay purposes) Any awards, decorations, honors, or letters of appreciation Continuation Pay: A one-time, midcareer bonus in exchange for an agreement to perform additional obligated service. rYzH^=g`z#ii1>T5c ~Q9 o(@l6*="sw"r#I=gdk~F4n|F-{wc(9_rDL+PB`d0Vnv_^W`dC`MQ+)`5xyC?l "]@E,t7\frw%}CWW)ll}pEC4W#2rx1 .?'A&+z
3*G{Cy+oNvdnC.NCbiKbhUntgg:`DW3ay$,${%Q"Re.pFgo-qHoB j~c /CPPVAoq}ED;,3vq[ol 7emwTt. The automated application process, the reduced retirement pay age application, and now the status bar are all examples of how (Headquarters) ARPC is creating innovative solutions to provide outstanding customer service for retirees.
In most cases, Airmen and Guardians who have completed 20 years of active service are eligible to receive Retired Pay at the end of their career. As part of cost effective modernization, we are committed to reducing costs across program lifecycles, Lacey said. |
Retired pay eligibility age cannot be reduced below age 50, however, eligibility for retiree health care benefits remains at age 60. Option 3- Former active-duty Airmen who retired or separated on or after 1 October 2004 can also request copies of records such as DD Form 214's, performance reports and other information by writing or faxing: AFPC/DP1OR 550 C St. West JBSA-Randolph, TX 78150 Commercial (210)565-2450, DSN: 665-2450 Fax: Commercial (210)565-3124, DSN: 665-3124 Now retirees are able to submit the required DD Form 2656, via the web, as the application navigates the retiree through the process; reducing errors and preventing incomplete submissions. National Guard Service members with possible eligible service should have their time validated with their State Retirement Point Accounting Manager prior to applying for Retired Pay. Once the audit is complete and the retirement order is produced, the retiree is able to download a copy of the retirement order from myPers while HQ ARPC forwards a copy to DFAS for processing of payment. The curriculum includes an introduction to aviation history, aviation and space science, college and career readiness, global studies, practical leadership, and health and wellness. The virtual status bar was created to meet the needs of our customers, said Mr. The retirement application process remains the same, with an email to the commander . The service required above does not need to be continuous years of qualifying service. These include orders for Airmen eligible for Reduced Retired Pay Age, active duty and AGR retirements, and retirements for reservists and guardsmen approaching age 60. |
Terms of Use
And the 20-plus years you've spent in uniform mean you have a highly sought-after skill set in the civilian world. Submitting your Form DD 2656 Copyright 2023 Defense Finance and Accounting Service. The visual tracking status bar is the latest in a number of innovative programs HQ ARPC has developed with the customer in mind.
To view the status bar, applicants must navigate to the Action Request tab in the Virtual Personnel Center (vPC) and select the Retirement Application Status link in the Retirements section. The status beginswith Coordination, following a successfully submitted application, to Sent to DFAS for initiation of retirement pay, and finally Completed at the conclusion of all retirement actions. Download the FREE Transition App Today. To enlist, you cannot be younger than 17 (18 for GED holders) or older than 39 years of age. FAQ
Note: To prevent delays in processing, ensure that handwritten information is legible and banking information will reflect the bank in use upon retirement. *Reserve Component Service members may qualify for retired pay prior to age 60 under (10 USC 12731 (f)) and NDAA 2008. "Specified duty" includes active duty (excluding active duty for training) or "active service" under Title 10 USC Sections 688, 12301(a), 12301(d), 12302, 12304, 12305, and 12306 and Title 32 USC, Section 502(f), if responding to a national emergency declared by the President or supported by federal funds. The completed form is then submitted to a retirements technician who conducts an audit on the members service history and other contributing factors relevantto retirement pay. %PDF-1.6
Published May 2, 2019 Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFNS) -- Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center released a web-based application April 29 enabling retired Guard and Reserve Airmen to more easily apply for retirement pay and benefits. Eligibility for a reduced retired pay age is dependent on qualifying periods of service. Armed Forces Retirement Home BENEFEDS (FEDVIP) Defined Contribution: Government automatic and matching contributions of up to 5% of basic pay to your Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) account. For example, a Service member who retires after 24 years of service (YOS) with a total of 3,600 points will receive 25 percent of their "high-36" average basic pay for retirement (3,600/360 x 2.5=25%). |
The retirement application process remains the same, with an email to the commander for their recommendation and then final .
When the servicemember returns, the family may feel uncomfortable with each other, and the servicemember may withdraw from the family. Your retirement will be updated within 10 duty days. Blended Retirement System: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2016, Public Law 114-92, enacted 25 November 2015, created a new retirement system for the Uniformed Services. If you are a veteran in crisis or concerned about one, connect with a caring, qualified responder for confidential help through the Veterans Crisis Line. For example, a Service member who retires after 24 years of service (YOS) with a total of 3,600 points will receive 25 percent of their "high-36" average basic pay for retirement (3,600/360 x 2.5=25%). Referred to as the "Blended Retirement System," this new system is a combination of a defined benefit plan, similar to predecessor plans that pay monthly retired pay, plus contributions to the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). The ARPC website also provides resources for individuals approaching retirement pay age.
Click on the "Action Requests" tab and Under "Retirements (Overview)" click on the "Apply for Retirement (Reserve, AGR, Mandatory, or Pay at Age 60)" link. Eligibility for a reduced retired pay age is dependent on qualifying periods of service. The first step for Airmen to apply for retirement pay is to submit DD Form 2656 through the automated system found in myPers. The completed form is then submitted to a retirements technician who conducts an audit on the member's service history and other contributing factors relevant to retirement pay. One year prior to your retirement date, you will receive a pre-retirement package from your Branch of Service to help you prepare for retirement. Air Force Reserve Command safety director,Col. John A. Lesho, III,announces Safety Award Winners for FY '22. HQ ARPC has developed two web-based applications located within the Virtual Personnel Center (vPC) that simplifies the process for retirees applying for retired pay; whether at age 60 or a reduced retirement pay age, if eligible. The instant eligibility determination allows the customer to immediately proceed with next steps in their retirement process.. !k.%eq)QOu57-1.y ^X=-PdmtG84:0\5gS0!.d>=X D;Or`3$=g0]:uqEKA3DbuD1r?ob(>? $?Cu2O"1{M\s*qTe~69wY00c?n=SAr?E#Zb]M"=lcq"'-k|Ck/ If the status of your application changes, it may not be updated. Applying for retirement pay begins by submitting an application through the Virtual Personnel Center, vPC. Retirees who are unable to accessthe video can also see the step by step process here. Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center released a web-based application April 29 enabling retired Guard and Reserve Airmen to more easily apply for retirement pay and benefits. Note: Service members who separate or are discharged before age 60 will be credited for basic pay purposes only with the years of qualifying service performed up until the discharge. Using existing Air Force enterprise software called Oracle Policy Automation, AFPC created code to evaluate an Airmans record using 15 eligibility review checklists. "In deployment, Soldiers grow accustomed to a new lifestyle and a new 'family' - those buddies that bond together to defend each other," said Maj. Ken Williams, 14th Military Police Brigade chaplain. It offers the same type of savings and tax benefits that many private corporations offer their employees under "401(k)" plans. Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center recently introduced a virtual tracking status bar for Guard and Reserve members to monitor the status of their submitted retirement application. Many of the responders are veterans themselves. Mail the completed application and supporting documents to AFRH, PAO/Marketing #1305, 3700 N. Capitol St., NW, Washington, DC 20011-8400. The RRPA application, within vPC, automatically screens service data for qualifying and non-qualifying periods of service. xAi$I-Z)@CB6-BwS37H#cg&bU PRa$s31zQD*-?wur&Upq53,['U.kU'E{ AcT%]4AtmiKOZHcuNE@hW "cu8SSo zI44J>4-`IvLS!/=M,}_WYG#S!pXV]GZVuK Prior to retirement ensure DFAS Retired and Annuitant Pay has a registered email address for you in myPay, do not use address, it expires upon retirement. Thats the most valuable part of this automated process. We cannot expect the customer to be the expert so were working to make the process as user-friendly as possible, said Col. Ashley Heyen, director of Personnel and Total Force Services Directorate. Reserve Service members must meet the following minimum requirements to be eligible for non-Regular Retired Pay: Have served at least 20 years of qualifying service (see Benefit Highlights), and. Military Category. You can too, by following these critical steps. Military benefits are always changing. When all your documentation is assembled, it will be time for you to meet with your personnel office. If you are past your date to apply for retired pay as a Gray Area Retiree, you should login to the Access vPC Dashboard in myPers. Applicants using the web-based application will be guided through the process, allowing them to only input relevant information, and reducing the number of incomplete or inaccurate applications submitted to headquarters ARPC. The families also change while the Servicemember is deployed. Benefit Highlights |
One of the great features the tracker provides is not only status updates here at HQ ARPC, but updates as the application passes through the system at DFAS, Poe said.
It's important to understand the implications of the decisions you make when applying. This new retirement system will apply to all Service members who enter the Uniformed Services with a Date of Initial Entry into Military Service (DIEMS) of 1 January 2018 or later.
HQ ARPC also released a how-to video to help retirees better understand the new process. Note: Service members who separate or are discharged before age 60 will be credited for basic pay purposes . If retiring, the Service member is eligible for TRICARE as a military retiree and may also be eligible for certain VA benefits. You don't have to be enrolled with Veterans Affairs or receiving health care or other VA benefits to connect. The completed form is then submitted to a retirements technician who conducts an audit on the members service history and other contributing factors relevant to retirement pay. HQ ARPC has developed two web-based applications located within the Virtual Personnel Center (vPC) that simplifies the process for retirees applying for retired pay; whether at age 60 or a reduced retirement pay age, if eligible. Privacy Statement
Every service member leaves the military eventually. Section 647 reduces the age for receipt of retired pay by three months for each aggregate of 90 days of "specified duty' performed in any fiscal year after the date the bill became law (January 28, 2008). Please refrain from asking questions on your case in vMPF or by phone because it changes the status. A Service member in the National Guard must have completed 20 years of qualifying service to be eligible for retired pay at age 60. A Service member in the Air Force Reserve must have completed 20 years of qualifying service to be eligible for non-regular retired pay at age 60. National Guard Service members must meet the following minimum requirements to be eligible for non-Regular Retired Pay: Have served at least 20 years of qualifying service (see Benefit Highlights), and. This new retirement system will apply to all Service members who enter the Uniformed Services with a Date of Initial Entry into Military Service (DIEMS) of 1 January 2018 or later. Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs DENVER -- Beginning July 31, all eligible members of the Air Force Reserve will submit their retirement application electronically via the virtual Personnel Center Guard and Reserve, a 24/7 customer service Web portal operated by the Air Reserve Personnel Center here. Retirees approaching age 60, or those that qualify for a reduced retired pay age, or RRPA, will no longer need to mail their DD Form 2656 and ARPC Form 83 for their retirement pay and benefits. There are several paths to success if you're getting out or thinking about getting out of the military after just one tour. Privacy Statement
The Date of Initial Entry into Military Service (DIEMS) determines which of the three retirement systems a Service member falls under. -kI#zU=q K[E6nVi
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Retired pay eligibility age cannot be reduced below age 50, however, eligibility for retiree health care benefits remains at age 60. "This lifestyle change is prolonged and becomes familiar, i.e., the new normal.". The retirements branch currently receives about 1,300 eligibility reviews each month, each requiring an AFPC employee to manually process and validate through multiple data sources, resulting in the requesting member waiting several days for a response. %%EOF
Service members who transfer to the Retired Reserve until age 60 will receive credit (for basic pay purposes only) for the years spent in the Retired Reserve. Service members who transfer to the Retired Reserve until age 60 will receive credit (for basic pay purposes only) for the years spent in the Retired Reserve. Since you've left the military, you have already had some civilian experience, but maybe it's time for a change in your education or career path. The minimum number of points to be eligible for retirement at the age of 60 with 20 qualifying years of service is 1,000 (50 points per year) with a corresponding retirement pay equal to 6.94 percent (1,000/360 x 2.5=6.94%) of basic pay. hbbd```b`"H@0{* i`a _LK2>.roO
The minimum number of points to be eligible for non-regular retirement at the age of 60 with 20 qualifying years of service is 1,000 (50 points per year) with a corresponding retirement pay equal to 6.94 percent (1,000/360 x 2.5=6.94%) of basic pay or high three average of basic pay. The ESGR Ombudsman Services Program provides neutral counseling and mediation of issues relating to compliance with the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA). The Post-9/11 GI Bill (chapter 33 benefits) is an education benefit program specifically for military members who served on active duty on or after September 11, 2001. Access to the Retirement Calculator requires a CAC or DS Logon Premium Account. Readout of US Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr.s travel to Jordan, Maryland ANG first to certify cyber protection team on live network, RAAF leader strengthens partnership, joins PACAF as deputy commander, On National Vietnam War Veterans Day, AFMS celebrates aeromedical's role, Department of the Air Force budget proposal focuses on transformation, modernization, Mark Wahlberg helping Exchange celebrate Chief Chat anniversary, AAFES hosting pinning ceremonies March 29 for Vietnam vets. The status bar provides the applicant a real-time snapshot of the status of their application. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, By Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs. The completed form is then submitted to a retirements technician who conducts an audit on the member's service history and other contributing factors relevant to retirement pay. An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - FAQ
Airmen and Guardians who completed the years of qualifying service on or after 5 October 1994, but before 25 April 2005, the last 6 years of qualifying service must have been in a component other than a regular component, the Fleet Reserve, or the Fleet Marine Corps Reserve. Once you have identified your target separation date, your retirement process should include: The Pre-Retirement Package The Blended Retirement System (BRS) combines elements of the legacy retirement system with benefits similar to those offered in many private-sector 401(k) plans. Rob Poe, Headquarters ARPC retirement supervisor. The status bar provides the applicant a real-time snapshot of the status of their application. This automation of the retirement eligibility review eliminates the current customer wait time and gives them instant, accurate feedback, said Ann Lacey, AFPC Military Retirement Policy and Procedures. Air Force Reserve Command senior leaders and their spouses recognized the commands 2022 Airmen of the Year during a virtual ceremony Apr. |
First, do I have a 20-year verification letter confirming I am eligible to apply for retirement pay? Age requirements vary depending on the path you choose to take. Home
It is integrated with personnel and the payroll system, online benefit enrollments and changes, and online retirement applications. To view the status bar, applicants must navigate to the Action Request tab in the Virtual Personnel Center and select the Retirement Application Status link in the Retirements section. In late August, 17 Citizen Airmen from the 624th Regional Support Groups Civil Engineer Squadron (CES), Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, along with Reserve Citizen Airmen from around the country, participated in Exercise Patriot Warrior Silver Flag training at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta, 932nd CES Airman awarded the Lance P. Sijan U.S. Air Force Leadership Award, An official website of the United States government, Hosted by Defense Media Activity -, Air Reserve Personnel Center Public Affairs. Once the audit is complete and the retirement order is produced, the retiree is able to download a copy of the retirement orders from myPers while Headquarters ARPC forwards a copy to DFAS for processing of payment.
C1: Retired after 20+ years of Active Duty Service. BUCKLEY AIR FORCE BASE, Colo. (AFNS) --. The first step for Airmen to apply for retirement pay is to submit DD Form 2656 through the automated system found in myPers. Second, did I serve on a deployment for 90 days or more or serve in a capacity that allows me to apply for a reduced retirement pay age? Service members who separate due to a service-connected disease or disability may be eligible for VA benefits and certain TRICARE benefits. The following are the key features of the Blended Retirement System (BRS): Defined Benefit: Monthly retired pay for life after at least 20 years of service (so if you retire at 20 years of service, you will get 40% of your highest 36 months of base pay). disability retirement procedures are in Air Force Instruction (AFI) 36-3212, Physical Evaluation for Retention, Retirement, and Separation. In addition to step by step updates, the tracker provides a DFAS tracking number to inquire about retirement pay issues after the application passes from HQ ARPC to DFAS. The multiplier is then applied to the Service member's basic pay rate or "high-36" (36 months) average at the time the retirement request is made. Before jumping into your new job all gung-ho, you would do yourself a great disservice if you didn't do your research. OPA imports data from the Military Personnel Data System for the review process and provides immediate on-screen responses based on the results of the check. The decisions you make at the time of retirement affect the amounts of your benefits and of your survivor's benefits. Blended Retirement System: The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2016, Public Law 114-92, enacted 25 November 2015, created a new retirement system for the Uniformed Services. All rights reserved. Non-Regular Retired pay under the Reserve system is computed by totaling all points earned during a Service member's career, dividing by 360 (one year) and then multiplying by 2.5 percent to determine the benefit multiplier.
HQ ARPC introduced the retirement pay application in April to streamline the process for applicants. Referred to as the "Blended Retirement System," this new system is a combination of a defined benefit plan, similar to predecessor plans that pay monthly retired pay, plus contributions to the Federal Thrift Savings Plan (TSP). For additional information on the retirement pay tracker, visit the retirements sections on myPers. endstream
This allows an Airman's or Guardian's personnel data to populate the calculator fields for a personalized, close estimate of retired pay. Headquarters Air Reserve Personnel Center recently introduced a virtual tracking status bar for Guard and Reserve members to monitor the status of their submitted retirement application. HQ ARPC has developed two web-based applications located within the Virtual Personnel Center that simplifies the process for retirees applying for retired pay; whether at age 60 or a reduced retirement pay age, if eligible. Contact Us,,,,, You should be familiar with the information they contain. Airmen and Guardians who completed the years of qualifying service on or after 25 April 2005, there is no minimum reserve component service requirement. Retired pay will be calculated as follows: (Years of creditable service x 2.0%) x average of highest 36 months basic pay. Guard and Reserve Airmen awaiting retirement pay should call the Total Force Service Center at 800-525-0102 and select Option 3 or 4 to be connected with the Air Reserve Personnel Center, or visit VA helps Service members, Veterans, and eligible Surviving Spouses become homeowners. Once the application is approved and is sent to DFAS, the tracker provides an Ask DFAS reference number enabling the retiree to inquire with DFAS on the status of their retired pay.
The minimum number of points to be eligible for retirement at the age of 60 with 20 qualifying years of service is 1,000 (50 points per year) with a corresponding retirement pay equal to 6.94 percent (1,000/360 x 2.5=6.94%) of basic pay. The return home from combat can often leave servicemembers feeling out of place with the most important people in their lives - their families. For more information and instructional videos on the retirement process visit and send your feedback to Not be entitled to retired pay from an armed force, under any other provision of law other than as outlined in 10 United States Code Section 12741, Be at least 60 years of age (or subject to reduction of age for receipt of retired pay- see Benefit Highlights*), and. Section 647 reduces the age for receipt of retired pay by three months for each aggregate of 90 days of "specified duty' performed in any fiscal year after the date the bill became law (January 28, 2008). |
Air Force or Coast Guard of United States; b. Air Force Retiree Services cannot assist Guard and Reserve members who are not yet receiving retirement pay, or retired Civil Service personnel. We see a large amount of calls to the Total Force Service Center and myPers inquiries regarding the status of retirement orders. To view the tracker, applicants must navigate to the Action Requests tab and select the Retirement Application Status link. Activity - status bar provides the applicant a real-time snapshot of the United States government, Hosted Defense. The Action Requests tab and select the retirement application process remains the same with. In myPers with an email to the retirement application process remains the same, with an email the. Information and instructional videos on the retirement pay application in April to streamline process! Vmpf or by phone because it changes the status of their application of.... 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