Baal-Gad | Arnim Zola | Anton Mogart | Carter was aware of Nagel, revealing that he worked for the Power Broker. Infinity Ultron | Type of Villain [volume&issueneeded], In a follow-up, a sniper shoots Steve Rogers in the shoulder while he walks up the steps to the Federal Court. Marvel Studios It would appear they're all dead. Gone is the All-American girl positioned as a perfect match for Captain America. The Winter Soldier seemed to give his blessing for this, despite having been friends with Rogers for much longer. Carter would send her men out to capture the anarchists, but they were unable to after one Flag Smasher sacrificed himself to ensure their escape at an airport. You got any more tricks in your bag? Uzman | Halfnut | $4.99 + $5.75 shipping . director Nick Fury had assigned Sharon Carter, codenamed Agent 13, to supervise Steve Rogers at his apartment. She also appears in the Disney+ series The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Following the events, she eventually received a pardon from the U.S. Government, as well as her old job at the CIA. Carter was in great awe of the life her aunt Peggy had lived; at Peggy's funeral, Carter mentioned a picture of Peggy standing next to JFK, describing it as "cool" but "a lot to live up to". Extremis Soldiers, Dark Elves Laufey | The original Power Broker. Johann Fennhoff | Vin-Tak | She then fell to the floor as Rumlow stole her gun, and an intense shootout occurred. Ultron | Kurse the Strong, Kree Empire Carter questioned how the person framing Barnes would be able to guarantee that they would capture him. Hive | Franklin Hall | After betraying the U.S. government to help Steve Rogers, Carter became more cynical and hardened after years of being on the run, contrasting her former belief in the system, Carter enjoys life outside the law, working as a black market art dealer in Madripoor. Carter notified Wilson of Walker's whereabouts, and he and Barnes proceeded to go after him. Relying on her skills and ingenuity to survive, Carter established herself in Madripoor as the Power Broker, who ruled the city's criminal underworld, amassing her wealth during the Snap, in which she was believed to have died. Pay Less. Jack Rollins [13] She surrenders to Norman Osborn in order to save the life of Bucky (who had already escaped, unbeknownst to her), and she is delivered to the Red Skull and Dr. Doom, who use her to retrieve Steve, with the Skull's mind in control. Yellowjacket Exolon Monks, Yondu Ravager Clan While Carter was at the Brass Monkey Saloon, she noticed Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes arrive with Helmut Zemo, so she stealthily left the bar, deciding to watch them, while remaining hidden. Karli Morgenthau and the Flag-Smashers are dead. Pierce then entered the room and answered that Rogers had lied to the organization by withholding information about Fury's murder. [31] Additionally, VanCamp voices an alternate timeline version in the Disney+ animated series What If? . So, in Episode 6 of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, we see the redemption of John Walker (sorta), the end of the Flag-Smashers (sorta), and the debut of a new . Sharon Carter (also known as Agent 13) is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. [3] Carter was responsible for Georges Batroc's release from an Algerian prison. Adolf Hitler | The latest reason to believe that Sharon Carter is the Power Broker is how she casually still has access to satellites, which she used at Sam Wilson's request to track the whereabouts of the new Captain America John Walker (Wyatt Russell) in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 4. I promise you won't regret saying yes. Diamondback | ""Well, that explains why you guys are here.Sharon Carter and Sam Wilson. Most of it's noise. The mission did not go well, and Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D. Rogers is shown the event on videotape. Super soldiers may be off the menu, but we're about to have full access to government secrets, prototype weapons, you name it. Sharon Carter later forms the Daughters of Liberty, who work to clear Captain America's name after he is framed for the death of Thunderbolt Ross. She noted that most of the reports were useless, except for what was in a folder that she gave to Rogers. Zemo is still being held here when Civil War ends, and its clear from the Falcon trailers that he has managed to escape; dollars to donuts this is linked to the Snap in some way. In the ensuing crowd chaos, Rogers is shot three times in the abdomen with a pistol, and later appears to die of his wounds. Minn-Erva | Lorelei | Sharon Carter is the great-niece of legendary S.H.I.E.L.D. Carter further explained that because she didn't have the support of the Avengers, she had to stay on the run, unlike Wilson. [17], When Sharon Carter and S.H.I.E.L.D. Gutes Guterman | Iron Man | This is Thesecret1070. Carter then told Wilson that if Karli Morgenthau managed to escape them, they wouldn't be able to find the Super Soldier Serum, revealing that the "Power Broker" was upset about Wilfred Nagel's death, and wanted the serum back. [23] She can display humor at times, but mostly keeps her mouth shut in public. They saw as the report claimed that the bomber was Bucky Barnes. Carl Hoffman | Vice President Rodriguez | Next:What's Next For The MCU After WandaVision? The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is launching on Disney+ on March 19, hot on the heels of the WandaVision finale. Corvus Glaive | Echo | Korath the Pursuer | Originally a S.H.I.E.L.D. Gordon | Thats when were first introduced to her in the MCU, initially as Steve Rogers flirtatious neighbour, although it turns out she was a SHIELD Agent there to spy on Steve, and the flirting was purely to get closer to him. Sakaaran Mercenaries | In the alternate future of the Earth X miniseries, Sharon Carter has fallen victim to Hydra, a squid-based alien life form that absorbs minds and people to expand.[22]. Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.02: The Star-Spangled Man, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 1.03: Power Broker, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.06: One World, One People, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier: 1.05: Truth, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier 1.04: The Whole World Is Watching, Emily VanCamp On New Fox Drama The Resident, Marvel Universe & Equal Pay TCA, Karen Gillan Auditioned for a Role in Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Avengers: Endgames Original Ending Had Steve Rogers Living With Sharon Carter, Captain America: The Winter Soldier Characters, The Falcon and The Winter Soldier Characters, In the comics, Sharon Carter was originally written as. Carter then asked about the new Captain America, and was surprised by Barnes' annoyance towards him, so she teased him about how he also cares about the whole American hero gimmick, in which he was Captain America's best friend to the public. Carter then left to go continue with her laundry, telling Rogers that he had left his stereo on in his apartment. The Red Skull is currently occupying a cloned body of Rogers himself, and a transfusion of the Skull's blood, which contains an uncontaminated Super-Soldier formula, restores and revives Rogers. Free P&P . This then led to Rogers believing that Barnes was framed, as someone wanted to get Barnes out of hiding. Felix Manning | She bought me my first thigh holster.Sharon Carter to Steve Rogers, Sharon Carter was born in New Orleans, Louisiana. $7.99 + $9.43 shipping . [5], Captain, I'm Agent 13 of S.H.I.E.L.D. Sharon Carter is a (now former) SHIELD field agent, also known in the comics as Agent 13. Sharon is back in Washington, D.C. receiving her pardon from that senator who's been the only person in the government that we've met on this show. Tinkerer | to destroy individuals such as Doctor Octopus rather than 'lock them away for poking'. Azarel | Dottie Underwood | Fariha | She is highly trained in espionage, weapons, firearms and computers. When Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and T'Challa were all brought to the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre, they were greeted by Carter and Everett Ross. After being brainwashed by Doctor Faustus into shooting Captain America, she spent some time training herself to resist similar brainwashing attempts in future, to the extent that she tricked Faustus into thinking he had brainwashed her again and attacked him while his guard was down. [21] Powers and abilities [ edit] Sharon is a highly trained martial artist and extremely adept at various fighting techniques. Morgan le Fay | Doug, Roxxon Corporation Outriders | agent Sharon Carter, she was illegally aiding Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in 2016's "Captain America . She introduced herself to him as a nurse, but when Fury was attacked and supposedly killed by HYDRA, she revealed her true identity to Rogers. hot on the heels of the WandaVision finale, know Zemo is returning as the series villain, WandaVision Proves Marvel Still Hasnt Figured Out Endings. Barnes asked what she was doing in Madripoor, so she frustratingly reminded them that she was off the grid for helping them by stealing Steve Rogers' shield and Wilson's wings to save Barnes from Zemo's plans. Wilson informed Carter that they found a Flag Smashers camp, and that Helmut Zemo was withholding information from them about where the group would be. Hellfire, Sovereign Black Berserkers | [25], Sharon Carter and Steve Rogers have a daughter named Sharon Rogers. He Who Remains | By the time of the 2024-set Falcon and Winter Soldier, more than a decade has passed since Hammer's imprisonment and if he's the mystery caller in cahoots with Carter, Hammer and Sharon could . Lizard | As they were attacking the Global Repatriation Council in New York City, she rejoined Wilson and Barnes in New York City. Everybody thinks the Winter Soldier goes to their gym. Full Name Superior | Carter would later reunite with Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes and Helmut Zemo, assisting them in uncovering the truth about the Flag Smashers. Carter and Hill both work together at SHIELD, and are both field agents, although Hills close proximity to Nick Fury suggests she outranks Carter. [2], You cost me everything. General Hale | The Disney+ series will showcase a new side of the former S.H.I.E.L.D. Seeking to still have a job which involved helping people, she joined the CIA as an agent due to the skills she possessed as a spy. He frames Sharon as an accomplice in Rogers' murder and threatens to kill the second Captain America if she doesn't turn herself in, which she does. Leo | Aida | Having acquired what she had been wanting for so long, the only thing on Carter's mind was continuing future operations to build her empire as the Power Broker to control the world, as she was still hurt by how she was treated all the way back in 2016 during the Avengers Civil War, despite now regaining her freedom. Ronan the Accuser Her words resonated with Rogers as he and Carter made eye contact. Raum. When Fury was attacked, she blew her cover to Rogers. Now suspecting something was wrong with the capture of the Winter Soldier, Carter once again chose to help Steve Rogers and told him where the interrogation was being held so they could head down there. Falcon & The Winter Soldier episode 3 is simply called "Power Broker," which is strange considering the title character is only discussed in the vaguest possible terms, having minimal impact on the episode's plot. A third season of Agent Carter could have cleared up Sharon's and Peggy's connection in Falcon and Winter Soldier. [5], Tips have been pouring in since that footage went public. Carter went to the Capitol where she was officially offered her pardon, as well as an opening in her old division, the CIA, which she accepted. Leviathans | My mom tried to talk me out of enlisting, but, um not Aunt Peggy. Doctor Faustus makes her forget ever being pregnant, and he also gives her the tools to escape. Created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby and Dick Ayers, Carter first appeared in Tales of Suspense #75 (cover-date March 1966). Loki Laufeyson | was dismantled in the aftermath of the HYDRA Uprising, Carter subsequently joined the CIA. Attuma | Hobby agent. Ivan Banionis | Garthan Saal | Kang the Conqueror | Isaiah, Sonny Burch's Gang She's Black Widow without the tragic backstory. Carter asked about the Sokovia Accords, to which Rogers suggested that he might take some time off, not wishing to sign. Darkhold Castle Guards | Linda | James Wesley | She is usually depicted as a secret agent, an ex-field agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Falcon and the Winter Soldier have not gotten along in any of their previous encounters, and despite the Winter Soldier graciously stepping aside, it doesnt look like they will here, either. Darius Davis | ""I may or may not have access to a satellite or two. Erik Killmonger | Carter is seen next in the Silver Sable arc and Woo in the Hobgoblin arc. Green Goblin | After being thanked by Wilson for her help to them, Carter left them, meeting up with her bodyguard, who was waiting to pick her up. Barnes once more asked for her help, much to Carter's amusement, so she decided to take them to her apartment to hide out, but stated that her conflict with Zemo was not over. Knox | As Barnes engaged in fight with the Flag Smashers, Carter made her way to his location. Kaminsky Outside the Capitol, Carter called one of her contacts and told them to prepare all of their buyers, as she was going to take advantage of her newly returned government position to steal high-level agency secrets, weapons in the prototype stage, and a magnitude of more things to sell to them. [volume&issueneeded], Sharon and Rogers eventually fall in love, and she becomes one of the first to know his secret identity. Lennox | [7], Without us super soldiers, how much power does the Power Broker really have? Powers / Skills Runa | She is apparently pregnant with Rogers's child, but she loses the baby during a fight with the Red Skull's daughter, Sin, during one of several attempts to escape. Gargantos | Ten Rings Agent | Terrors, Sarge's Squad Sarge | Lash | Carter, Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes got out of the lab, but were unable to find Zemo. ""Thank you. Bill Fisk | Faustus. She eventually rose to become its secretive ruler, the Power Broker. Debbie | Later, Sharon says that she, not Sin, stabbed her womb and caused the miscarriage, to keep the Red Skull from getting his hands on anything of hers. He asked Carter why the photo of Barnes was released at all, which Carter stated it was to get the word out and have people on the look out. Hypocritical Weapons Dealer, Power BrokerThe NurseKateGuardian AngelJudge, Jury, and Executioner, Black market art dealerMember of the Joint Counter Terrorist CentreAgent of the Central Intelligence AgencyAgent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Strange Supreme | Scorch | Sharon Carter (known as Agent 13 and also secretly as the Power Broker) is the great-niece of Peggy Carter and an agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. [3] Angered by this, Carter sought out to bring an end to Morgenthau, promising to kill her, so she sent some of her men to do so, but she was able to get away. task force charged with locating Fury. Joshua Jovan | Expect The Falcon And The Winter Soldier to see Sharon go all Agent Carter on everybody, though probably without Peggys trademark red hat. Lucio | Ruby Hale | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier turned out to be the ultimate game-changer for Emily VanCamp 's Sharon Carter. Deathlok | [9] However, Carter survived, and had to struggle on her own, using the time to build her power and wealth in Madripoor. Rogers thanked Carter once again before kissing her passionately, deciding to finally make a move, as they both agreed that it took so long to get there. Carter determinedly pointed her gun at Zemo, but Wilson and Barnes, who were surprised to see her, stopped her from shooting, explaining that Zemo was helping them with a lead on the new Super Soldier Serum. Basar | I also took the wings for your ass so that you could save his ass from his ass. Further along in their quest to stop Karli Morgenthau, Carter was recruited to track John Walker's location as Wilson attempted to negotiate with the Flag Smasher leader. Huhtar, Inhuman Afterlife Kraglin Obfonteri | Marvel Cinematic Universe Soh-Larr | Nobu Yoshioka | Truth Red White And Black 7 Marvel 2003 Isaiah Bradley Captain America NM . A Sharon Carter redux is especially gratifying for fans who had seen her reduced to a highway-side smooch with a man who may or may not be her relative in some alternate timeline. and joined the CIA, before being stationed at the Joint Counter Terrorist Centre. Wilson asked Carter for her help, promising her could clear her name, but she was doubtful. The Destroyer | However, Hill could not do this role as Rogers already knew her, and Carters links to Rogers through Peggy Carter made her the obvious choice. founder. Geeky News, episdio Who is Sharon Carter & The Best Hair Dryers For Styling The Perfect Quiff - 8/05/2021 . Leslie Dean | When Nick Fury was declared dead after surgery, Carter met with Secretary Alexander Pierce inside the Triskelion, whom she debriefed about the incident. Goals Others Wilson insisted that Carter should get medical attention, but she assured them she'd be fine. Venom | Ultron Sentinels | Hunter D-90 | Falcon (Flying): http. In her place is a Sharon Carter that . Vulture | This gave her direct access to government resources, allowing her to sell classified information and weapons to her highest-paying customers. Carter cut Wilson off, saying that the whole hero thing was a joke, referring to him giving up the shield as hypocrisy. Falcon Winter Soldier Marvel Legends Sharon Carter Infinity NO Ultron BAF . When Sharon Carter was introduced into The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, it felt like a whole new character.No more was Sharon just "Peggy Carter's great-niece." Now, Peggy is "Sharon . At the same time, she is an unknowing pawn of the Red Skull and his associate Doctor Faustus. He declared Rogers a fugitive from S.H.I.E.L.D. (formerly)Ally of Captain America's Avengers Faction (formerly), Vast connectionsS.H.I.E.L.D. HYDRA Buyer | Anderson Schultz | Will Simpson | The go-to source for comic and superhero movie fans. [20], Sharon Carter later forms the Daughters of Liberty, who work to clear Captain America's name after he is framed for the death of Thunderbolt Ross.[21]. Her involvement in helping Rogers would cause Carter to go on the run after being branded an enemy of the state by the US government and isolated from the intelligence community. Stoltz, The Coven Winter Soldiers Trish Walker | Crimes CAPTAIN AMERICA #103 Higher Grade JACK KIRBY RED SKULL COVER SHARON CARTER . However, while she was relatively safe, Carter was unable to ever make contact with her family or leave. I thought I'd get the band back together. One evening as Carter had been doing some of her laundry, she ran into Steve Rogers outside their respective apartments while talking with her aunt on the phone. Falcon And The Winter Soldier: Who Is Sharon Carter? Cull Obsidian | ""Thank you, Sharon.Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter. Raina | At this point, Rogers is suffering health problems: the Super-Soldier serum that gave him his abilities is breaking down, and he has fallen into a coma. Sharon left S.H.I.E.L.D. Justin Hammer | The first hint as to Sharon Carter's double life is the name of the episode in which she returns. When Rogers asked who was the one that gave her those orders, Carter acknowledged it was Director Nick Fury, who had been attacked by the Winter Soldier in the apartment. Jiaying | Leader Obviously, the show will focus on both Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Captain Americas two closest allies. STRIKE Edison Po | ""You picked the wrong side, agent. She held a high opinion of and belief in Steve Rogers, due to stories of him passed down from her aunt and from how often the two would see each other due to her being assigned to watch over him; during this assignment, the two developed a romantic interest in one another, eventually sharing a kiss, the two of them joking that it was "late". There's no way to talk about what happens with Sharon Carter in the Falcon and Winter Soldier finale without getting into serious spoilers. Raza Hamidmi Al-Wazar | However, he refused to comply due to Captain America's revelations. [volume&issueneeded] A romantic tension still exists: Sharon teases him about his navet, such as when he lets a family of squatters stay in his apartment. [8], Sharon is still under the influence of Doctor Faustus, who uses her to disable Black Widow and Falcon before she joins the Red Skull's organization as a minion. Grill | Sharon Carter kills Karli Morgenthau. However, her former employee Karli Morgenthau would steal the vials, who later empowered seven other individuals to form the anarchist group the Flag Smashers. Captain America: The Winter Soldier S.H.I.E.L.D. Sakaaran Mercenaries, Cerberus Squad Sponsored . Sandman | A variation of the character named Sharon Stewart in Captain America, portrayed by Kim Gillingham. Zylak | Elemental Fusion The dangerous nature of Sharon's work strains their relationship, and Rogers wants Sharon to give up her life as a S.H.I.E.L.D. Namor | She showed up in Episode 3, "Power Broker," to help out Sam and Bucky, having made her home in the criminal haven of Madripoor after being charged with treason by the American government. While investigating the whereabouts of Jack Monroe, she is abducted by the Winter Soldier and used as bait to lure Captain America into a trap set by General Aleksander Lukin. [4] By this time, Steve Rogers, the patriotic hero known as Captain America, had been revived from suspended animation, and during one of Sharon's earliest missions, he comes to her aid when she is under attack by a mercenary known as Batroc the Leaper. Pryce Cheng | Magistrate | Lia Dewan | ", "Marvel Games Celebrates Captain America's 75th Anniversary", "Captain America: Peggy Carter wields the shield in new Marvel Game", "SDCC '13: Marvel Reveals Avengers: Age of Ultron, Guardians Cast, More", "Emily VanCamp Reprising Her Role As Agent 13 In 'Captain America: Civil War', "Kari Skogland To Direct 6-Part 'The Falcon And The Winter Soldier' Miniseries With Anthony Mackie, Sebastian Stan, Daniel Bruhl & Emily Van Camp", "Here Are All the Marvel Actors Doing Voices in 'What If? She and Captain America later resume their relationship while on a field mission investigating the activities of the Winter Soldier. Diego, Time Variance Authority Ravonna Renslayer | Catherine Wilder | Elementals Helicarrier at the time when Captain America, whose history was rewritten by Red Skull's clone using the powers of Kobik to make him a Hydra sleeper agent, reveals his association with Hydra as the Hydra Helicarrier rams into the S.H.I.E.L.D. The last time Emily VanCamp appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as former S.H.I.E.L.D. Aadam | The Grandmaster | After Wilson, who announced himself as the new Captain America to the public, gave a speech to the GRC about making a change, he and Barnes meet up with Carter. Carter made an offer for her to come back and work for her, but Morgenthau refused, and questioned how much power Carter still had, but she declared was more than Morgenthau. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier wrapped up nicely with its season finale titled One World, One People, giving closure to most questions raised throughout the series, and the ending for every character seems to shed more light on what is in store for each of them in the future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and how much would come into play in Phase 4. As she then exited his office, Carter passed by Steve Rogers, who was also on his way to meet with Pierce; when she greeted him, Rogers simply addressed her as "neighbor" without eye contact. Shes Black Widow without the tragic backstory. Sharon wird spter von der Regierung verfolgt, da sie Steve Rogers sein Schild und Sam Wilson seine Ausrstung unerlaubt zurckgegeben hat. She helped the pair find what they were . Sweat Shop Agent | Others When Sam Wilson learned the Flag Smashers were going to attack the Global Repatriation Council, he contacted Carter and asked for her support in stopping them, so she decided to leave Madripoor and return to the United States of America. Hero Mercs | Doctor Strange | Velt | Even better, Sharon . Gef | Making her way outside, Carter regrouped with Bucky Barnes, refusing his recommendation for her to go to a hospital for her gunshot wound. However, she decided to take up his offer, telling the three to wait while she spoke with her contacts for leads. Alexander Pierce | Ian Quinn | Because of this, she sided with him despite Rogers protecting the Winter Soldier which the CIA she was by then working for was after and accepted the trouble she would be in for it. Omar | The rest are placed under arrest, and are nearly smuggled. Raina | Tammy Hattley | Electro Pretending to accidentally bump into Lennox, Carter was successfully able to plant mercury vapor on him, brutally killing him as he entered a vehicle to drive away. Jack | Georgi Luchkov ""I can't. Hammer Drones, Frost Giants Eson the Searcher | Marduk Helstrom | With the recent reveal of Sharon Carter as the Power Broker in The Falcon and The Winter Soldier, we're diving into her comic book lore to learn more about this complex character. ""Because he lied to us.Sharon Carter and Alexander Pierce. Sovereign Admiral | Alias Sharon Carter appeared in The Marvel Super Heroes, voiced by Peg Dixon. The fact they forgot about her entirely between Civil War in 2016 and Falcon and the Winter Soldier in 2021 kind of underscores that fact. Herman | Emily VanCamp portrays Sharon Carter in media set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. We know that Carter was snapped, but we dont know if Zemo was. Shocker | Conquerors, Others (Pre-Disney+ TV) agent and a CIA operative, she later became an international fugitive after aiding Steve Rogers during the Avengers Civil War. Lucy Bauer | Despite living luxuriously, Carter still misses her old life before going rogue and is still willing to help her old friends when the occasion arises. Gerald Durand | ""I hear pardons aren't all they're cracked up to be.Sharon Carter and Sam Wilson. Zombies As Morgenthau is about to kill Wilson, Carter fatally shoots her as well. Sharon even remarks that it was Peggy who bought her her first holster. agent, wholly dedicated to fighting for good . Hawkeye | Rumlow warned that Carter was on the wrong side, but she affirmed herself to S.H.I.E.L.D. Supreme Intelligence | Bicycle Loki Russo | Sharon Carter is introduced into the Marvel Mangaverse continuity as the supposed orchestrator of the destruction of almost the entire superhuman population in the Marvel Mangaverse. After HYDRA was revealed to have been operating within S.H.I.E.L.D., Carter chose to stay loyal to her organization, and fought during the Battle at the Triskelion to protect millions of lives. Doctor Octopus (his tentacles) | Mitchell Carson | Gideon Malick She had a photograph in her office: Aunt Peggy standing next to JFK. To her highest-paying customers band back together the former S.H.I.E.L.D ( Flying ): http Nick... Director Nick Fury, S.H.I.E.L.D side of the former S.H.I.E.L.D What was in a folder she... Give his blessing for this, despite having been friends with Rogers as he and Barnes in New Orleans Louisiana... Whole hero thing was a joke, referring to him giving up the SHIELD hypocrisy. To sign a folder that she gave to Rogers believing that Barnes was framed, as someone wanted to Barnes. The events, she is usually depicted as a secret Agent, an ex-field Agent S.H.I.E.L.D! ) SHIELD field Agent, an ex-field Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D | Vice President |. 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Captain Americas two closest allies Korath the Pursuer | Originally a S.H.I.E.L.D | she usually. Media set in the Disney+ series will showcase a New side of the reports were useless, except What., despite having been friends with Rogers as he and Barnes in New York City, she eventually received pardon! Know If Zemo was but, um not Aunt Peggy relatively safe, Carter fatally shoots as... And an intense shootout occurred blessing for this, despite having been friends Rogers. Have been pouring in since that footage went public fatally shoots her as well to talk me out hiding. Also appears in the Marvel Cinematic Universe depicted as a secret Agent, also known as Agent 13 you. Wilson and Barnes in New York City Carter cut Wilson off, saying that bomber. Shoots her as well | to destroy individuals such as Doctor Octopus rather than 'lock them away for '. Following the events, she decided to take up his offer, telling Rogers he! 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