These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. There is such a thing as food grade lye. Dissolve the excess roots in a solution of 1/2 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts in 1 gallon of distilled water. Place 2 to 3 tsp. Our experts have done a research to get accurate and detailed answers for you. Old cast iron pipes with heavy rust buildup and corrosion will . To do so, Terry's Plumbing suggests stirring together vinegar and baking soda in a cup. Unfortunately, it generates heat as it does so, making it best to avoid using lye in PVC and other plastic pipes. Replacing cast iron drain lines is not a simple process. To do so, Terry's Plumbing suggests stirring together vinegar and baking soda in a cup. When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH), also known as caustic soda or lye, is a highly versatile substance used in a variety of manufacturing processes. which consists of sodium carbonate. But are these cleaners safe for your pipes? Read more: How to Clean a Bathroom Sink Drain. | Sewer Line Clogs Roto-Rooter, Chemicals that Cause PVC Drain Pipes to Melt or Soften, Is Drain Cleaner Truly Bad for Your Pipes? Lye will react with metals such as aluminum, cast iron and steel. When you have a clogged drain and youre in need of a quick fix, it might be tempting to turn to a chemical drain cleaner. For best results, leave in drain for 15-30 minutes. Skip the flushing step if you still have standing water. It comes in liquid form, flakes, or crystals. Unclog drains with lye. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Epoxy Pipe Coating Does Not Coat Evenly. While the lye-based formula is tough on gunk, it's gentle enough for pipes made of plastic and copper. If its summer time, that is ideal as lye works better in warm conditions. Login Or Logout; . In order for that lye to be effective in soapmaking, you need to make sure that you are getting 100 percent sodium hydroxide. Unclog drains with lye. What are you waiting for? Any similar, sturdy container capable of holding its volume in water, with a secure cover to keep out inquisitive children or pets will also suffice. Drano is a product that many people use to unclog their drains. You only need two ingredients for homemade lye water: Baked baking soda and water. Another option is a sodium hydroxide-based cleaner, which is a strong alkaline solution that can dissolve hair and grease. Mix 1 can of lye (i.e., Red Devil) with 4-5 gallons of water in a plastic container. The thin spots fail. Now that you know why you should avoid caustic drain cleaners, lets look at how to safely remove your clog. If you experience repeat clogs in the same drains, nix the use of liquid plumbers and call in the professionals instead. While safe for occasional use on slow drains, drain cleaner chemicals can damage your pipes and lead to expensive repair bills. Lye that encounters a solid clog will accumulate there. 2. If youre using lye to unclog a kitchen sink, clear the sink first. This could detonate your drains, except the hydrogen gets safely , Oct 28, 2021While safe for occasional use on slow drains, drain cleaner chemicals can damage your pipes and lead to expensive repair bills. You can crack cast iron by repeatedly heating it up and rinsing with cold water before it has cooled down properly. Now this will depend on each piece, BUT remember vinegar is an acid and acids EAT metal You will ruin your piece if you let it in the bath too long. Dental floss, feminine hygiene products and all other objects should be thrown away, not flushed down the toilet. John Davis is the founder of this site, Livings Cented. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Lye is actually found in most drain cleaners. Lye drain cleaners also release heat (as do acid-based products) that softens and deforms plastic pipes. All actions that are taken by the reader(s) are at the readers' own risk. Welcome to Sharing Culture! If you have a slow drain or a clog that keeps coming back, its best to avoid using drain cleaners and instead call a professional plumber to take care of the problem. Hunker, Is Caustic Drain Cleaner Bad for Pipes? If that doesn't work, we suggest trying more eco-friendly, non-toxic biological drain cleaners such as enzymatic drain cleaners. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. google_ad_client: "ca-pub-9064057473789275", When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. The lye will sink to the bottom of the drain and clear the clog quite effectively. Copyright All rights reserved. Reactions of Lye and PVC Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. As such, you should only use lye as a last resort even if your pipes are metal. Lye can help with very slow drains but never use it in a drain that you suspect to be clogged solid. Although it won't melt them, lye is still highly corrosive and can damage cast iron pipes as well. Use the solution once to break up a clog, and you could be safe. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({ Lye is sodium hydroxide. Lye drain cleaners also release heat (as do acid-based products) that softens and deforms plastic pipes. Theyre dangerous. How do you make a lye bath with cast iron? Cast iron pipe was used primarily as sewer pipelines from the 1970s to the early 1980s. When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. Do not use lye if you have cast iron pipes. Hydrochloric acid, also known as muriatic acid, is the most common acid used by plumbers to unclog drains. More information. Possibly if not used as directed. Since lye can be easily eliminated from cast iron by simply rinsing with plenty of water, which also has the effect of neutralizing it, cooking in a piece cleaned by it does not present a poisoning hazard. Learn more about our unclogging services by visiting our drain cleaning service page. Reactions of Lye and PVC Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. will lye damage cast iron pipes Just by breathing them in, you could experience stinging and irritated eyes and throat. To protect yourself, always wear protective gear when using it. This heat can melt pipes and even cause porcelain toilets to crack in half, resulting in expensive damages. This caustic can deteriorate metal piping and, in some forms, as when mixed with an aluminum compound to increase its cleaning power, can easily generate enough heat to warp or deform PVC piping. Lye is a caustic substance, meaning it has a pH that is extremely alkaline. Lye is an alkaline chemical that is known for its caustic nature. These bacteria won't eat or damage your plumbing pipes and are naturally found in the environment, making enzymatic cleaners an earth-friendly option. Yes, olive oil can be used in the oven. This heat can melt pipes and even cause porcelain toilets to crack in half, resulting in expensive damages. Think twice before grabbing a bottle of drain cleaner, however. Any advice or anecdotal info would be appreciated! Then the aluminum also reacts with lye producing heat. Privacy & Legal The chemical should not react with the surface of the PVC piping, but if used incorrectly at high concentrations, it could eat away at a crack or flaw in the piping, causing it to fail. 15-30 minutes It's cracked. It also releases fumes, when mixed with water, that can harm the lungs. Lye will react with metals such as aluminum, cast iron and steel. Can lye damage pipes? Advertisement Video of the Day There are caustic cleaners that use lye (sodium hydroxide) or potash, oxidizing cleaners that use bleach or peroxide, and acidic cleaners that use sulfuric or muriatic acid to clean . I have left pieces in the tub for months (yes, months) and they do not rust and are not damaged by this . Can I Charge My Phone During A Thunderstorm. Sometimes the employees may not know where it is. Again, this method works better in summer. Lye then reacts with the grease to form a soapy substance that dissolves the clogged material and creates room for hot water to wash it away. You might want to try some simple DIY solutions first, like pouring boiling water down the drain or using a plunger. When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. When you do, make it a point to tell him that you used lye in the drain. This solution can eat away at the pipes, causing them to break down over time. I have a cast iron pan that Ive started to cook with every once in awhile, but it could definitely use a good bath. Before using it, open the windows and make sure that there is sufficient ventilation. The sinks, especially the kitchen sink, were often clogged. Lye should not be used to clean enameled cast iron pieces; it will dull the finish. Do not mix lye with other chemicals. In many instances, lye works extremely well, and one treatment is enough to get the job done. Modern cast iron is centrifugally cast, has uniform wall thickness, and should last longer than any of us are going to be alive. Soak cast iron pieces in lye water. Our team has collected thousands of questions that people keep asking in forums, blogs and in Google questions. Lye quickly kills the bacteria in your tank and can stop the breakdown of solid waste in your system for up to 48 hours before things slowly get going again, and no one wants to deal with a backed-up septic system. What happens if you add lye to standing water? Pour a small amount of water down after it. Flush the drain well with warm water the next morning. Avoid inhalation of the stuff. Avoid getting lye in contact with your bare skin as it can cause chemical burns. Lye, known to scientists as sodium hydroxide, is an extremely caustic base. At the same time lye is reacting with grease and water to create soap while the aluminum creates hydrogen bubbles and space for hot water to penetrate the clog and flush it further down the pipe. It can be bad for you're pipes depending on the age and wear and tear if your pipes, also this stuff is basically acid and will if left unattended or in the pipe start to eat through the inner walls, old brass traps under sinks are especially this and could leak, always flush out the lines Ryan Carlyle Other sources of lye include suppliers of soap making ingredients. You can find sodium hydroxide online. How rayon is different from synthetic fibre? Add your water to your tote first. When you do use lye, wear eye and skin protection so as not to incur a chemical burn. The short answer is yes, drain cleaners can be bad for your pipes. At the strength used to clear clogged drains, lye is absolutely hazardous to anything organic it contacts. Heres the problem: Chemical drain cleaners, such as caustic cleaners (containing caustic soda or lye), are bad for your pipes and your health. For example, reactions involving lye can generate heat that can reach boiling points. Pour the recommended amount of drain cleaner (about 200 ml or about 7 ounces) slowly into the drain. Since lye is a commonly used chemical for drain cleaning purposes, the used iron cleaning solution, already relatively dilute compared to drain cleaner, can be emptied down a household drain a gallon or so at a time along with cold running water without harm to pipes. Reactions of Lye and PVC Since lye is so basic and caustic, it can harm PVC piping. . If you do not want a lye tank, you can use the garbage bag-Easy Off method. Follow us on our social networks for special updates and offers! In 2019, Home Advisor cited the average cost of having a plumber clear a clog at $216. If you do not know how to fix a sewer backup and do not have a plumber fix your plumbing when the sewer backup is minor, the situation may progress to a more serious one. Lye can safely be used to clean nickel or chrome plated pieces. Drain cleaners are a convenient way to clear clogged drains, but they can actually be bad for your pipes. Carefully pour several teaspoonfuls of lye directly into the drain. It can be molded and shaped into a variety of objects and is then hardened by baking. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. But theyre very corrosive to pipes (including galvanized steel, copper, and iron) as well as fixtures and fittings. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. In the case of plastic pipes, the caustic materials . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. This is our unclog guarantee: If we cant restore flow to your clogged drain, we wont charge you! At the strength used to clear clogged drains, lye is absolutely hazardous to anything organic it contacts. Craft stores carry lye for soapmaking. When used infrequently and as directed, chemical drain cleaners pose little risk to your pipes. So how do we clean up that gunky old cast iron flea market find? After a matter of hours, everything but the bones dissolve into a liquid made up of water, salt and other components safe enough to go down the drain. Hydrochloric acid When the lye dissolves the grease, it releases explosive hydrogen. If it fits, it sits. This is your one-stop encyclopedia that has numerous frequently asked questions answered. 1. Though the solution will turn black from the removed buildup, it can still be used repeatedly for up to a year. When working with it, the lye can damage surfaces that it comes into contact with, including your skin. If you have consumed pretzels, bagels, hominy, canned mandarin oranges, lutefisk, or green olives, you have eaten a food in which lye was used in its preparation. Will lye damage cast iron pipes? At some point, you will encounter an encrusted pan which, even after days in a lye bath, will have some build-up that just won't budge. The chemical should not react with the surface of the PVC piping, but if used incorrectly at high concentrations, it could eat away at a crack or flaw in the piping, causing it to fail. While the basics of lye use are generally the same, every manufacturer may have its own special instructions for its product. Lye can help with very slow drains but never use it in a drain that you suspect to be clogged solid. Place a bucket upside down over the drain. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. So whats the best way to deal with a clogged drain? The chemical should not react with the surface of the PVC piping, but if used incorrectly at high concentrations, it could eat away at a crack or flaw in the piping, causing it to fail. You should always fact check all information provided before use or reuse. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Terry's Plumbing: Are Chemical Drain Cleaners Safe for Pipes? This chart has info on the dimensions & tolerances of spigots and barrels for no-hub pipes and fittings. As such, you should only use lye as a last resort even if your pipes are metal. PLUS At The End Of This Article We advise how you can Determine Which Type Of Sewer Pipes Your Home Has.. Lye, also called caustic soda and sodium hydroxide, is a substance frequently used to make soap. }); Hier sind ein paar meiner Lieblingsdinge aus Gusseisen, Ce sont quelques-unes de mes choses prfres en fonte, Buttermilk Pancakes on a Cast Iron Griddle. Lye, also called caustic soda and sodium hydroxide, is a substance frequently used to make soap. The chemical should not react with the surface of the PVC piping, but if used incorrectly at high concentrations, it could eat away at a crack or flaw in the piping, causing it to fail. . Although it won't melt them, lye is still highly corrosive and can damage cast iron pipes as well. Do not use lye if you have cast iron pipes. It is a white solid ionic compound consisting of sodium cations Na + and hydroxide anions OH .. Place the bucket back over the drain and give the lye another 15 to 30 minutes to work. I later replaced it with a 20 gallon Brute trash can with a locking lid. Sometimes, lye works a little too effectively, however, and it can damage your plumbing. When plunging doesn't work, try clearing the drain with a straightened wire hanger, auger or snake. What chemicals should not go into a septic tank? This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Do not use lye if you have cast iron pipes. This prevents boiling-hot, lye-filled water from splashing anything if it comes up out of the drain. If drain remains clogged, repeat steps 1-5. Lye is a corrosive substance that can eat away at metal, and cast iron pipes are no exception. Does lye damage cast iron? Since lye will not remove rust, the usual protocol when using both lye and electrolysis is to de-crud with lye first, then finish with electroysis to remove rust and any remaining crud. Avoid inhalation of the stuff. Don't leave the iron in the vinegar and water too long at a time because it will pit the iron. Lye should not be used to clean enameled cast iron pieces; it will dull the finish. Assuming your lye bath is at the optimum strength and not too cold, this is most likely because the crud has been cooked on past the point of having any grease left in it; being mostly carbon, there is nothing left with which the lye can react. Here everyone works together to make a better world by assisting you in decorating your entire house with all sorts of furniture, electronics appliances, emergency tools, accessories, etc. Metal pipe corrosion is a continuous and variable process of ion release from the pipe into the water. However, one advantage of diluting lye with water is that you can safely dispose of it right in the drain; it will unclog any fat or hair residue leaving your drains clear. If you do need to use Drano, be sure to follow the directions carefully and only use it as a last resort. Rust: LYE does not remove rust, do the following: Soak pieces in solution of 50% white vinegar and 50% water for several hours. See LYE in SEPTIC SYSTEMS for details. Most people worsen the problem by using more than one product to clean their drainpipes. | Our Plumbing Trainer Explains, link to Can You Put Olive Oil In The Oven, 5 Common Cat Behaviours And What They Mean. Drano is a powerful chemical that can be very effective at unclogging drains. Lye can help with very slow drains but never use it in a drain that you suspect to be clogged solid. If the drain backs up, turn off the water and wait a bit longer. In addition to causing pipe damage, drain cleaners can also cause serious injury if not used properly. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Because it doesn't float, you can use lye in drains even when there is standing water present. brain architecture game life experience cards pdf, Learn more about our unclogging services by visiting our drain will lye damage cast iron pipes service.. That softens and deforms plastic pipes, the lye can help with very slow drains but never use it a. Chrome plated pieces products and all other objects should be thrown away, not flushed down the.... Of water down the drain with a straightened wire hanger, auger or snake features the! Special instructions for its caustic nature a solution of 1/2 cup of in! You the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits Epsom in... Softens and deforms plastic pipes ( s ) are at the pipes, the lye dissolves the grease, can. Do, make it a point to tell him that you suspect be! 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