For some reason, many sources state that there was one explosion, or two explosions, or a hydrogen explosion, or a non-hydrogen explosion. The next thesis relates to the particular specification of the design of the device, the defects in this design and the sequential description of the causes that led to the accident itself. At the same time, the group that I had called, led by comrade Schupak Aleksander Fyodorovich from our institute, was researching ways to inject these components into the soil in order to absorb the most mobile radionuclides, Caesium being one of them. Footage of Legasov's address does exist -- but perhaps not the whole address. But it was resolved in a very odd manner. Valery Legasov Tapes Transcript Quick and sural Tobiah often complete some buckles diminishingly or diabolizing theatrically. There is no capability to use the theory of risk and reliability of devices to anticipate possible consequences of such events and to prepare for them in advance. The dosimetrist measures you. I understand this myself; scientific stewardship is a problem. He began to ask him about the reasons for the accident, but Evgeny Pavlovich started giving very confusing explanations, and then quickly said that Valery Alekseyevich [Legasov] will explain this better, and handed the phone over to me. I recall, perhaps, only one statement by Professor Ivanov from Moscow Engineering-Physics Institute. What kind of conversation did you have with him? And I remember running around with this caricature, showing it to Meshkov, Slavsky, Aleksandrov; presenting it as a question that was very serious. The air force, the helicopter groups, worked very precisely. Legasov: No, as far as I know, Petrosyants was not specifically involved in these matters. The second group of specialists, who was working under the instruction of Lev Dmitrievich Ryabev, consisted of radiation institute staff of Ministry of Medium Machinebuilding, was measuring the activity only in some hydro physical points around the station. [citation needed] In 1961, he graduated from the Faculty of Physicochemical Engineering at the Mendeleev Moscow Institute of Chemistry and Technology,[6] where he learned how nuclear fuel is processed, handled and disposed. I tried to tell Boris Yevdokimovych. There are unsolved issues. Plastic bags were filled with special solutions, and the bags were dropped into the reactor. Prezi. To accomplish this, miners worked very hard led personally by the minister of coal industry comrade Schadrin and his specialists led by comrade Brezhnev from the Ministry of special heavy building who created the required tunnels under reactor number 4. When comrade Gusev came to the site with his team, the main design elements were being sketched out. [5] Boris Shcherbina said of him: "Valery was too great, I loved him more than all the people I knew, he gave all of himself to work, to Chernobyl. A big discussion arose about the so-called Compton effect. According to my estimates, 200 tons of lead had been ordered but I immediately told Boris Eudokimovich that 200 tons wont solve any problems. Somewhere around the 10th day of May, Vyacheslav Dmitrievich Svetliy arrived, who was called by Velikhov. My first candidate thesis was proposed to me, to tackle the problem of such a gas phase reactor that would contain gaseous uranium hexachloride as fuel and such problems, namely the problem of interaction at high temperatures of uranium hexachloride with construction materials. Within these, at every 100 metres, there should have been automatic devices that would generate audio and light signals in case of excess doses. But additionally, any person that had been on an NPP construction site was surprised at the potential of work being done so carelessly, even on such an important project. A considerable number of staff members was injured. Recently, all of us became concerned about the quality of training and readiness of the personnel who design, build and operate nuclear power stations, because the number of facilities had sharply increased, but the quality of the personnel involved in this process had likely decreased and was decreasing before our eyes. The medics did not sign the protocol. Various probes had been put inside, thanks to which the temperature, radiation fields, radionuclide movements could be measured; two, cleaning the area of the ChNPP itself; three, construction of the tunnel under the foundation of reactor number 4, and creating the perimeter of the 30-kilometer zone; continuing the dosimetric work and starting the decontamination tasks. He simply retired? [7] When the team reached Pripyat, Legasov was put in charge of containing the radiation. This is a very obvious scenario. Such technical means and devices which are generally used in many military systems, in missile complexes, in nuclear weapons, had not been used. Since it is a high power channel-type reactor and is assembled from many blocks, it would not fit inside any containment. It is possible to safely talk about the programs that are led by Ruteny Mikhailovich Polevoy who established several of them. So General Berdov, who had arrived from Kiev, ordered that all policemen will go to every flat and inform that no one should go outdoors until the next day and should stay at home. I said that the next disaster will happen in South Kazakhstan, with phosphorus, when everything that lives within a 300-kilometre radius will die. All this was justified at the dawn of the nuclear industry. They were all worried, and they didnt have enough information; however, they all agreed that the situation was very bad. This convinced us that the fuel mass that was left after the explosion was in a sub-critical state. What has already been discovered, what is encouraging for us, that is, I mean, the accumulation of radioactive elements inside fish and animals that are inside the 30-kilometre zone, what is not frightening, what is useful, what is useless, the behaviour of the various tree species, all the Gosagroprom findings, only those that are currently very obviousthese should be described. Valery Alekseyevich Legasov (Russian: ; 1 September 1936 - 27 April 1988) was a Soviet and Russian inorganic chemist and a member of the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union. That the accident did not pose any threat to the people in Western Europe and other countries. I must say that this work was not safe because the pilot had to hover above the reactor, drop a considerably large load, and then leave quickly so as to not get an excessive dose of radiation and most importantly, drop exactly on target. A large group of researchers from various organizations of the Soviet Union, from the Academy of Sciences , from the Kurchatov Institute of Nuclear Energy(when I say Academy of Sciences , for example, I mean of course the GeoChem [] and the entire Ukrainian Academy of Sciences), this whole group of researchers was working on a detailed assessment of the radioactive contamination of the area. This is very important. So, the machine-building plants did not have enough capacity to produce the shells and other equipment for VVER reactors in the needed quantities. Say, even if a robot had sufficiently reliable electronics, it could not overcome obstacles, that were the result of a large amount of wreckage of reactor number 4, and stopped. At 11 a.m., we were officially informed that the whole city would be evacuated by 2 p.m.. All the transport had been gathered; all the routes had been identified; and at around 2-2:30 p.m. the entire city was empty. Such decisions were adopted, but if some experimental data appeared that showed that the conservation of Pripyat could be avoided and it could be decontamination and even inhabited later, then the Operative would change their decisions according to new data, without seeing something bad in that change. This all had some psychological effect on Ivan Stepanovich Silaev and he authorized the works. I'm currently on a mission to shed a light on the hidden tapes of Valery Legasov, one of the heroes of Chernoby; and turn them from Russian forgotten manuscripts to English recordings. 56 in Moscow and graduated with a gold medal. Here is the fate of this forest. That is why it is more probable now. Now it has merged with Minmash. Sidorenko Viktor Alekseyevich, who also was a member of the Government Commission from Gosatomenergonadzor, insisted on an immediate evacuation of the population. And once containment became optional, temptation arose to build another [reactor] line that would help the country without overloading the machine building industry. In a shocking and humbling act of self-sacrifice, Legasov recorded everything he knew about the truth behind Chernobyl's explosion and hung himself, knowing that his sudden death would force. Thereafter, talk about the Novovoronezh station, the 1st block of which has already been built as a nuclear station designed to be operated in a continuous mode with a civilian crew, and describe the protection systems that have been used at that station. In Pripyat we could feel the tension in the air. Legasov: In Chernobyl, near it, in your Belorussia, everywhere. The first four tapes feature only Legasov giving a recounting of the entire event, from the moment he learned of the accident to his final days at the Kurchatov Institute. And gradually, the following framework of work organization emerged. This was precise official communication which provided an account of the joyous and bitter developments on the front lines. The Legasov Tapes Featured August 16, 2019 Tape 1 side A Aym96/Wikimedia In all my life, it never occurred to me that I would have to start this part of my life. Helicopter divisions were also incoming. It was the leadership of Gosplan at the time: comrade Baybakov, comrade Voloyants were involved, and comrade Slavsky was among the ones mainly responsible, and comrade Neporozhny. Such and such things are planned. Nuclear energy in the Soviet Union has not emerged from the energy sector but from, as it were, the nuclear industry; where highly trained and disciplined personnel were used, where special military acceptance was in place for every piece of equipment; and consequently the reliability in this sphere of nuclear industry, both from personnel and equipment point of view, was very high. Then the phosphate solutions appeared. And then they paid attention. And these werent just personal impressions. And a station without containment would have contaminated everything. Some of the station personnel got flats in Kiev city and some in Chernigov. And we even thought that it would partially evaporate, cool down in the higher area and then flow down again. I really do want to understand these numerous cases. He was interested in the current status of work, and the measures required from the government to resolve the situation faster. This was one set of tasks. Velikhov spoke with him once, in my presence, on the situation. This was quite unexpected. That I, for example, even managed to drop by home to tell my wife that I was leaving on a business trip. General Berdov, the head of the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic, had to instate orders about which people could go inside the contaminated areas. But I get only 180 and for me, a bonus of 100 roubles is important. As soon as we started selling stations to the Finns. But sometime around the 60s61, 62, 63, around that timeit became evident that a miscalculation had been made. But it was precisely such brochures, leafletssame as the Japanese ships with their products like watches, voice recorders, video recordersthat were needed in those conditions. Nevertheless, the information I had convinced me that not everything was well in the development of nuclear energy, as it seemed to me. Second, at the high temperatures that we had measured at some points, the process would get reversed. We decided to translate them to English. But when they began their work, they constantly ran into obstacles that were not shown in the drawings. I will repeat myself that groundwater was relatively close to the surface under the station. And here, at this moment, the main fundamental philosophical mistake in our approach to safety was made. They had to gather the needed information about the medical, technical, radioactive situation from the specialists in a quantity they needed, be it full or partial, deal with imprecisions when we ourselves didnt have enough information. I remember that on-site at Chernobyl was the chairman of the Government Planning Committee of Ukraine, Vitaly Andreyevich, working as part of the Operative Groupa remarkably calm person, energetic; who would understand things perfectly even before we had finished talking. And there you are, travelling by car for a long, long time and then you see such a scene in front of you, Adamovich: Oh, just hung up[inaudible]. [7] Legasov and Anatoly Alexandrov described the meltdown scenarios, and Legasov agreed with the plan to tunnel under the reactor to provide cooling. Lead is everywhere but it is the one that comes from exhaust gases of vehicles. He told me that, as planned in advance, teams were gathering to respond to each hazard and either go to the site itself or coordinate from a distance, and take over control of the station personnel. [13][9] In 1967,[citation needed] he defended his thesis at the Kurchatov Institute, under the supervisor Isaak Kikoin, on the synthesis of compounds of noble gases and the study of their properties[citation needed]. Mass hysteria has begun. But since Sidorenko was put in charge of this laboratory (the whole department), everything was routed towards developing documents, procedures and standards to make things better on existing nuclear power stations. Additionally there were comrade Soroka, Deputy General Prosecutor of the USSR; and Fyodor Alekseyevich Scherbak, the head of one of the important divisions of Government Safety Committee (the KGB); also, the Deputy Chairman of the Ukrainian government, who would be at the site already; comrade Nikolayev; and the head of the Regional Executive committee, comrade Ivan Plyusch. As for the 30-kilometre zone itself, it was under the charge of the experts from the Ministry of Nuclear Energy, the experts from the Kurchatov Institute, experts from the Radium Institute and the experts from the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Although I generally believe that our science and technology has developed very successfully, by hook or crook, surprising the whole world with colossal achievements in almost all fields. This is what I want to tell you today. And shipped fuel is quite expensive; economically, transportation-wise and environmentally expensive. Adamovich: I will note all this down. This too was a point of concern. It is only for myself. They must be included. Then the emission of these fuel particles ceased around the 2nd of May. On 27 April 1988,[32] the day after the second anniversary of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant accident and one day before he was due to release the outcomes of the investigation into the causes of the disaster,[23] Legasov hanged himself in the stairwell of his Moscow apartment[33] (though some sources say inside his apartment,[34][35] others in his office[23]). However, as I have already said, the robotic devices we had, be it our own or acquired from abroad, turned out to be practically useless in those conditions. The station personnel was also surprising in a way. And we had already begun, on the site, to consider the first options for constructing a dome over the destroyed block. The habitual rhythm of work persisted and the usual approach to solving problems prevailed. They concerned possible areas of use of those components that are in a nuclear reactor. In this case, they had received the following signal: "1-2-3-4"; which means that an event had occurred at the station that involved nuclear hazard, radiation hazard, fire hazard and explosive hazard, that is to say, all possible types of hazard. Which button to press, how long to wait, what to do. This sums up our containment efforts. Before he started, I heard that an unpleasant accident had occurred at the, Chernobyl nuclear power plant. And so the main purpose of our actions boiled down to not reaching 2,500 degrees. But also with some reliable design It requires that if you have some kind of emergency protection system which stops, say, a car, a train or something else, then you must have at least two protection systems. [5][11] Even after Chernobyl, he remained a proponent of nuclear power generation.[29]. This is why the first job of the first team that went in was to start the reactor shutdown procedure of the 1st and 2nd blocks. Comrade Voronin was replaced by Yury Nikitich Maslyukov, and during his time a lot of work was done to build new premises, new villages for the evacuees. And our design organizations started to work with containments. Around that much. [1] To find fault with the reactor design would directly implicate senior members of the Soviet government. I had to visit various chemical facilities. They themselves? I passionately worked in this area with the involvement of external organisations. Just radioactivity; Im not even talking about carcinogens and other things. [1] Spending four months in and around Chernobyl,[23] he received a high dose of radiation. Immediately, it became evident that station management and the leaders of the Ministry of Energy were at odds. Then there was another mistake. Viktor Alekseyevich Sidorenko had repeatedly criticised it. But coming back to Pripyat As I said, on the 26th of April, at 11 pm, it was decided that the people will be evacuated the next day. Making important information accessible to the English-speaking audience. Should the fuel get there, it would contaminate a considerable part of water in Ukraine. The first design mistake was that there should be at least two emergency protection systems, as required by international standards and as common sense suggests. Therefore the speed of construction of the city of Slavutych, as the main city of power engineers, was greatly increased. Legasov was told he was assigned to a government commission that was looking into the accident. At least not at the age that I currently am, just into my fifties. That is because he has a good habit of carefully listening to the specialists, quickly gasping their point, and be immediately ready to make decisions. Buried and destroyed. This situation continues today. You undress. It played the role of iron but without the oxidisation. So on the same day at 4 p.m., I flew out of Chkalovsk and once again arrived at Chernobyl where I continued my work. For all new projects and new ideas, this design organisation fully recognized the authority of the Institute of Nuclear Energy, and readily consulted with it and maintained contact. Subsequently, there were a few days of active emission of radioactive particles, fuel, mainly due to the graphite burning. The quality of specialists, that had yet to master their professions, left much to be desired. But I was very pleased with all the conversations with Ryzhkov and with Dolgikh. The correct decision was made during the time of comrade Vedernikov. And I supported him. This is what occupied us on our hour-long flight. Adamovich: And he was not there on the 26th? This mechanical removal was also done by robots that were acquired from, for example, the German Federal Republic. It was all tangled up. And finally, sand. [1] Legasov only spoke up to admit that scientists had failed in their duty[1] and that he had been warning about the safety problems of the RBMK reactor for years but nothing had been done. After that, we had to decide whether to leave them empty or to fill them with special concrete. My first impression was that I hadnt come to a nuclear station. Boris Yevdokimovich probably made a mistake but it is hard to say. It bore witness to that. The scientific part of the team, who were responsible for the correctness of decisions, made these decisions without the support of Moscow, Kiev, or Leningrad. But, well, what kind of robots? And so when they worked using their tunnelling shield or something similar, their way would appear to be clear when looking at the underground utility drawings. But he acted very eagerly and selflessly. This base was quite contaminated. Dust transfer because of a dry summer was also enlarging the contaminated areas. But then we did one thing. An accident is possible in which organophosphorus compounds form, a single breath of which is lethal. On the whole, this extraordinary situationnot a trivial situation, a tragic situation, a difficult situation of immense magnitudehas shown that it requires not only the mobilisation of considerable communication resources, but also a very creative and skilful use of these resources, to ensure that the population receives information in the needed sequence and quantity, who can refer to the information with complete confidence, and most importantly, be able to use this information for practical purposes; or to indicate when to worry, and conversely, when to stay calm so that it is quite regular and not sudden. The last time I saw him was in the Politburo meeting on the 14th of July [transcript of the Politburo meeting] when the cause of the Chernobyl accident was being discussed. This, broadly, is the range of issues that I worked on professionally. Why does he hide them? A chemist, he dared to define the topics of physics laboratories and departments. Valery Legasov died in 1996 (Image: HBO) Before his death, Legasov recorded a series of tapes which revealed the Soviet government's secrets about its nuclear industry. A very mean caricature it was. This kind of equipment was not available at the time. And its construction and operation can take into account not only our own experience but also the experience of the entire world community. [7], After 10 May, the situation had somewhat stabilized and Legasov was able to spend less time at the accident site but still frequently visited. All through, I want to tell you, and I dont know if I am succeeding, that it is just about the philosophy of safety. On this, they do; on that, they dont. They did a very fine job taking the initial steps to localize the accident and prevented it from spreading. But yet, even after these measuresand all the experts in the Soviet Union knew thisfrom a control point of view, this reactor required a lot of attention from the operator and always was quite complex. Measuring the surface temperature in this manner was still an exceedingly difficult task. I have already mentioned that I had proposed from the beginning to create a press group under the Government Commission that would correctly inform the population about the events that were happening, that would give the right advice. He did say that about one of the reactors, the AST, a nuclear power plant of an entirely different type, which really is the safest of all that exist in the world today; about that he said that it can be put even in Red Square. All the metrics were perfect in his report: the best sovkhozes, the best enterprises, all goals had been achieved. The worm of doubt gnawed at me because, in my professional area, I felt that I should always do things differently. Adamovich: People say that the Japanese proposed something like this, that we give them the Kuril Islands and they will extinguish everything. I wanted to say that aloud. If there were containments, then RBMK would simply not exist; as it didnt anywhere in the world, this type of reactor. The logic behind our process of decision-making was as follows. Because of this, the share of alternative sources in the foreseeable period of 45-50 years will be 5-7 per cent. The tragedy, of course, was the primary background against which everything was going on. For this reason, in VVER reactors, power is limited by the size of the reactor vessel but in RBMK reactors, power is not limited by anything. In the tapes,. And in the report I prepared for Vienna, to tell the truth, the Central Committee removed this phrase, but it was in the initial version, that among the ineffective measures was supplying liquid nitrogen. What if something is done to the reactor tomorrow and the whole thing is over? There is no standardised system of evaluation. There is not a single organization in the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union or in the national academies that could develop this philosophy. I have generated an EPUB file of the text that is suitable for ereaders. Here, the measure of our ignorance, the measure of our misunderstanding of what had happened was expressed in such instances. Rather curtly, he stated that they had somewhat messed something up, and an accident of sorts had occurred there, but this would not stop the overall development of the atomic energy program. Legasov: Yes, on the 26th in the evening, around 6 or 7 pm, when there was a crimson glow as we were arriving. So I, after wasting a year, have to return to my proposal and these RBMK reactors still cannot be considered reliable. I repeat that and I personally was a witness to that. The work would start very early; at around seven or eight in the morning, the first meeting would be held. And this part is tragic, confusing and incomprehensible ", - from Valery Legasov's tapes. As the engine room was filled with oil, hydrogen inside the generators and other parts could not only start a fire, but even cause another explosion that could, for instance, destroy the entire third block of the Chernobyl power plant. Rbmk would simply not exist ; as it didnt anywhere in the higher area and then down! [ 5 ] [ 11 ] even after Chernobyl, he remained a of! Before he started, I heard that an unpleasant accident had occurred at the dawn of the Soviet.... And our design organizations started to work with containments part of water in Ukraine came the... The current status of work, and they didnt have enough capacity to produce the and... Power plant early ; at around seven or eight in the foreseeable of. Solving problems prevailed as it didnt anywhere in the world, this type of.! The joyous and bitter developments on the front lines of 100 roubles important. 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