You got this! I was advised to extract #31 ( right bottom second molar )(age early 40s ) .. Do I need to get a bone graft and an implant? Her appointment is for next Tuesday. I really hope you can have the chance to answer mine. Do I need any implants on my bottom jaw? I looked at your x-ray. Needs to be extracted. The bicuspids are very important teeth. The extraction of first, second or third permanent molar . You may end up cracking other teeth because you do not replace this one. If you are sensitive to heat it is likely the tooth in front or behind it. #15 in place. i went to a clinic but they said it couldnt be done due to theres no room.. the xray was in 2019 i just went to a dentist specialist, they advise me to remove the last molar for the upper left, so i agree with that, but do i need to remove the second last molar since its going down? Does molar tooth extraction require surgery? Your back teeth support your facial structure and will prevent you from losing your front teeth overtime. There are many different types of dental implants and prosthetics (artificial teeth), so talk to your dentist about which option would be best for you. You would probably be better off extracting the wisdom tooth #1 and the wisdom tooth #32. So It cant be saved. So do i need to make implants? But I need to decide if I want an implant or not, because if I just want to be able to have an implant later on, the surgeon says I need a Sinus alignment vertical and a Platelet rich fibrin. Neither are covered by insurance. Thing is, this same dentist advised earlier a root canal + crown on #20 - which ended up without enough tooth structure to hold the post - temp crown fell off first day - now I have an implant healing waiting for the crown. Maybe orthodontics to correct your bite, a night guard and/or Botox to relax the jaw muscular system. The endo said the nerves in the tooth were dead but the ligaments were still alive. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. I am not a candidate to have an implant on tooth 3 because of my very low sinuses. My second tooth to the back on the top is falling out what should I do. file:///var/mobile/Library/SMS/Attachments/1f/15/7D70868E-F6C0-4955-86DF-A1C32E2FF8D3/View%20recent%20photos.png, I believe you in California and I am willing to travel to see you. Pro 3: Non surgical procedures are cost effective. Will I have consequences later for having this pulled? Hello, I recently had #14 extracted. It's usually less expensive than having a tooth pulled and replaced with an artificial one. Just wondering what are chances if I have it extracted that I will have other problems later as a result of tooth 27 missing. Could all this be from having the 3rd molar removed which is causing pressure on the 1st molar? It sounds like you got a handle on alcoholism which really causes a lot of dental disease as well. Although dental implants are the best way to replace missing teeth implants are not permanent. permanent dentures Thank you so much for your professional advice. It will wear down. That is the tooth that should be watched for drifting. Thanks, yes the upper can be intruded via orthodontics but it is difficult. In 2014, I had 5 impacted wisdom teeth removed. Thank you. Do i eventually need implants or should i be okay? My dentist said that the upper wisdom teeth were pushing my bite forward and thats why she extracted the tooth. Many years ago I was diagnosed with a bit of grindingmy teeth at night and was given a night guard but I could not sleep. The missing molar has never bothered me, esthetically nor otherwise. Without seeing you I cant make the final call. Is it inappropriate to simply leave the tooth missing? Then if I decide on the implant sometime later, that is really expensive and only 50% covered by insurance. The benefit of adding the upper second molar is often up to the patient, I have the exact situation in the example given in the article: my bottom second molar was extracted 7 years ago. Hi! I just really do not want to go through an extensive surgery. Infection This saves a lot of time and money. How long can I leave the cracked 14 in until extraction? Not sure if the cleaning did something or the infection was ready there. The root canal will cost $1600. I had tooth #3 extracted as it had decay on a pre-existing root canal and caused me excruciating pain. Hi, I am in the UK and have very severe dental phobia and I have most of my life, as you can imagine this is now causing me problems. Yes the 3 very back ones (both of the bottom and one of the top), You will definitely need some implants. I heard there were a lot of well-known dental professional claiming it impossible to sterilize the tubules fully as there are millions of it in a compromised tooth, which can harbor bacteria and potentially harm a persons health. I got my tooth 18 extracted due to fracture and also bone graft done, is this enough and not go for implant? Is that a common occurrence? I still havent had my wisdom tooth yet. Can I have an extraction without an implant considering its location. Perhaps he will be lucky. Tooth 15. Hello Dr. Would it be crucial for me to get both my letter A and letter j teeth replaced after extraction I just do not have the money replace them. I recently (pre-COVID) was fitted for a crown, but had the temporary crown in for several months as dentists throughout CT were shut down. If you are not going to have another implant that you do not need a bone graft. . He is open to, but not recommending, an extraction. I even had my own second molar break a few years ago! One day you will be 92! Please keep in mind that although dental implants are the very best tooth replacement they are not permanent. Thank you very much Dr Ramsey! I was advised that I need to have tooth #18 (last molar on bottom left, wisdom teeth not present) extracted, bone grafts done, and an implant placed. I am 46 years old. What do you think for all of this? This high rate of success is what makes it a great option. Hi Im 44. The Cons of Tooth Extraction Infections Pits may form where the tooth was extracted in some patients. Everything else is much more aggressive like a bridge where your teeth are ground down. Now Im worried!! Pain when you chew or bite. In some cases, teeth need to be removed for braces to be effective. My wisdom tooth was extracted years ago, so this is the second tooth in on the upper right, labeled $3. Usually this happens if you are younger than 15. I really am so annoyed at myself for not dealing with this sooner but even now I feel sick at the thought of even trying to book an appointment. I have X-ray but dont see an attachment section on comments. I just really need help with an option I dont want my teeth to shift. I dont know if this is caused by bone reabsorption, but my top front teeth look really asymmetrical to me now. I am not a dentist, but based on personal experience it took me about 10 days to recover , some may take longer. All Rights Reserved. He said he would drill a hole through the crown and patch it then send me back to my dentist for a new crown. Michelle, The mouthguard you are mentioning must be on the lower. Wang A, Cao J, Zhang H, Zhang B, Yang G, Hu W, Chung KH. Now the dentist has strongly recommended for me to extract tooth 37 as there is no bone supporting it even though the gum has got firmer(no more abcess). I am 42 year old female and in great health. To do the exercise, I a) place the tongue depressor horizontally in my mouth between the upper tooth and the area where #31 used to be and then b) bite down on the tongue depressor, using the upper tooth, repeatedly for 2-3 minutes in such a way that hopefully simulates the chewing that would normally occur to generate the root stimulation. Healing incisions and/or wounds produce a serum that is yellow. The upper second molar is now supra erupting. When I do wear my nightguard 24/7 it does help but the appliance is large, uncomfortable, and I am not biting on all my teeth when its in. That would be your only other real option besides just leaving it alone as an empty space. It also helps keep the teeth in place and aligned. My 3rd molar on the right side is impacted. I cant find a good evidence base for botox and invisalign as a bruxism treatment. I wear a plastic retainer once a week to keep my teeth aligned. I didnt take good care of my teeth during my teens and both sides the bottom 2nd molars are root canal and crown with the warning that they would need to be eventually extracted. I have an over bite and my bottom molar is still in place how long do I have before it shifts? However, if the patient does not recognize any reduced masticatory efficiency, replacement of a second molar typically is unnecessary. Whether that be in this align or classical braces likely this will fix the problem your young age of 26. #17 is a wisdom tooth and I would rarely ever advised the bridge anchored to a wisdom tooth. As per my understanding based on how you feel about the procedure you will not recommend to do it on your daughter? Will any other teeth move? Sorry, I know its long weekend and you probably will get to it. Vivia It depends on the so many factors such as genetics and the type of bone and method that was used. Thank you for your very kind words. In either case, it probably will not effect the appearance of the other teeth. Do not take off the braces until the implant dds clears you to do so. The most important molar numbers are #3, #14, #19 and #30! Having this gap, would this give them more room? My landline is 714 680-3467busy in mornings walking & sr.centers, etc. Hi Dr, Amin. They break! I am a 57 year old male who had the #15 upper molar extracted several months ago. He has a retainer for both top and bottom. Now however I am gettingpain everyday and this has been going on for amonth. Thank you in advance. bone graft Could I have the tooth removed and then get a permanent retainer or maybe just treat the molar and see if it gets better. A root canal is always the best option for a tooth that has damaged, diseased, or dead pulp. She is a good age for that! It doesnt seem to be tightening back up and my experience with having them removed was horrible. Replacing tooth #5 can be straightforward as long as there is no bone or tissue lost requiring a bone and/or gum graft. An abscessed tooth can cause: Throbbing pain that gets worse with time. Will my teeth shift or cause problems? impacted or wisdom tooth removal ). Would this lead to bone recession or face asymmetry as I have read in some pages? You may be surprised what the answer is. I must commend how you handle dental related issues on this platform and I wish I had discovered earlier, I wouldnt have been in the current situation I find myself. Forgot to mention that I am 24 years old! The procedure was done with a nerve block and was uneventful.,, oral hygiene every day using an electric toothbrush, Dental implants are not permanent. It leaves a surface wound the size of half a dollar bill, that can become infected if food is pre Everyone is different - depends on why the tooth has to come out and maybe on the skill of the dentist. immediate dental implants They have offered a couple of options: #1-Let #29 come in, file the sides of #20 down just a little to give more room, then put on braces to pull teeth together (her teeth seem to be shifted a little off center from center of face and she has an overbite anyway so she needs them). Dr. Amin, your blog is so straightforward, direct, and helpful. . Will that negatively impact my ability to get an implant? If you had #19 an #18 removed already than the only way to have a bridge would be to anchor it to #17. Hello, Doctor Ramsey! Youll likely have some swelling and discomfort for a few days after the procedure. Can I live without #14? To be clear, typically our last molar that shows in the mouth is our second molar. Any other advice? However, there are many less-expensive options available such as bridges and dentures. This is the #3, upper right. You can make a 3 tooth bridge from #28-30 making 29 a pontic. 5 days ago I had #2 and #31 (US) extracted as they had broken, I believe due to decay. I have not got my wisdom tooth extracted. Thank you Sir, 32 is a wisdom tooth. How much do you think a molar can be enlarged in order not to have problems? Or, the tooth on the opposite arch will . please watch this video to learn more, oral bisphosphonate type of Fosamax medication, Full Arch Implants/ All On 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, Botox for Teeth Grinding, Jaw Clenching & Dental Implants, Subperiosteal Dental Implant Extreme Lower Jaw Bone Loss, Smoking, Vaping, Marijuana and Dental Implants (video & text). I am a 28 year old male with a damaged secondary molar (#31) that needs to be extracted. I did two of them today in that very same area! Both of the teeth are starting to become painful and I would like to extract them. How there be a gap? (Dentist said its close to the nerve). The thought of implants and anchors both give me anxiety financially but I am also concerned with the thought of her having upper molars without a lower molar partner after reading your responses. Hello Dr. Second molar extractions can be done for a variety of reasons, including crowding, decay, or infection. I chew perfectly but Im really worried, Your teeth will move but you are a bit young for an implant. Thank you for replying to myself and everyone else . For me in particular, I am 17, about to turn 18 in September, and have to get 31 extracted due to tooth decay and a sector (about a quarter) being chipped off. But the upper half of the tooth positioner still caused pain in my jaw, so we gave up on that idea and he gave me a retainer to wear instead. For example, if your second molar is the troubled tooth, you very well may function fine without it. If I choose that? Hi, I had upper molar #15 removed after internal resorption was discovered. Yet, I fear i will also fall out. Is it reasonable to consider not having an implant? Ive seen the dentist, endodontist, ortho, and doctor had a ct scan, xrays, test for nerve issue, night guard and am being told it might be TMD. Thats what I would do . He never recommended root canal or anything. I went to the dentist to have tooth 18 and 19 extracted as they cannot be saved. I know from reading this blog and from what the endo told me that the upper molar can drop down and have to be pulled anyway since it cant meet the bottom one. Now that #31 tooth has been extracted, my periodontist wants to check my bite in 3 months to see if I need to start wearing a retainer the rest of my life. Hi! Dr told me I dont need to have implants but I wonder (maybe because its expensive?) The sooner the better especially at your young age your teeth will shift very quickly! Wait longer if it is in the front of the mouth. I have been having some clenching problems and noticed my speech has gotten worse! The root canal was not completed. Pros of Single Molar Dentures: An affordable option in comparison with other types of tooth replacements. Which r best implants now I mean metal non metal? I hope I am not too late on the post. Prescribed Z pak antibiotics, prescription mouthwash, 800 ibuprofen (I refused steroids for swelling as I read it causes bone loss) next 2 days pain& could barely talk nor open my mouth, size of apple swelling, pain in ear, face, jaw throat & bad pain when swallowed. I do have the wisdom teeth on that side still, though they are only partially erupted. One common reason for this is when a tooth has a large cavity that cannot be repaired with a filling. Dr Ramsey, Also he said all my teeth are formed now. Complications-Bone Graft For Failed Full Lower Dental Implants, Complication Bone Graft is Exposed Platelet PRF Treatment,,, This deserves some explanation. would a flipper tooth be an option in my case? Would I need an implant? I would tend to agree with the surgeon on this one. I am 28 and I just went to my dentist today for my 6 month check-in and cleaning. No implants needed! You definitely landed on the right article. It takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete while extraction takes about 20 to 30 minutes to complete. . I am going to have the teeth #15 to be removed next week. This will work great. First molars were extracted in 17 cases, second molars in 40 cases and a combination of first and second molars in 3 cases. At 36 years of age and hoping for many years of a healthy bite, what should I do? Clinical indications for molar extraction are proposed, which are classified into nine categories and each case in every category is shown. I had a left molar tooth extraction 3 days ago and now my tooth right next to it is very sensitive to touch with a toothbrush. I am still in intermittent pain and can only eat soft foods.) Of course you could have implants for #30 and 31 which may be a great option as well. I had to extract my 2nd lower molar (tooth 37). My #31 tooth has cracked since getting a root canal 4 yrs ago. Have them look for fremitus on your tooth. Try to get it done sooner. Wisdom tooth-related problems can cause more damage over time to areas such as nearby teeth, gums, jawbone, or nerves. Experience Life. Dont wear nightguard 24/7! My #32 (US) cracked and from the message above I understand I should get an implant otherwise the upper molar might shift. A week later I got black triangles in my front 3 teeth out of no where. Some people can get away without replacing the upper second molar. Thank you for any help you are able to provide. You choose to sacrifice it to save the neighboring tooth. I have chosen not to seek a titanium implant because of multiple concerns that I have about it. All 4 never really came in all the way because my mouth was too small. I have an overbite, he has recently drilled down the #3 crown just to see if it made a difference and it took away a lot of pain but shifted it to #2, the last upper tooth. Kumar Y, Chand P, Arora V, Singh SV, Mishra N, Alvi HA, Verma UP. You have to lose more teeth especially the first molars which are numbered #3, #14, #19, #30. I had a root canal done on this same tooth 2.5 years ago which went badly wrong I ended up with an abscess and Ludwigs Angina, and spent two days hospitalized (away from my newborn). Go to an endodontist specialist and save your tooth! Part of why you are in great health is because you have 18 and 19!! Tooth extraction is sometimes the way to go if you are experiencing severe tooth pain. And are there other options than extraction/implant? I had both the TOP wisdom tooth removed already. My wisdom tooth next to it was already extracted last year due to cavity. I have already begun this routine. Your procedure is not likely an extensive surgery. An implant is the least invasive, most cost effective tooth replacement solution you can do. I really hope to hear from you. It has been recommended that he have #15 and #18 pulled. My #18 bottom molar is cracked and requires removal rather than crown. What is your recommendation? My lower left 2nd molar cracked a piece off of it (I think due to a filling) and Ive got a temporary crown on it. Sorry, Of course I have not seen you but, this is a good plan! When do teeth start shifting? 3. Said she would also most likely need an implant in her early 20s for #20 OR #2 option-pull both #20 & #29 and use T.A.D anchor system in that area along with braces to pull the two molars inward to give them more room. Would you recommend replacement of 3 with an implant or a bridge? Now i feel like its hopeless and very worried about my other teeth (further receding bone leading to more tooth loss,supereruption from the top teeth) if i agree to extract it. Google what that means. This type of extraction is typically done when the tooth is impacted or has severe decay. Since they are usually not covered by any kind of medical insurance, the whole dental implant procedure could range anywhere from $3,000 to $5,000 per tooth. I am an African and will be 40 this year, over the years, Ive had causes to extract tooth numbers 5,18, 19, 30, and 31 (using the United states labelling system). Basically you sleep through the whole thing. Im getting very concerned about bone reabsorption and tooth over-eruption, since these are things that were not discussed with me prior to getting the molar removed. it depends if you are young enough and if the root of the wisdom tooth has formed. Problem is that some years ago I had both of my upper premolars extracted for orthodontic treatment. Can I just have the tooth extracted? What are my options after that (should I get implant)? 2014 Apr;111(4):286-92. doi: 10.1016/j.prosdent.2013.10.004. But any idea why he said that? Then you could have two implants. Im committed to taking better care of my teeth. Although it was a route canal tooth I had significant pain x 24hrs that subsided when the cap initially came off. All Rights Reserved. Sometimes only 10% of #15 touches the lower tooth #18 while sometimes it is 90%. I read that many patients are OK with their second molar(s) removed. Pros of root canals. Is closing #3 with braces or aligners an option or will it shift my smile? I still have a healthy 3rd molar (tooth 38) and all my other teeth. Out of financial reasons Im not ready yet. I can feel them touching too much when i close my mouth. Hello! I had dental implants on upper #4 and #5 3 years ago with excruciating pain caused in #3 while healing, especially with the abutment causing pain in #3 and #2 have both had several root canals each. This study including 60 Japanese patients was conducted to reveal the facts on the treatment with first or second molar extraction and identify the pros and cons of the therapy. You can see that the advantages heavily outweigh the disadvantages. Hello Dr. Ramsey, I appreciate the knowledge that you share with us. 2nd molar (upper right) had a very large cavity - sensitive - 4 years ago. For both top and bottom may function fine without it away without the! Were pushing my bite forward and thats why she extracted the tooth missing than second molar extraction pros and cons also! Bite and my bottom molar is the second tooth in on the 1st molar he said would! Another implant that you do not replace this one top and bottom have some swelling and for! 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